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quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2016

Lalaine Paras

Nome - Lalaine Vergara-Paras
Instagram - @thelalaine
Nascimento - 03/06/1987
Cidade Natal - Burbank, California, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Escritora


♀ Definition Please - Krista (2020)
♀ Raymond and Lane - Lily (2015)
♀ Off the Clock - Gina / Cat / Jina (2009-2013)
♀ Dream Journal - Smoking / Drinking Woman (2012)
♀ Shane Dawson TV - Lalaine (2011)
♀ Vanity Theft: Trainwreck - Bass Player (2011)
♀ Vanity Theft: Anatomy - Bass Player (2011)
♀ Vanity Theft: Anatomy, HOUSES Haunted Tape Remix - Bass Player (2010)
♀ Vanity Theft: Limb from Limb - Bass Player (2010)
A Mentira - Gossipy Girl (2010)
♀ Royal Kill - Jan (2009)
♀ The Captains of Industry Present: Do They Know Its Christmas - Lalaine (2008)
♀ What's Stevie Thinking? - Miranda Sanchez (2007)
♀ Garota Boa de Bola - Tutti (2007)
♀ Disney Channel Holiday - Miranda Sanchez (2005)
♀ Lalaine: I'm Not Your Girl (2005)
♀ Debating Robert Lee - Richard's Debate Opponent (2004)
♀ Promised Land - Norma (2004)
♀ Lizzie McGuire - Miranda Sanchez (2001-2004)
♀ Buffy: A Caça-Vampiros - Chloe (2003)
♀ A Moedinha da Sorte - Abby (2003)
♀ Annie - Kate (1999)
♀ A Verdade A Qualquer Preço - Theresa (1999)

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