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quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2016

Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg
Nome - Caryn Elaine Johnson
Instagram - @whoopigoldberg
Nascimento - 13/11/1955
Cidade Natal - New York City, New York, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Dubladora, Escritora, Produtora


♀ Stranded - Olivia (narração)(2024)
♀ Sensitive Men - Spiritual Leader (2024)
♀ Hacks - Whoopi Goldberg (2024)
♀ Babes - Dawn's Breasts (2024)
♀ Outlaw Posse - Stagecoach Mary (2024)
♀ A Cor Púrpura - Midwife (não creditado)(2023)
♀ Ezra - Jayne (2023)
♀ Acampamento de Verão - Barb / Additional Voices (narração)(2019–2023)
♀ Three Trees - Narrator (2023)
♀ Godfather of Harlem - Miss Willa (2021–2023)
♀ The Conners - Ms. Glen (2023)
♀ Harlem - Dr. Elise Pruitt (2021–2023)
♀ Atrabilious - Andrea Hart (2023)
♀ Past My Bedtime (Série Podcast)(2022)
♀ O Dragão do Meu Pai - Cat (narração)(2022)
♀ Till: A Busca por Justiça - Alma Carthan (2022)
♀ The Con - The Narrator (narração)(2021–2022)
♀ Sorte - Captain (narração)(2022)
♀ Amphibia - Mother Olm (2022)
♀ Star Trek: Picard - Guinan (2022)
♀ Bubble Guppies - Pirate Myra (2022)
♀ Acampamento de Verão - Barb / Additional Voices (voice)(2019–2021)
♀ Harlem - Dr. Elise Pruitt (2021)
♀ Tuca and Bertie - Narrator (voice)(2021)
♀ M.O.D.O.K. - Marian PouncyPoundcakes (2021)
♀ The Stand - Mother Abagail Freemantle (2020–2021)
♀ Staged - Mary (2021)
♀ Blue Bloods - Regina ThomasCity Council Speaker Regina Thomas (2016–2020)
♀ Sarah Cooper: Everything's Fine - Whoopi Goldberg (narração)(2020)
♀ American Masters - Narrator (2020)
♀ Elena de Avalor - Lama (2018–2020)
♀ The Most Magnificent Thing - Narrator (narração)(2019)
♀ Scooby-Doo e Adivinha Quem? - Whoopi Goldberg (voice)(2019)
♀ The Stinky and Dirty Show - MegMiss Bee (2016–2019)
♀ Lucy in the Sky - Mrs. Lewis (2018)
♀ Uma Irmã Nada Perfeita - Lola (2018)
♀ BoJack Horseman - Mikhaela (cvoice)(2018)
♀ Sensitive Men - Spiritual Leader (voice)(2018)
♀ Random Acts of Flyness - Officer Pearson (2018)
♀ Instinct - Joan Ross (2018)
♀ Happy Birthday to Me - The Mother (2018)
♀ Furlough - Moms (2018)
♀ Palace - Gayle Morgenstern (2017)
♀ Rio - Gayle Morgenstern (2017)
♀ Miles do Amanhã - The GameMaster (2016–2017)
♀ Yamasong: March of the Hollows - Yari (2017)
♀ 9/11 - Metzie (2017)
♀ Descendentes 2 - Ursula (voice)(uncredited)(2017)
♀ Animals. - Dorothy (voice)(2017)
♀ A Very Sordid Wedding - Abernatha Coleman (2017)
♀ When We Rise - Pat Norman (2017)
♀ Nightcap - Whoopi Goldberg (2016)
♀ Sensitive Men - Spiritual Leader (2016)
♀ King of the Dancehall - Loretta Brixton (2016)
♀ The Stinky and Dirty Show - Meg (2016)
♀ The Tick - Whoopi Goldberg (2016)
♀ Ask the StoryBots - Special Guest Appearance (2016)
♀ Miles do Amanhã - The GameMaster (voice)(2016)
♀ Nashville: No Ritmo da Fama - Whoopi Goldberg (2016)
♀ Os 7A - Magic Mirror (voice)(2014-2016)
♀ Delores and Jermaine - Delores (2015)
♀ Savva. Serdtse voina - Mama Zho Zi (voice)(2015)
♀ Lei e Ordem: Unidade de Vítimas Especiais - Janette Grayson (2015)
♀ Sensitive Men - Spiritual Leader (2014)
♀ A Eterna Namorada - Fleeta Mullins (2014)
♀ No Auge da Fama - Whoopi Goldberg (2014)
♀ As Tartarugas Ninja - Bernadette Thompson (2014)
♀ A Day Late and a Dollar Short - Viola (2014)
♀ Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff (Video Game) - Guinan (voice)(2014)
