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quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2018

Kimberly Williams-Paisley

Kimberly Williams-Paisley
Nome - Kimberly Payne Williams
Instagram - @kimberlywilliamspaisley
Nascimento - 14/09/1987
Cidade Natal - Rye, New York, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Dubladora


♀ Jesus Revolution - Charlene (2023)
♀ Procura-se Gonker - Ginny Marshall (2023)
♀ A Nashville Country Christmas (2022)
♀ Sister Swap: Christmas in the City - Jennifer Swift (2021)
♀ Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday - Jennifer Swift (2021)
♀ Crônicas de Natal: Parte Dois - Claire (2020)
♀ A Nashville Christmas Carol - Spirit of Christmas Present (2020)
♀ Father of the Bride Part 3 (ish) - Annie Banks (2020)
♀ Coração Violento - Helen (2020)
♀ Kleenex at Walmart: Kimberly Williams-Paisley - Influencer (2020)
♀ Stud Boob (2020)
♀ Dolly Parton: Tocando o Coração - Emily (2019)
♀ Darrow and Darrow - Claire Darrow (2017-2019)
♀ Flash - Renee Adler (2019)
♀ Crônicas de Natal - Claire (2018)
♀ The Christmas Train - Eleanor Carter (2017)
♀ Fica Comigo - Mrs. Hanson (2017)
♀ Speech and Debate - Susan Merrick (2017)
♀ Alvin e os Esquilos: Na Estrada - Samantha (2015)
♀ Dois Homens e Meio - Gretchen (2014)
♀ Pergunte-me Tudo - Margaret Spooner (2014)
♀ Nashville: No Ritmo da Fama - Peggy Kenter (2012-2013)
♀ Royal Pains - Sam Chard (2012)
♀ Graça e Perdão - Ida Graber (2010)
♀ O Jim é Assim - Dana (2001-2009)
♀ Justiça Sem Limites - Attorney Elisa Brooks (2008)
♀ Super Fofos! - Mama Armadillo (voice) (2008)
♀ Eden Court - Bonnie Duncan (2008)
♀ Somos Marshall - Sandy Lengyel (2006)
♀ Zoando na Escola - Mom (2006)
♀ How to Go Out on a Date in Queens - Amy (2006)
♀ Shade - Laura Parker (2006)
♀ Less Than Perfect - Laura (2005)
♀ George Lopez - Vanessa Brooks (2004)
♀ Identity Theft - Michelle Brown (2004)
♀ As Regras do Amor - Amy Myer (2003)
♀ Um Natal Inesquecível - Maggie Andrews (2002)
♀ Ten Tiny Love Stories - Five (2002)
♀ Follow the Stars Home - Dianne Parker-McCune (2001)
♀ The 10th Kingdom - Virginia Lewis (2000)
♀ Simpatico - Young Rosie (1999)
♀ Elephant Juice - Dodie (1999)
♀ Sexo Sem Conseqüências - Allison (1998)
♀ Safe House - Andi Travers (1998)
♀ Relativity - Isabel Lukens (1996-1997)
♀ Lembranças Vivas - Karen Collier (1996)
♀ Jake's Women - Molly (1996)
♀ O Pai da Noiva 2 - Annie Banks-MacKenzie (1995)
♀ A Sangue Frio - Jasmine (1995)
♀ Contos da Cripta - Hiley Zeller (1994)
♀ Samuel Beckett Is Coming Soon - Kim (1993)
♀ O Melhor Verão de Nossas Vidas - Gwen Daugherty (1993)
♀ Porco Rosso: O Último Herói Romântico - Fio (voice) (1992)
♀ O Pai da Noiva - Annie Banks (1991)
♀ ABC Afterschool Specials - Vanessa (1990)

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