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sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011

Tom Felton

Tom Felton
Nome - Thomas Andrew Felton
Instagram - @t22felton
Nascimento - 22/09/1987
Cidade Natal - Epsom, Surrey, England, UK
Profissão - Ator, Dublador, Diretor


♂ Some Other Woman (2023)
♂ Burial - Lukasz (2022)
♂ Russ Feat. Ed Sheeran: Are You Entertained (2022)
♂ Canyon Del Muerto - Earl Halstead Morris (2022)
♂ Save the Cinema - Richard (2022)
♂ A Tale of Two Mindsets - Pessimist (2021)
♂ A Batalha Esquecida - Tony Turner (2020)
♂ Manual de Caça a Monstros - Grand Guignol (2020)
♂ Braking for Whales - Brandon Walker (2019)
♂ Origin - Logan (2018)
♂ James Arthur: Empty Space - Jake (2018)
♂ Ophelia - Laertes (2018)
♂ Feed - Matt (2017)
♂ Flash - Julian Albert (2016-2017)
♂ Megan Leavey - Andrew Dean (2017)
♂ Stratton - Cummings (2017)
♂ Um Reino Unido - Rufus Lancaster (2016)
♂ King: Uma História de Vingança - Frankie (2016)
♂ Um Lobo em Pele de Cordeiro - Grey (voice) (2016)
♂ Ressurreição - Lucius (2016)
♂ Contra o Sol - Tony Pastula (2014)
♂ How I Didn't Become a Piano Player - Ted (voice) (2014)
♂ Murder in the First - Erich Blunt (2014)
♂ Full Circle - Tim Abbott (2013)
♂ Belle - James Ashford (2013)
♂ Therese - Camille Raquin (2013)
♂ From the Rough - Edward (2013)
♂ Labyrinth (TV series) - Viscount Trencavel (2012)
♂ A Aparição - Patrick (2012)
♂ From the Rough - Edward (2012)
Planeta dos Macacos: A Origem - Dodge Landon (2011)
Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte: Parte 2 - Draco Malfoy (2011)
Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte: Parte 1 - Draco Malfoy (2010)
♂ 13Hrs - Gary
♂ Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey (short) - Draco Malfoy (2010)
♂ White Other (short) - Ray Marsden (2010)
Harry Potter e o Enigma do Príncipe - Draco Malfoy (2009)
♂ The Disappeared - Simon (2008)
Harry Potter e a Ordem da Fênix - Draco Malfoy (2007)
♂ Home Farm Twins (TV series) - Adam Baker (2005)
Harry Potter E o Cálice de Fogo - Draco Malfoy (2005)
Harry Potter E o Prisioneiro de Azkaban - Draco Malfoy (2004)
Harry Potter E a Câmara Secreta - Draco Malfoy (2002)
Harry Potter E a Pedra Filosofal - Draco Malfoy (2001)
♂ Brincando de Esconde-Esconde - Thomas Ingham
♂ Anna e o Rei - Louis Leonowens
♂ Second Sight - Thomas
♂ Bugs - James (1998)
♂ Os Pequeninos - Peagreen Clock (1997)

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