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sábado, 3 de setembro de 2016

Megan Charpentier

Megan Charpentier
Nome - Megan Charpentier
Instagram - @meganlcharp
Nascimento - 26/05/2001
Cidade Natal - California, USA
Profissão - Atriz,


♀ Sight Unseen - Amelia Meadwell (2024)
♀ The Island Between Tides - Mary Rose (2024)
♀ Creepshow - Dawn (2023)
♀ Jogo Perigoso: Vítimas da Herança - Livie Betts (2022)
♀ Close Up - Abby (2020)
♀ Such a Small Thing - Young Dove (2019)
♀ See - Fethin (2019)
♀ It: Capítulo 2 - Young Gretta (2019)
♀ Phil - Molly (2019)
♀ Violentia - Brittany Anderson (2018)
♀ Locke e Key: Filme - Kinsey Locke (2017)
It: A Coisa - Gretta (2017)
♀ The Cannon - Izzy (2017)
A Cabana - Kate Phillips (2017)
♀ Operation Christmas - Danielle Roberts (2016)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossible Dream (2015)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Truth Be Told - Phoebe (2015)
♀ Pinocchio Project - Brittany Anderson (2014)
♀ Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever - Chrystal (2014)
♀ Rattlesnake - The Little Girl (2014)
♀ O Inventor de Jogos - Anunciacion (2014)
♀ Motive - Jackie Robinson (2014)
♀ Profile for Murder - Amber (2013)
♀ The Old Woman in the Woods - Older Sister (2013)
♀ Mama - Victoria (2013)
♀ Never Ever - Melanie (2012)
Resident Evil 5: Retribuição - The Red Queen (2012)
♀ Sobrenatural - Tess McAnn (2012)
A Garota da Capa Vermelha - Young Valerie (2011)
♀ He Loves Me - Emily (2011)
♀ Psych - Little Sister (2010)
♀ A Hora do Arrepio - Julia (2010)
♀ Hiccups - Little Bus Girl (2010)
♀ Frankie and Alice - Paige (2010)
♀ Kid's Court - Lawyer Annie (2010)
♀ Life Unexpected - Little Lux (2010)
♀ A Trace of Danger - Emily Arnold (2010)
♀ Fringe - Little Girl (2009)
♀ Garota Infernal - Little Needy (2009)
♀ The Guard - Ellie Vanderlee (2009)
♀ Storm Seekers - Little Leah (2009)
♀ The Mrs. Clause - Anna (2008)
♀ Raja - Little Anita (2007)
♀ Painkiller Jane - Little Girl (2007)

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