♀ Glee - Carmen Tibideaux (2012-2014)
♀ Era Uma Vez no País das Maravilhas - Mrs. Rabbit (voice)(2013-2014)
♀ 666 Park Avenue - Maris Elder (2012)
♀ Frango Robô - HAL 9000 / Celie Johnson / Swift Wind (voice)(2012)
♀ Suburgatório - Yakult (voice)(2012)
♀ Uma Família Perdida no Meio do Nada - Jane Marsh (2012)
♀ The Contradictions of Fair Hope (2012)
♀ The Little Engine That Could - Tower (voice)(2011)
♀ Pronta Para Amar - God (2011)
♀ For Colored Girls - Alice / White (2010)
♀ Toy Story 3: The Video Game (Video Game) - Stretch (voice)(2010)
Toy Story 3 - Stretch (voice)(2010)
♀ See You in September - Lindsay's Therapist (uncredited)(2010)
♀ Um Maluco na TV - Whoopi Goldberg (2007-2009)
♀ The Cleaner - Paulina Kmec (2009)
♀ Stream - Jodi (2009)
♀ Madea Goes to Jail - Whoopi (2009)
♀ A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa - Taxi Driver (2008)
♀ Life on Mars - Brother Lovebutter (uncredited)(2008)
♀ Entourage: Fama e Amizade - Whoopi Goldberg (2008)
♀ Descendentes - Red Flower (voice)(2008)
♀ Snow Buddies: Uma Aventura no Gelo - Miss Mittens (voice)(2008)
♀ Um Cara Acima da Média - Mom (2007)
♀ Todo Mundo Odeia o Chris - Louise Clarkson (2006)
♀ O Pequeno Herói - Darlin' (voice)(2006)
Mano Italiano - Thelma (2006)
♀ Lei e Ordem: Crimes Premeditados - Chesley Watkins (2006)
♀ So Notorious - MaMa Belle (2006)
♀ Dogão: Amigo pra Cachorro - Ermintrude (voice)(2006)
♀ A Farsa dos Pingüins - Helen (voice)(2006)
♀ Bear in the Big Blue House - The Great Bandini (2005)
♀ Deu Zebra! - Franny (voice)(2005)
♀ Bebês Geniais 2: Super Bebês - Whoopi Goldberg (2004)
♀ Pinocchio 3000 - Cyberina (voice)(2004)
♀ Whoopi - Mavis Rae (2003-2004)
♀ O Rei Leão 3: Hakuna Matata - Shenzi (voice)(2004)
♀ Littleburg - Mayor Whoopi (2004)
♀ Blizzard - Blizzard (voice) (2003)
♀ Liberty's Kids: Est. 1776 - Deborah Samson / Robert Shurtleff (voice)(2002-2003)
♀ Good Fences - Mabel Spader (2003)
♀ Freedom: A History of Us - Patricia King / Millie Freeman / Lucy Parsons (voice)(2003)
♀ Pauly Shore está Morto - Whoopi Goldberg (2003)
♀ Absolutely Fabulous - Goldie (2002)
♀ Jornada Nas Estrelas: Nêmesis - Guinan (uncredited)(2002)
♀ O Natal dos Muppets - Daniel's 'Boss' (2002)
♀ Madeline: My Fair Madeline - Miss Clavel (voice)(2002)
♀ Showboy - Whoopi Goldberg (2002)
♀ Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist - Whoopi Goldberg (voice)(2002)
♀ Pode Me Chamar de Noel - Lucy Cullins (2001)
♀ Just for Me Stories - Narrator (voice)(2001)
♀ Uma Grande Jogada - One of the women throwing dirt on coffin at funeral scene (uncredited)(2001)
♀ Celebrity Deathmatch - Whoopi Goldberg (voice)(2001)
♀ Tá Todo Mundo Louco! Uma Corrida por Milhõe$ - Vera Baker (2001)
♀ Cursed - Whoopi Goldberg (2001)
♀ Monkeybone: No Limite da Imaginação - Death (2001)
♀ Golden Dreams - Califia, the Queen of California (Narrator)(2001)
♀ Um Ritual do Barulho - Raynelle Slocumb (2001)
♀ O Que Faz Uma Família - Terry Harrison (2001)
♀ Lil' Romeo, Nick Cannon and 3LW: Parents Just Don't Understand - Nick's Mom (2001)
♀ Strong Medicine - Dr. Lydia Emerson (2000)
♀ Dinheiro Pra Cachorro - Cleo (2000)
♀ As Aventuras de Alceu e Dentinho - Judge Cameo (uncredited)(2000)
♀ Foxbusters - Ransome (voice)(1999-2000)
♀ Our Friend, Martin - Mrs. Peck (voice)(1999)
♀ Garota, Interrompida -Valerie (1999)
♀ Jackie's Back! - Nurse Ethyl Washington Rue Owens (1999)
♀ Nas Profundezas do Mar Sem Fim - Candy Bliss (1999)
