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quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

James Franco

James Franco
Nome - James Edward Franco
Instagram -
Nascimento - 19/04/1978
Cidade Natal - Palo Alto, California, USA
Profissão - Ator, Dublador


♂ Arctic Justice: Brigada Trovão - Lemmy (voice)(2019)
♂ The Deuce - Vincent Martino / Frankie Martino (2017-2019)
♂ Zeroville: A Vida em Hollywood - Vikar (2019)
♂ A Rose for Emily - Homer Baron (2018)
♂ Pretenders - Maxwell (2018)
♂ A Balada de Buster Scruggs - Cowboy (2018)
♂ Kin - Taylor Balik (2018)
♂ Future World - Warlord (2018)
♂ Mississippi Requiem (2018)
♂ Ozara and Katessa - Ozara / Robbie / Damsel in Distress (voice)(2017)
♂ Saturday Night Live: Cut for Time - Young Santa / Chris Bearstick / The Prince (2014-2017)
♂ The Mad Whale - Edward Fry (2017)
♂ O Artista do Desastre - Tommy / 'Johnny' (2017)
♂ The Vault - Ed Maas (2017)
♂ Dumpster Diving - El Diablo (2017)
♂ Blood Heist - Farmer Simon (2017)
♂ Don't Come Back from the Moon - Roman Smalley (2017)
♂ Alien: Covenant - Branson (uncredited)(2017)
♂ Esta é a Sua Morte - Male Host (2017)
♂ Actors Anonymous - Jake Lamont (2017)
♂ O Instituto - Dr. Cairn (2017)
♂ Alien: Covenant - Prologue: Last Supper - Branson (2017)
♂ High School Lover - Rick Winters (2017)
♂ The Labyrinth - Narrator (voice)(2017)
♂ Blood Surf - Metalhead Troy (2016)
♂ Tinha Que Ser Ele? - Laird Mayhew (2016)
♂ Riff Raff: Only In America (2016)
♂ Batalha Incerta - Mac (2016)
♂ Angie Tribeca - Sgt. Eddie Pepper (2016)
♂ Minha Namorada é uma Vampira - Director (2016)
♂ The Caged Pillows - David Del Rosario (2016)
♂ Burn Country - Lindsay (2016)
♂ King Cobra - Joe (2016)
♂ 11.22.63 - Jake Epping (2016)
♂ Festa da Salsicha - Druggie (voice)(2016)
♂ O Trote - Mitch (2016)
♂ Richard Peter Johnson - James Franco (2015)
♂ Sexo, Drogas e Jingle Bells - James Franco (2015)
♂ Memoria - Mr. Wyckoff (2015)
♂ Making a Scene with James Franco - James / Rachel / Joey (2014-2015)
O Pequeno Príncipe - The Fox (voice) (2015)
♂ Deadbeat - Johnny (2015)
♂ The Adderall Diaries - Stephen Elliott (2015)
♂ Cavalos Selvagens - Ben Briggs (2015)
♂ A Walk in Winter - Conrad (2015)
♂ Tudo Vai Ficar Bem - Tomas Eldan (2015)
♂ Queen of the Desert - Henry Cadogan (2015)
♂ I Am Michael - Michael Glatze (2015)
♂ Yosemite - Phil (2015)
♂ A História Verdadeira - Christian Longo (2015)
♂ Don Quixote: The Ingenious Gentleman of La Mancha - Pasamonte (2015)
♂ I Think You're Totally Wrong: A Quarrel - James (2014)
♂ A Entrevista - Dave Skylark (2014)
♂ Grow a Guy - Chad, the Grow-a-Guy (2014)
♂ The Sound and the Fury - Benjy Compson (2014)
♂ Dave Skylark's Very Special VMA Special - David Skylark (2014)
♂ Risco Imediato - Tom Wright (2014)
♂ Obituaries - Felix Mitchum (2014)
♂ Veronica Mars: O Filme - James Franco (uncredited) (2014)
♂ Linha de Frente - Morgan 'Gator' Bodine (2013)
♂ The Mindy Project - Dr. Paul Leotard (2013)
