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domingo, 14 de abril de 2024

Timothy Omundson

Timothy Omundson
Nome - Timothy Michael Omundson
Instagram - @omundson
Nascimento - 29/07/1969
Cidade Natal - St. Joseph, Missouri, EUA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador,


Percy Jackson e os Olimpianos - Hephaestus (2024)
♂ This Is Us: Histórias de Família - Gregory (2019–2022)
♂ Psych 3: Este é o Gus - Carlton Lassiter (2021)
♂ Hospital New Amsterdam - Kit Vale (2021)
♂ Psych 2: Lassie Está de Volta - Carlton Lassiter (2020)
♂ Bela, Recatada e do Lar - Stan Lawton (2017–2019)
♂ Fortune Rookie - Tim (2018)
♂ Household Name - Edward Von Glimpse (2017)
♂ Psych: O Filme - Carlton Lassiter (2017)
♂ Wild Honey - Martin (2017)
♂ Pica-Pau: O Filme - Lance Walters (2017)
♂ Castlevania - Additional Voices (narração)(2017)
♂ Downward Dog - Eric (2017)
Lúcifer - Earl Johnson (2017)
♂ Carter and June - Spencer Rabbit (2017)
♂ Angie Tribeca - Dr. Duncan Farnsworth III (2017)
♂ What Goes Around Comes Around - Owen (2016)
♂ Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Eternal Throne - Aric Jorgan / Zakuulan Socialite (narração)(Videogame)(2016)
♂ Galavant - King Richard (2015–2016)
♂ Frango Robô - Nigel Thornberry / J.B. Bernstein / Police Officer (narração)(2015)
♂ Star Wars: The Old Republic 'Knights of the Fallen Empire' - Aric Jorgan / Imperial Officer / Lone Drifter (narração)(Videogame)(2015)
♂ The Hillywood Show - Dancer (2015)
♂ No Calor de Cleveland - Mark (2015)
♂ Sobrenatural - Cain (2014–2015)
♂ Star Wars: The Old Republic 'Shadow of Revan' - Aric Jorgan / Ruugar / Sano Thrica (narração)(Videogame)(2014)
♂ Psych - Carlton Lassiter / Archie Baxter (2006–2014)
♂ Star Wars: The Old Republic 'Rise of the Hutt Cartel' - Aric Jorgan (narração)(Videogame)(2013)
♂ Warehouse 13 - Larry Kemp (2012)
♂ Henry - John (2011)
♂ Star Wars: The Old Republic - Aric Jorgan / Thorn Operations Chief (narração)(Videogame)(2011)
♂ Voltron: The End - Sgt. Lance Rainier (2011)
♂ Coração de Campeão - Thomas Caldwell (2011)
♂ Alvo Humano - Interrogator (2010)
♂ Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - Rebel Soldier / Additional Voices (narração)(Videogame)(2010)
♂ The Booth at the End - Simon (2010)
♂ The Deep End - Tim Ollerman (2010)
♂ Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 'Ultimate Sith Edition' - Proto Rebel 2 (narração)(Videogame)(2009)
♂ Desaparecidos - Adam Fisher (2009)
♂ Fracture - General Sheridan (narração)(Videogame)(2008)
♂ Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Proto Rebel 2 (narração)(não creditado)(Videogame)(2008)
♂ Justiça Sem Limites - Attorney Bill Withers (2008)
♂ Jericho - Phil Constantino (2007–2008)
♂ Crazy - Paul Howard (2008)
♂ Arquivo Morto - Luke Ross (2008)
♂ Psych Webisodes - Carlton Lassiter (2006)
♂ Missão: Impossível 3 - IMF Agent (2006)
♂ CSI: Investigação Criminal - Producer (2006)
♂ 24 Horas - Polakov (2006)
♂ Mentes Criminosas - Phillip Dowd (2005)
♂ Star Wars: Battlefront II - Male Alliance Infantry #2 / Rebellion Commander (narração)(Videogame)(2005)
♂ Hard Pill - Brad (2005)
♂ CSI: Miami - Ted Griffin (2005)
♂ O.C.: Um Estranho no Paraíso - Deputy District Attorney Chris Caldwell (2005)
♂ A Juíza - Sean Potter (2000–2005)
♂ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II 'The Sith Lords' - Kumus Ralon / Peragus Maintenance Officer (narração)(Videogame)(2004)
♂ Estética - Jeremy Saddler (2004)
♂ Deadwood: Cidade Sem Lei - Brom Garret (2004)
♂ Secret Weapons Over Normandy - American Voices #5 (narração)(Videogame)(2003)
♂ Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge - Nathan (narração)(Videogame)(2003)
♂ Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III - Rebel Strike - Commander 7 / Fixer / Obi-Wan (narração)(Videogame)(2003)
♂ Abaixo o Amor - R.J. (2003)
♂ John Doe - P.J. Fox (2003)
♂ A Senha: Swordfish - Agent Thomas (2001)
♂ Nova Iorque Contra o Crime - Seth Werna (2001)
♂ A Sorte dos Irlandeses - Seamus McTiernen (2001)
♂ Crime Perfeito - Silvio (2000)
♂ V.I.P. - Chick Mars (2000)
♂ Edição de Amanhã - Antoine Gourmand (2000)
♂ Xena: A Princesa Guerreira - Eli (1999–2000)
♂ Jack and Jill - Travis Cutler (1999)
♂ Legacy - Lloyd Cobb (1998)
♂ Frasier - Director (1998)
♂ Jenny - Griffin (1998)
♂ Fired Up - Scott Bickley (1997)
♂ Tropas Estelares - Psychic (1997)
♂ Pensacola: Wings of Gold - Kent Butler (1997)
♂ Relativity - Therapist (1997)
♂ Dark Skies - Jerry Rubin (1997)
♂ Sangue nas Trevas - Club Manager (1996)
♂ Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Craig Thompson (1996)
♂ Paixões Perigosas - Harrison (1996)
♂ The Disappearance of Kevin Johnson - Nick Ferretti (1996)
♂ Strange Luck - Steve Medavoy (1995)
♂ First Time Out (1995)
♂ Days of Our Lives - Jerry (1995)
♂ Medicine Ball - Dr. Patrick Yates (1995)
♂ The George Carlin Show - Bearded Man (1994)
♂ Diagnosis Murder - Strand (1994)
♂ Um Amor de Família - Bartender (1993)
♂ SeaQuest - Dr. Joshua Levin (1993)
♂ Seinfeld - Ricky Ross (1992)

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