♀ Alice no País das Maravilhas - Cheshire Cat (1999)
♀ Alegria - Baby Clown (1999)
♀ A Magia dos Duendes - The Grand Banshee (1999)
♀ Titey - The Iceberg (voice)(1998)
♀ The Nanny - Whoopi Goldberg / Edna (1998)
♀ Rugrats: Os Anjinhos O Filme - Ranger Margaret (voice)(1998)
♀ Uma Cavaleira em Camelot - Dr. Vivien Morgan (1998)
♀ Rudolph: A Rena do Nariz Vermelho - Stormella The Evil Ice Queen (voice)(1998)
♀ A Nova Paixão de Stella - Delilah Abraham (1998)
♀ Saturday Night Live - The Iceberg (voice)(1998)
♀ Um Conto de Natal - Spirit of Christmas Present (voice)(1997)
♀ A Cinderela - Queen Constantina (1997)
♀ Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child - Mother Gooseberg / Zenobia The Hoodoo Diva (voice)(1995-1997)
♀ Mother Goose: A Rappin' and Rhymin' Special - Mother Gooseberg (voice)(1997)
♀ Hollywood: Muito Além das Câmeras - Whoopi Goldberg (1997)
♀ Será Que Ele É? - Whoopi Goldberg (uncredited)(1997)
♀ Destination Anywhere - Cabbie (1997)
♀ Armadilha Selvagem - Nurse Myrna (1997)
♀ Tracey Takes On... - God (voice)(1997)
♀ Fantasmas do Passado - Myrlie Evers (1996)
♀ O Sócio - Laurel Ayres (1996)
♀ Bogus: Meu Amigo Secreto - Harriet Franklin (1996)
♀ O Bordel de Sangue - Hospital Patient (uncredited)(1996)
♀ Eddie - Edwina 'Eddie' Franklin (1996)
♀ Feitos Um para o Outro - Nurse (uncredited)(1996)
♀ Meu Parceiro É um Dinossauro - Katie Coltrane (1995)
♀ O Jogo da Verdade - Sylvie Morrow (1995)
♀ Somente Elas - Jane (1995)
♀ Pagemaster: O Mestre da Mágia - Fantasy (voice)(1994)
♀ Animated StoryBook: The Lion King (Video Game) - Shenzi (voice)(1994)
♀ Jornada nas Estrelas: Generations - Guinan (uncredited)(1994)
♀ Corina, uma Babá Perfeita - Corrina Washington (1994)
♀ Os Batutinhas - Buckwheat's Mom (1994)
♀ O Rei Leão - Shenzi (voice)(1994)
♀ A Cool Like That Christmas - Mom / Irwin (voice)(1993)
Mudança de Hábito 2: Mais Confusões no Convento - Deloris (1993)
♀ Nu em Nova York - Tragedy Mask on Theater Wall (1993)
♀ Feita por Encomenda - Sarah Mathews (1993)
♀ Jornada nas Estrelas: A Nova Geração - Guinan (1988-1993)
♀ Máquina Quase Mortífera - Sgt. Billy York (uncredited)(1993)
♀ Capitão Planeta - Gaia (voice)(1990-1992)
Mudança de Hábito - Deloris (1992)
♀ Sarafina! O Som da Liberdade - Mary Masembuko (1992)
♀ O Jogador - Detective Avery (1992)
♀ Defenders of Dynatron City - Ms. Megawatt (voice)(1992)
♀ Blackbird Fly (1991)
♀ Noel's Christmas Presents (1991)
♀ Uma Festa de Arromba 2: O Baile do Pijama - The Professor (uncredited)(1991)
♀ Bagdad Cafe - Brenda (1990-1991)
♀ Contos da Cripta - Peligre (1991)
♀ Segredos de uma Novela - Rose Schwartz (1991)
♀ A Different World - Dr. Jordan (1991)
♀ Uma História Americana - Odessa Cotter (1990)
♀ Ghost: Do Outro Lado da Vida - Oda Mae Brown (1990)
♀ Homer e Eddie - Eddie Cervi (1989)
♀ Kiss Shot - Sarah Collins (1989)
♀ CBS Schoolbreak Special - Mariah Johnston (1989)
♀ Michael Jackson: Liberian Girl - Whoopi Goldberg (uncredited)(1989)
♀ Whoopi Goldberg: Fontaine... Why Am I Straight - Fontaine (1988)
♀ O Coração de Clara - Clara Mayfield (1988)
♀ O Telefone - Vashti Blue (1988)
♀ Mercadores da Morte - Rita Rizzoli (1987)
♀ A Ladrona - Bernice Rhodenbarr (1987)
♀ A Gata e o Rato - Camille Brand (1986-1987)
♀ Repairs - The voice (1987)
♀ Salve-me Quem Puder - Terry Doolittle (1986)
♀ A Cor Púrpura - Celie Johnson (1985)
♀ Citizen (1982)

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