♂ Child of God - Jerry (2013)
♂ Palo Alto - Mr. B (2013)
♂ É o Fim - James Franco (2013)
♂ On Story (2013)
♂ As I Lay Dying - Darl Bundren (2013)
Oz: Mágico e Poderoso - Oz (2013)
♂ Lovelace - Hugh Hefner (2013)
♂ Interior. Leather Bar. - James (2013)
♂ Tar - C.K. Williams (2012)
♂ Hollywood Heights - Osbourne Silver (2012)
♂ The Letter - Tyrone (2012)
♂ Spring Breakers: Garotas Perigosas - Alien (2012)
♂ The Iceman - Marty Freeman (2012)
♂ FCU: Fact Checkers Unit - James (2012)
♂ About Cherry - Frances (2012)
♂ General Hospital - Franco (2009-2012)
♂ Maladies - James (2012)
♂ Sal - Milton Katselas (2011)
Planeta dos Macacos: A Origem - Will Rodman (2011)
♂ The Broken Tower - Hart Crane (2011)
♂ Sua Alteza? - Fabious (2011)
♂ The Colbert Report - Frank Jameso/Himself - Guest (2011)
♂ O Besouro Verde - Danny Crystal Cleer (uncredited) (2011)
♂ Rebel (2011)
♂ 127 Horas - Aron Ralston (2010)
♂ Amor e Suspeita - Travis (2010)
♂ Comer, Rezar, Amar - David Piccolo (2010)
♂ Masculinity and Me (2010)
♂ William Vincent - William Vincent (2010)
♂ Uma Noite Fora de Série - Taste (2010)
♂ Uivo - Allen Ginsberg (2010)
♂ Um Maluco na TV - James Franco (2010)
♂ Milk: A Voz da Igualdade - Scott Smith (2008)
♂ Noites de Tormenta - Mark Flanner (uncredited) (2008)
♂ Segurando as Pontas - Saul Silver (2008)
♂ Camille: Um Amor do Outro Mundo - Silias (2008)
♂ The Hills with James Franco and Mila Kunis - Justin Bobby (2007)
♂ No Vale das Sombras - Sgt. Dan Carnelli (2007)
♂ Spider-Man 3 (Video Game) - Harry Osborn (voice)/New Goblin (2007)
♂ Good Time Max - Max (2007)
Homem-Aranha 3 - New Goblin/Harry Osborn (2007)
Ligeiramente Grávidos - Sol (uncredited) (2007)
♂ Finishing the Game: The Search for a New Bruce Lee - Dean Silo (2007)
♂ Interview - Boyfriend on Phone (2007)
♂ Um Crime Americano - Andy (2007)
♂ A Garota Morta - Derek (2006)
♂ Grasshopper - Travis (2006)
♂ Flyboys - Blaine Rawlings (2006)
♂ O Sacrificio - Bar Guy #1 (2006)
♂ Annapolis - Jake Huard (2006)
♂ Tristão e Isolda - Tristan (2006)
♂ O Grande Ataque - Captain Prince (2005)
♂ The Ape - Harry Walker (2005)
♂ Fool's Gold - Brent (2005)
♂ Homem-Aranha 2 - Harry Osborn (2004)
♂ De Corpo E Alma - Josh (2003)
♂ O Último Suspeito - Joey (2002)
♂ Sonny - Sonny (2002)
♂ Blind Spot - Danny (2002)
♂ Mother Ghost - Skateboarder guy (2002)
♂ You Always Stalk the Ones You Love (2002)
♂ The Car Kid (2002)
♂ Ruas Selvagens - Tino (2002)
♂ Homem-Aranha - Harry Osborn (2002)
♂ James Dean - James Dean (2001)
♂ Mean People Suck - Casey (2001)
♂ Some Body - Apartment Guy 3 (uncredited) (2001)
♂ Arquivo X - Officer #2 (2001)
♂ Freaks and Geeks - Daniel Desario (1999-2000)
♂ At Any Cost - Mike (2000)
♂ Correndo Atrás - Chris Campbell (2000)
♂ If Tomorrow Comes - Devin (2000)
♂ Nunca Fui Beijada - Jason (1999)
♂ Profiler - Stevie (1999)
♂ To Serve and Protect - Matt Carr (1999)
♂ 1973 - Greg (1998)
♂ Pacific Blue - Brian (1997)

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