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sábado, 6 de agosto de 2016

John Ross Bowie

John Ross Bowie
Nome - John Ross Bowie
Instagram - @johnrossbowie
Nascimento - 30/05/1971
Cidade Natal - New York City, New York, USA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Diretor, Escritor


♂ CSI: Vegas - Dennis Rosner (2024)
♂ The Thrilling Adventure Hour: Beyond Belief - Jack Cedar / Sid / Wade Crespo (2014–2023)
♂ A Boa Vizinhança - Gregory (2022–2023)
♂ Reno 911!: It's a Wonderful Heist - Belphegor (2022)
♂ Estação 19 - Paul (2022)
♂ Witchy - Ken (2022)
♂ O Meme do Mal (Podcast Host)(2022)
♂ Estados Unidos do Al - Brett (2021-2022)
♂ Grace and Frankie - Fred (2022)
♂ The Rookie - Alan (2022)
♂ Generation - Patrick (2021)
♂ Feel Good - Scott (2021)
♂ Reversal of Fortune - Gary (2020)
♂ Bad Therapy - Nick (2020)
♂ Perfect Harmony - Tate Tippet (2020)
♂ Carol's Second Act - Gordon (2019)
♂ Jumanji: Próxima Fase - Cavendish (2019)
♂ The Kiss-Off - Kevin (2019)
♂ Thankful - Peter (2019)
♂ American Princess - Colin Hayes (2019)
♂ A Lei de Milo Murphy - Loab (voice)(2018-2019)
♂ Big Bang: A Teoria - Barry Kripke / Kripke (2009-2019)
♂ Speechless - Jimmy DiMeo (2016-2019)
♂ Operação Big Hero: A Série - Mel / Mel-Krei (voice)(2018)
♂ Princesinha Sofia - Sven the Seahorse / Sven (voice)(2013-2018)
♂ I'm Sorry - Ben (2017)
♂ Death in Paradise - Tyler McCarthy (2017)
♂ Glued - Jason (2016)
♂ Vice - Focus Group Member (2016)
♂ Between Us - Patritzio (2016)
♂ Enjaulada - Jessup (2016)
♂ Love - Rob (2016)
♂ Fresh Off the Boat - Lance (2015)
♂ Rooster Teeth: Entertainment System Originals - Steve (2015)
♂ Princesinha Sofia - Sven the Seahorse (voice) (2013-2015)
♂ Primrose Lane - Mr. Luther (2015)
♂ Chasing Life - Paul Peters (2014-2015)
♂ Marry Me - What's-His-Name (2015)
♂ The Wrong Mans - David Kinsman / David Farriner (2014)
♂ Newsreaders - Pat Fenis (2014)
♂ Jason Nash Is Married - Ted (2014)
♂ No Calor de Cleveland - Benny (2014)
♂ Leonard in Slow Motion - Jerry (2014)
♂ About a Boy - Fiona's Male Boss (2014)
♂ Episodes - Psychiatrist (2014)
♂ The Exes - Jeff (2012-2014)
♂ Brooklyn 9-9 - Sister Steve (2013)
♂ Boa Sorte, Charlie! - Walter (2010-2013)
As Bem-Armadas - NY Agent (2013)
♂ Dark Minions - Mel (2013)
♂ iSteve - John Sculley (2013)
♂ Waking - Van Guy (2013)
♂ Whitney - Eddie (2013)
♂ A Show of Brendan Hines - Jonathan Glatzer (2012)
♂ The Flipside (2012)
♂ The League - Dr. Pete Wyland (2012)
♂ Retired at 35 - Jared (2012)
♂ Dealing - Oppenhiemer (2012)
♂ Sketchy - Doug (2012)
♂ Happy Endings - Michael (2012)
♂ House of Lies - Spalding Winter (2012)
♂ Game Shop - Elrond (2012)
♂ Bones - Lawrence Deighton (2011)
♂ The Bungalow - James (2011)
♂ Movie Poster Contract - Steve's Manager (2011)
♂ Burn Notice - Paul (2011)
♂ Childrens Hospital - Dr. Max von Sydow (2008-2011)
♂ State of Georgia - Professor (2011)
♂ The Glee Project - Yearbook Photographer, 'Firework' video (uncredited) (2011)
♂ Fully Loaded - Richard (2011)
♂ Melissa and Joey - Lewis Scanlon (2010)
♂ Weeds - Contest Organiser (2010)
♂ The Glades - Joe Thomas (2010)
♂ Party Down - Stuart (2010)
♂ Tight (2010)
♂ Brostitute (2010)
♂ Glee - Dennis (2009)
♂ Segura a Onda - John Fowler (2009)
♂ Family Guy (voice)(2009)
♂ The Smallest Co%k in Porn (2009)
♂ Confie em Mim (2009)
♂ Os Feiticeiros de Waverly Place - Simon (2009)
♂ Ele Não Está Tão a Fim de Você - Dan the Wiccan (2009)
♂ Worst Week - Rob (2008)
♂ Sex Drive: Rumo ao Sexo - Dr. Clark Teddescoe (2008)
♂ Mighty B! - Integritone 2 (voice)(2008)
♂ Reno 911! - Pageant Dad / Ren Faire Guy (2005-2008)
♂ Monk: Um Detetive Diferente - Tom Donovan (2008)
♂ CSI: Investigação Criminal - Peter Ellis (2007)
♂ Wild Girls Gone - Priest (2007)
♂ Minha Mãe Quer Que Eu Case - Cute Food Spewing Guy (2007)
♂ Heroes - Attorney (2007)
♂ Meu Papai é Noel 3 - Rory (2006)
♂ The Great Sketch Experiment - Horowitz 'Small World' (2006)
♂ Psych - George Cheslow (2006)
♂ Quem Somos Nós?: Uma Nova Evolução - Elliot (2006)
♂ Nadine in Date Land - Bob (2005)
♂ Fur on the Asphalt: The Greg the Bunny Reunion Show - IFC Executive (2005)
♂ Cheap Seats: Without Ron Parker - Client (2005)
♂ Las Vegas - Adam Clemo (2005)
♂ Arrested Development - Spa Employee (uncredited)(2005)
♂ Encontros e Desencontros - Bert (2005)
♂ Girlfriends - Ian Greenfield (2004)
♂ Kevin Hill - Wayne Ellis (2004)
♂ Jovens Bruxas - Marcus (2004)
♂ CSI: NY - Lester Jayne (2004)
♂ Quem Somos Nós? - Elliot (2004)
♂ Joan of Arcadia - Mr. Campbell (2004)
♂ Happy Family - CocoNate (2004)
♂ Blackballed: The Bobby Dukes Story - Daniel Benjamin (2004)
♂ A.U.S.A. - Walter 'Wally' Berman (2003)
♂ Caindo na Estrada - Waiter (2000)
♂ Upright Citizens Brigade - Cyber-Flex User / Man with Binoculars / Japa-noi Tretching Businessman (1999-2000)
♂ Banal to the Bone: Portrait of an Artist - Ewan Piggott-Smith (2000)

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