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sábado, 2 de abril de 2016

Guy Pearce

Guy Pearce
Nome - Guy Edward Pearce
Instagram -
Nascimento - 05/10/1967
Cidade Natal - Ely, Cambridgeshire, England, UK
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador


♂ O Brutalista - Harrison Lee Van Buren (2024)
♂ Inside - Warren Murfett (2024)
♂ Neighbours - Mike Young / Mike (1986–2024)
♂ The Shrouds - Maury (2024)
♂ Sunrise - Reynolds (2024)
♂ Scott Matthews: Wait in the Car - Robert (2023)
♂ The Convert - Thomas Munro (2023)
♂ O Culto Secreto - Dr. Bryce Latham (2023)
♂ Um espião entre amigos - Kim Philby (2022)
♂ The Infernal Machine - Bruce Cogburn (2022)
♂ Assassino Sem Rastro - Vincent Serra (2022)
♂ Alantown - Alan Pepper (2021)
Próxima Parada: Lar Doce Lar - Frank (voice)(2021)
♂ Radiohead: Follow Me Around (2021)
♂ Poor Boy - Danny (2021)
♂ Zone 414 - David Carmichael (2021)
♂ Jack Irish - Jack Irish (2016-2021)
♂ Mare of Easttown - Richard Ryan (2021)
♂ Sem Remorso - Secretary Clay (2021)
♂ O Sétimo Dia - Father Peter (2021)
♂ Bloodshot - Dr. Emil Harting (2020)
♂ Disturbing the Peace - Jim (2020)
♂ A Christmas Carol - Ebenezer Scrooge (2019)
♂ O Último Vermeer - Han Van Meegeren (2019)
♂ Domino - Joe Martin (2019)
♂ Duas Rainhas - William Cecil (2018)
♂ The Innocents - Halvorson (2018)
♂ Spinning Man - Evan Birch (2018)
♂ The Catcher Was a Spy - Robert Furman (2018)
♂ Swinging Safari - Keith Hall (2018)
♂ Donny the Drone - Donny (voice)(2017)
♂ Alien: Covenant - Peter Weyland (uncredited)(2017)
♂ When We Rise - Cleve Jones (2017)
♂ Amaldiçoada - The Reverend (2016)
♂ Genius - F. Scott Fitzgerald (2016)
♂ The Wizards of Aus - Morgan Wright (2016)
♂ Lorne - Lorne (2015)
♂ Equals - Jonas (2015)
♂ Holding the Man - Dick Conigrave (2015)
♂ Resultados - Trevor (2015)
♂ The Rover: A Caçada - Eric (2014)
♂ Jack Irish: Dead Point - Jack Irish (2014)
♂ Amores Inversos - Ken (2013)
♂ Homem de Ferro 3 - Aldrich Killian (2013)
♂ Paixão Inocente - Keith Reynolds (2013)
♂ Jack Irish: Bad Debts - Jack Irish (2012)
♂ Jack Irish: Black Tide - Jack Irish (2012)
♂ Prometheus - Peter Weyland (2012)
♂ Os Infratores - Charlie Rakes (2012)
♂ Sequestro no Espaço - Snow (2012)
♂ O Pacto - Simon (2011)
♂ 33 Postcards - Dean Randall (2011)
♂ Mildred Pierce - Monty Beragon (2011)
♂ Não Tenha Medo do Escuro - Alex (2010)
♂ O Discurso do Rei - King Edward VIII (2010)
♂ Reino Animal - Detective Senior Sgt Nathan Leckie (2010)
♂ A Estrada - Veteran (2009)
♂ A Vítima Perfeita - Mr. Barber (2009)
♂ Um Faz de Conta Que Acontece - Kendall (2008)
♂ Guerra ao Terror - Sergeant Matt Thompson (2008)
♂ O Traidor - Roy Clayton (2008)
♂ O Efeito da Fúria - Dr. Bruce Laraby (2008)
♂ Atos que Desafiam a Morte - Harry Houdini (2007)
♂ Uma Garota Irresistível - Andy Warhol (2006)
♂ Marcas do Passado - Jimmy Starks (2006)
♂ A Proposta - Charlie Burns (2005)
♂ Era Uma Vez Dois Irmãos - Aidan McRory (2004)
♂ Mistérios do Passado - Dr. Sam Franks (2002)
♂ O Grande Roubo - Dale Twentyman (2002)
♂ A Máquina do Tempo - Alexander Hartdegen (2002)
♂ O Conde de Monte Cristo - Fernand Mondego (2002)
♂ Amnésia - Leonard (2000)
♂ Regras do Jogo - Maj. Mark Biggs (2000)
♂ Mortos de Fome - Capt. John Boyd (1999)
♂ A Slipping-Down Life - Drumstrings Casey (1999)
♂ Woundings - Jimmy Compton (1998)
♂ The Devil Game - Michael (1997)
♂ Halifax f.p. - Daniel Viney / Richard Viney (1997)
♂ Los Angeles: Cidade Proibida - Ed Exley (1997)
♂ Flertando com o Inimigo - Brett (1996)
♂ Snowy River: The McGregor Saga - Rob McGregor (1994-1996)
♂ Priscilla, a Rainha do Deserto - Adam Whitely / Felicia Jollygoodfellow (1994)
♂ Flynn - Errol Flynn (1993)
♂ Bony - Craig (1992)
♂ Home and Away - David Croft (1991-1992)
♂ The Late Show - Constantly upstaged actor (1992)
♂ Hunting - Sharp (1991)
♂ Friday on My Mind (1990)
♂ Heaven Tonight - Paul Dysart (1990)

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