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terça-feira, 9 de agosto de 2011

Erika Christensen

Erika Christensen
Nome - Erika Jane Christensen
Instagram - @erikachristensen
Nascimento - 19/08/1982
Cidade Natal - Seatle Washington
Profissão - Atriz, Dubladora, Cantora, Produtora


♀ Will Trent: Agente Especial - Angie Polaski (2023-2024)
♀ Doze é Demais - Kate (2022)
♀ Kimi: Alguém Está Escutando - Samantha Gerrity (2022)
♀ Proxy - Samantha (2020)
♀ Clover - Gertie (2020)
♀ Bootstraps: Whenever You're Around (2019)
♀ Te prometo ser fiel - Alice (2019)
♀ Adopted - Rebekah (2018)
♀ Ten Days in the Valley - Ali Petrovich (2017)
♀ Em Defesa de Cristo - Leslie Strobel (2017)
♀ The Follower - Chelsea (2016)
♀ All At Once - Tiffany Fontinella (2016)
♀ The Black Eyed Peas Feat. The World: #WHERESTHELOVE (2016)
♀ Confirmação - Shirley Wiegand (2016)
♀ Anything for Love - Katherine (2016)
♀ Wicked City - Betty Beaumontaine (2015)
♀ Impress Me - Jessica (2015)
♀ Parenthood: Uma História de Família - Julia Braverman-Graham (2010-2015)
♀ My Boyfriends' Dogs - Bailey (2014)
♀ How Sweet It Is - Sarah Cosmo (2013)
♀ Parenthood - Julia Braverman-Graham (2010-2011)
The Tortured - Elise Landry (2010)
♀ Melon - Catherine (2010)
♀ Frango Robô - Crack-Ho / Debbie Benton / Della Dillingham Young (voice)(2005-2009)
♀ Mercy - Dana Harper McPhearson (2009)
♀ Lie to Me - Jessie / RJ / Sophie (2009)
♀ Veronika Decide Morrer - Claire (2009)
♀ Mercy (2009)
♀ Struck - Bus Stop Girl (2008)
♀ Law and Order: Special Victims Unit - FBI Special Agent Lauren Cooper (2008)
♀ Six Degrees - Mary 'Mae' Alice Edwards (2006-2007)
♀ How to Rob a Bank - Jessica (2007)
♀ Gardener of Eden - Mona Huxley (2007)
♀ I'm in Hell - Jennifer (2007)0
♀ Plano de Vôo - Fiona (2005)
♀ The Sisters - Irene Prior (2005)
♀ A Outra Face da Raiva - Andy Wolfmeyer (2005)
♀ Riding the Bullet - Jessica Hadley (2004)
♀ Nota Máxima - Anna Ross (2004)
♀ Wuthering Heights - Cate (2003)
♀ Doidas Demais - Hannah Kingsley (2002)
♀ Fix@ção - Madison Bell (2002)
♀ 6th Annual Prism Awards (2002)
♀ Home Room - Deanna Cartwright (2002)
♀ That '70s Show - Stacey (2001)
♀ The Geena Davis Show - Isabel (2001)
♀ Traffic: Ninguém Sai Limpo - Caroline Wakefield (2000)
♀ FreakyLinks - Cassie (2000)
♀ The Pretender - Leigh Wright (2000
♀ Movie Stars - Tawny (2000)
♀ Time of Your Life - Flynn Halloway (2000)
♀ O Toque De Um Anjo - Ivy (1999)
♀ Thanks - Abigail Winthrop (1999)
♀ A Caixa de Pandora - Katelyn (1999)
♀ 3rd Rock from the Sun - Brianna (1998)
♀ Frasier - Teenager (1998)
♀ O Desafio - Melissa (1998)
♀ Nothing Sacred - Romy Carrol - (1997)
♀ Leave It to Beaver - Karen (1997)

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