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sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Jenny Slate

Jenny Slate
Nome - Jenny Sarah Slate
Instagram - @jennyslate
Nascimento - 25/03/1982
Cidade Natal - Milton, Massachusetts, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Escritora, Dubladora


♀ The Great North - Judy Tobin (narração)(2021–2024)
♀ Big Mouth - Missy Foreman-Greenwald / Caitlin Grafton / Vicky (narração)(2017–2023)
♀ Hora de Aventura com Fionna e Cake - Huntress (narração)(2023)
♀ Past My Bedtime (Série Podcast)(2022)
♀ Bob's Burgers - Tammy / 8th Grade Girl / Becca (narração)(2012–2022)
♀ Bob's Burgers: O Filme - Tammy (narração)(2022)
♀ Tudo em Todo o Lugar ao Mesmo Tempo - Big Nose (2022)
♀ Muppet Babies - Miss Nanny / Ms. Nanny (voice)(2018-2022)
♀ Volta Pra Mim - Emma (2022)
♀ Marcel the Shell with Shoes On - Marcel (2021)
♀ Força-Queer (voice)(2021)
♀ On the Rocks - Vanessa (2020)
♀ Elena de Avalor - Cahu (voice)(2020)
♀ Super Gigi - Gidget (voice)(2019)
♀ Pets: A Vida Secreta dos Bichos 2 - Gidget (voice)(2019)
♀ Lonely Island e os Irmãos Bash - Stacy (2019)
♀ Star vs. As Forças do Mal - Ponyhead / Pony Head / PonyHead (voice)(2015-2019)
♀ Os Simpsons - Piper Paisley (voice)(2019)
♀ The Sunlit Night - Frances (2019)
♀ Venom - Dr. Dora Skirth (2018)
♀ Clarêncio, O Otimista - Pipi / Cookie Mama Cashier / Beatrice (voice)(2018)
♀ Hotel Artemis - Morgan (2018)
♀ Lego Batman: O Filme - Harley Quinn (voice)(2017)
♀ Hora de Aventura - Huntress Wizard (voice)(2016-2017)
♀ Lady Dynamite - Karen Grisham Life Coach (2016-2017)
♀ Star v the Forces of Evil: 360° Interdimensional Scavenger Hunt - Ponyhead (voice)(2017)
♀ Hora de Aventura - Huntress Wizard (voice) (2016-2018)
♀ Star vs. As Forças do Mal - Pony Head (voice) (2015-2017)
♀ Lady Dynamite - Karen Grisham Life Coach (2016-2017)
♀ Big Mouth - Missy (voice) (2017)
♀ Comrade Detective - Jane (voice) (2017)
♀ Meu Malvado Favorito 3 - Valerie Da Vinci (voice) (2017)
♀ Batman Is Just Not That Into You - Harley Quinn (voice) (2017)
♀ Aardvark - Emily Milburton (2017)
♀ Um Laço de Amor - Bonnie Stevenson (2017)
♀ O Rei da Polka - Marla Lewan (2017)
♀ Landline - Dana (2017)
♀ Brain on Fire - Margo (2016)
♀ Zoolander: Super Model - Nani (2016)
♀ Pets: A Vida Secreta dos Bichos - Gidget (voice) (2016)
♀ Girls - Tally Schifrin (2012-2016)
♀ Animals. - Snake (2016)
♀ My Blind Brother - Rose (2016)
Zootopia - Bellwether (voice) (2016)
♀ Joshy - Jodi (2016)
♀ Married - Jess (2014-2015)
♀ Kroll Show - Liz B. / Ruth Diamond Phillips / Denise (2013-2015)
♀ Parks and Recreation - Mona-Lisa (2013-2015)
♀ Quem Procura Acha - Yoga Couple (2015)
♀ House of Lies - Sarah Guggenheim / Sarah (2013-2015)
♀ Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, Three - Marcel (2014)
♀ Brooklyn 9-9 - Bianca (2014)
♀ Uma Semana a Três - Jocelyn #1 (2014)
♀ Entre Risos e Lágrimas - Donna Stern (2014)
♀ Catherine - Catherine (2013)
♀ Pulling - Karen (2013)
♀ Hello Ladies - Amelia Gordon (2013)
♀ Bitch - Molly Horner (2013)
♀ Catherine - Catherine (2013)
♀ Crush - Friend / Pumpkin / Salesperson (2013)
♀ Super Fun Night - Helen-Alice (2013)
♀ Raising Hope - Joan (2012)
♀ O Lorax: Em Busca da Trúfula Perdida - Ted's Mom (voice) (2012)
♀ Guerra é Guerra! - Emily (2012)
Alvin e os Esquilos 3 - Zoe (2011)
♀ Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, Two - Marcel (2011)
♀ Ugly Americans - Jaclyn (voice) (2011)
♀ Bored to Death - Stella (2009-2010)
♀ Marcel the Shell with Shoes On - Marcel (voice) (2010)
♀ Saturday Night Live - Various (2009-2010)
♀ Obvious Child - Donna (2009)
♀ Brothers - Annette (2009)
♀ Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - Jenny the Page (uncredited) (2009)
♀ Important Things with Demetri Martin - Bride (2009)
♀ The Whitest Kids U'Know - Trevor's Date (2008)
♀ Honesty - Girl (2007)
♀ Starved - Member of Belt Tighteners (2005)

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