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domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Melora Hardin

Melora Hardin
Nome - Melora Diane Hardin
Instagram - @meloradhardin
Nascimento - 29/06/1967
Cidade Natal - Houston, Texas, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Produtora, Dubladora


♀ The Office: Superfan Episodes - Jan Levinson / Jan Levinson-Gould (2021–2024)
♀ O Último Caso do Sr. Monk - Trudy Monk (2023)
♀ Golden Vanity - Mabel Montgomery-Mayflower (2023)
♀ Tic-Tac: A Maternidade do Mal - Dr. Elizabeth Simmons (2023)
♀ Um Milhão de Coisas - Patricia Bloom (2019–2022)
♀ Love, Classified - Emilia Bloom (2022)
♀ The Bold Type - Jacqueline Carlyle (2017-2021)
♀ Little Red Riding Hood (2021)
♀ Caged - Officer Sacks (2021)
♀ Threat Level Midnight: The Movie - Jasmine Windsong (2019)
♀ Transparent - Tammy Cashman (2014-2019)
♀ Cruel Hearts - Grace (2018)
♀ Golden Vanity - Mabel Montgomery-Mayflower (2017)
♀ Transparent: The Lost Sessions - Tammy (2017)
♀ Anything - Rita (2017)
♀ When We Rise - Carole Midgen (2017)
♀ Lista Negra - Isabella Stone (2017)
♀ The Death of Eva Sofia Valdez - Courtney Monroe (2016)
♀ Falling Skies - Katie Marshall (2015)
♀ Sem Retorno - Judy (2015)
♀ Do It Yourself - Kaye (2014)
♀ Isabelle Dances Into the Spotlight - Nancy Palmer (2014)
♀ Killer Women - Nan Reed (2014)
♀ Escândalos: Os Bastidores do Poder - Shelley Meyers (2013)
♀ Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded (Video Game) - Tracey von Felcher (uncredited) (2013)
♀ Vida de Escritório - Jan Levinson / Jan Levinson-Gould (2005-2013)
♀ Wedding Band - Roxie Rutherford (2012-2013)
♀ Taking the Edge Off (2012)
♀ Beauty and the Least: The Misadventures of Ben Banks - Mary Andrews (2012)
♀ Zombie Hamlet - Pam (2012)
♀ CSI: Miami - Wendy Colton (2011)
♀ Pacto do Passado - Jane (2011)
♀ Lights Out - Theresa Leary (2011)
♀ Outlaw - Claire Sax (2010)
♀ Knucklehead - Mary (2010)
♀ The Tub - The Woman (2009)
♀ Monk: Um Detetive Diferente - Trudy Monk / Cameron (2004-2009)
♀ You - Miranda (2009)
Hannah Montana: O Filme - Lorelai (2009)
17 Outra Vez - Principal Jane Masterson (2009)
♀ Mom, Dad and Her - Emma (2008)
♀ Vestida Para Casar - Maureen (2008)
♀ Um Time de Malucos - Barb Fields (2007)
♀ The Violin - Gertrude Bloch (2007)
♀ Boxboarders! - Ruth Keene (2007)
♀ The Dukes - Diane (2007)
♀ Drive-Thru: Fast Food da Morte - Marcia Carpenter (2007)
♀ Gilmore Girls: Tal Mãe, Tal Filha - Carolyn Bates (2006)
♀ Desaparecidos - Pamela Seaver (2006)
♀ The Office: The Accountants - Jan Levinson-Gould (2006)
♀ Obrigado por Fumar - Interviewer (2005)
♀ CSI: Investigação Criminal - Sports Book Manager (2005)
♀ Dinastia: Atrás das Cenas - Linda Evans (2005)
♀ Justiça Sem Limites - Sharon Brant (2004)
♀ O Padrinho - Jane (2004)
♀ The Hollywood Mom's Mystery - Summer Rossner (2004)
