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domingo, 5 de maio de 2024

Joel Tobeck

Joel Tobeck
Nome - Joel Bryan Tobeck
Instagram - @joeltobeck
Nascimento - 02/06/1971
Cidade Natal - Auckland, Nova Zelândia
Profissão - Ator, Instrumentista, Dublador


Avatar: O Caminho da Água - Neuroscientist (2022)
♂ One Lane Bridge - Stephen Tremaine (2020–2022)
♂ The Brokenwood Mysteries - Bobby Oades (2022)
♂ Alibi - Father Sebastian Cromwell (2021)
♂ Black Hands - Robin Bain (2020)
As Novas Aventuras do Macaco - Cranius (2020)
♂ The Luminaries - Benjamin Lowenthal / Ben Lowenthal (2020)
♂ Power Rangers: Morfagem Feroz - Digitron (narração)(2020)
♂ Jonah - Laurie Mains (2019)
♂ Educators - Jehovah Witness #1 (2019)
♂ Secret City - Jim Hellier (2019)
♂ Máquinas Mortais - Burgermeister (2018)
♂ The Doctor Blake Mysteries - Chief Supt Matthew Lawson / Chief Inspector Matthew Lawson (2013–2018)
♂ Attention Seekers - Mr. Tyson (2018)
♂ Mistress Mercy - Stuart Grieve (2018)
♂ Harrow - Tom Pinfold (2018)
♂ McLaren: O Homem por Trás do Volante - Bruce McLaren (narração)(2017)
♂ Ash vs Evil Dead - Baal / Doctor Peacock (2016)
♂ Hillary - Bunny Fuchs (2016)
♂ Westside - Des McEwen (2015–2016)
♂ Shortland Street - Jimmy Issac / Craig Develter (1996–2016)
♂ Venus and Mars - Ross Grantham (2015)
♂ Hope and Wire - Greggo (2014)
♂ Agent Anna - Grant (2014)
♂ Power Rangers Megaforce - Gorgax / Yuffo (narração)(2013–2014)
♂ Power Rangers Megaforce: Ultimate Team Power - Yuffo (narração)(2013)
♂ Spartacus - Pompey (2013)
♂ Golden (2012)
♂ Siege - Superintendent Sam Hoyle (2012)
♂ Os Mistérios de Miss Fisher - Snr Sgt Grossmith (2012)
♂ Tangle - Tim Williams (2009–2012)
♂ Power Rangers Samurai - Duplicator (narração)(2012)
♂ Golden - Paul Swanson (2012)
♂ Underbelly: Land of the Long Green Cloud - Gary Majors (2011)
♂ Destino Final: Palm Glade - Clay Malone (2011)
♂ Beleza Adormecida - Businessman 1 (2011)
♂ Feud - Lindsay Ferguson (2010)
♂ Havaí Cinco-0 - Kurt Miller (2010)
♂ Filhos da Anarquia - Donny (2010)
♂ City Homicide - Richard McCallister (2010)
♂ This Is Not My Life - Richard Foster (2010)
♂ The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell - Ron (2010)
♂ :30 Seconds - Martin Manning (2009)
♂ Accidents Happen - Ray Conway (2009)
♂ Meu Monstro de Estimação - Sgt. Walker (2007)
♂ 30 Dias de Noite - Doug Hertz (2007)
♂ Desaparecidos - Jeff Henry (2007)
♂ Motoqueiro Fantasma - Redneck (2007)
♂ Loucos por Nada - Damon (2007)
♂ A.K.A. (2006)
♂ Treasure Island Kids: The Mystery of Treasure Island - Obi (narração)(2006)
♂ The Silence - Ross Moss (2006)
♂ Interrogation (2005)
♂ Sob o Efeito da Água - Moss (2005)
♂ Ameaça Invisível - Black Ops Leader (2005)
♂ Mee-Shee: O Gigante das Aguas - Snead (2005)
♂ The Brush-Off - Spider (2004)
♂ Power Rangers: Dino Trovão - Jupitor (narração)(2004)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: O Retorno do Rei - Orc Lieutenant 1 (2003)
♂ Desconhecidos - Bill (2003)
♂ Power Rangers: Tempestade Ninja - Slob Goblin / Footzilla (narração)(2003)
♂ Mercy Peak - Cornell Van der Velter (2002)
♂ Cleopatra 2525 - Creegan (2000–2001)
♂ Xena: A Princesa Guerreira - Lucifer / Demios (2000–2001)
♂ Jackson's Wharf - Greg Smith (1999)
♂ Channelling Baby - Tony (1999)
♂ Hércules - Deimos / David Scott Pollison, office production assistant / Strife (1996–1999)
♂ Thinking About Sleep - Robert (1999)
♂ Lawless - Terry Bowers (1999)
♂ O Jovem Hércules - Strife / Nysus Gaius (1998–1999)
♂ Memory and Desire - Nod (1998)
♂ The Chosen - Trevor O'Connor (1998)
♂ Sarah's Washing (1997)
♂ The Bar (1997)
♂ Topless Women Talk About Their Lives - Neil (1997)
♂ Peach - Mog (1996)
♂ A Ilha Misteriosa - Jake (1995)
♂ Riding High - Hawk (1995–1996)
♂ Sure to Rise - Parachutist (1994)
♂ Another Country - Miles (1992)
♂ Vovô é um Vampiro - McDonalds Cashier (1992)
♂ Um Noivo por Acaso - Lance (1990)
♂ Just Me and Mario - Peter (1989)
♂ Strangers - Ludo (1988)
♂ The Grasscutter - Thin Victim (1988)
♂ Queen City Rocker (não creditado)(1986)

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