♀ NCIS: Investigações Criminais - Former Petty Officer Erin Toner (2003)
♀ The Division - Cheryl Lynn Brinkmeyer (2003)
♀ Garota Veneno - Carol (2002)
♀ A Juíza - Rosalie Leavitt (2002)
♀ Uma Família da Pesada - Patsy Ramsey (voice) (2002)
♀ Once and Again - Samantha Aldrich (2001)
♀ Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family - Barbara Arno (2000-2001)
♀ Certain Guys - Mary Beth (2000)
♀ Seven Girlfriends - Laura (1999)
♀ Diagnosis Murder - POX Publicist Melanie Cooper / Savannah Bellows (1995-1999)
♀ Payne - Danielle Harris (1999)
♀ The Pretender - Wendy Dawson (1998)
♀ Timecop - Edith Thomas (1998)
♀ Erasable You - Calamity (1998)
♀ The Tom Show - Lorraine (1997-1998)
♀ Girlfriends - Suggie Palmer (1997)
♀ The Wonderful World of Disney - Claire Poulet (1997)
♀ Orleans - Gina Vitelli (1997)
♀ Things That Go Bump - Chloe Garrett (1997)
♀ Poder Absoluto - Christy Sullivan (1997)
♀ The Undercover Kid - Clyde (1996)
♀ Tudo Por Um Gato - Beth (1996)
♀ Renegado - Kelly Anderson / Laura McMillan (1994-1996)
♀ O Toque de um Anjo - Elizabeth Chamberlain (1995)
♀ Friends - Celia (1995)
♀ As Faces de um Espião - Jill Hallman (1995)
♀ O Obsceno - Sasha Leon Hoffner (1994)
♀ Lois e Clark: As Novas Aventuras do Superman - Molly Flynn (1994)
♀ Matlock - Lisa Swift (1994)
♀ Golden Gate - Susan Carlino (1994)
♀ Assassinato por Escrito - Cindy Warrick (1994)
♀ Moon Over Miami - Emily Booker (1993)
♀ As Aventuras de Ned Kelly - Robin Banks (1993)
♀ Contra Tempos - Abagail Fuller (1992)
♀ Mann and Machine - Louise Trotsky (1992)
♀ Miles from Nowhere - Teresa (1992)
♀ Rocketeer - South Seas Singer (1991)
♀ Equal Justice - Doris Walsh (1991)
♀ Shangri-La Plaza - Amy (1990)
♀ Lambada: O Filme - Sandy Thomas (1990)
♀ Combate no Vietnã - Christine Pierson (1989)
♀ Big Man on Campus - Cathy (1989)
♀ Dirty Dancing - Frances 'Baby' Kellerman (1988-1989)
♀ Laços de Esperança - Monica (1988)
♀ Ohara (1987)
♀ Uma Escola Muito Louca - Whitney Dunbar (1986)
♀ Hotel - Beth Allen (1986)
♀ Águia de Aço - Katie (1986)
♀ Papa Was a Preacher - Janette (1985)
♀ The Best Times - Joy Villafranco (1985)
♀ Mama Malone - Kathleen (1984)
♀ Little House: Look Back to Yesterday - Michele Pierson (1983)
♀ Magnum - Nancy Perkins Gillis (1983)
♀ Um Caso Bem Familiar - Tess Benjamin (1983)
♀ Quincy M.E. - Abigail 'Abby' Garvin / Amanda (1979-1982)
♀ Catalina C-Lab - Christy Jennings (1982)
♀ Os Pioneiros - Belinda Stevens (1981)
♀ Secrets of Midland Heights - Micki Carroll (1980-1981)
♀ Haywire - Brooke Hayward, age 11 (uncredited) (1980)
♀ ABC Afterschool Specials - Amy Warner (1980)
♀ Arnold - Emily Morehouse (1980)
♀ The North Avenue Irregulars - Carmel (1979)
♀ O Barco do Amor - Courtney Chenault (1978)
♀ The Cliffwood Avenue Kids - Melora (1977)
♀ Thunder - Cindy Prescott (1977)
♀ Os Novos Centuriões - Sheila (1976)

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