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sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2016

Dick Van Dyke

Dick Van Dyke
Nome - Richard Wayne Van Dyke
Instagram - @official_dick_van_dyke
Nascimento - 13/12/1925
Cidade Natal - West Plains, Missouri, USA
Profissão - Ator, Produtor, Cantor, Dublador


♂ Os Simpsons - Dick Van Dyke (narração)(2023)
♂ Days of Our Lives - Timothy Robicheaux / Mr. Doe (2023)
♂ Kidding - Hopscotch the Sasquatch (2020)
♂ A Magia de Acreditar - The Angel (2018)
♂ O Retorno de Mary Poppins - Mr. Dawes Jr. (2018)
♂ The Dick Van Dyke Show: Now in Living Color! - Rob Petrie (2016-2017)
♂ Stars in Shorts: No Ordinary Love - Father (2016)
♂ Trolland - Yussop (2016)
♂ Life Is Boring - The Night Owl (2016)
♂ Uma Família Perdida no Meio do Nada - Dutch Spence (2015)
♂ Merry Xmas - Father (2015)
♂ Uma Noite no Museu 3: O Segredo da Tumba - Cecil (2014)
♂ A Casa do Mickey Mouse - Captain Goof Beard / Grandpappy Goof (voice)(2014)
♂ Alexandre e o Dia Terrivel, Horrível, Espantoso e Horroroso - Dick Van Dyke (uncredited)(2014)
♂ The Caretaker 3D - The Caretaker (2010)
♂ Murder 101: New Age - Dr. Jonathan Maxwell (2008)
♂ Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses - Dr. Jonathan Maxwell (2007)
♂ Murder 101: College Can Be Murder - Dr. Jonathan Maxwell (2007)
Uma Noite no Museu - Cecil (2006)
♂ George, O Curioso - Mr. Bloomsberry (voice)(2006)
♂ Murder 101 - Dr. Jonathan Maxwell (2006)
♂ Batman: New Times - Commisioner Gordon (voice)(2005)
♂ The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited - Robert 'Rob' Petrie (2004)
♂ The Alan Brady Show - Webb (voice)(2003)
♂ The Gin Game - Weller Martin (2003)
♂ Scrubs - Dr. Townshend (2003)
♂ Diagnosis Murder: Without Warning - Dr. Mark Sloan (2002)
♂ Sombras de uma Cidade - Dr. Mark Sloan (2002)
♂ Diagnosis Murder - Dr. Mark Sloan / Gangster John 'Mr. G' Gotti / Jonathan Nash (1993-2001)
♂ Sabrina, a Aprendiz de Feiticeira - Duke (2000)
♂ Becker - Fred Becker (1999)
♂ Coach - Partygoer (1993)
♂ The Town Santa Forgot - Narrator / Old Jeremy Creek (voice)(1993)
♂ A Twist of the Knife - Doctor Mark Sloan (1993)
♂ Chairman's Choice - Chairman (1993)
♂ The House on Sycamore Street - Doctor Mark Sloan (1992)
♂ Diagnosis Murder - Dr. Mark Sloan (1992)
♂ Jake and the Fatman - Dr. Mark Sloan (1991)
♂ Daughters of Privilege - Buddy Keys (1991)
♂ Dick Tracy - D.A. Fletcher (1990)
♂ As Super Gatas - Ken (1989)
♂ The Van Dyke Show - Dick Burgess (1988)
♂ Airwolf - Malduke Special Guest Star (1987)
♂ Um Fantasma Fora de Hora - Bill Nolan (1987)
♂ O Homem que Veio do Céu - Wally Dunn (1987)
♂ Strong Medicine - Sam Hawthorne (1986)
♂ Matlock - Judge Carter Addison (1986)
♂ American Playhouse - Les Dischinger (1985)
♂ Found Money - Max Sheppard (1983)
♂ CBS Library - Father (voice) (1983)
♂ The Country Girl - Frank Elgin (1982)
♂ Drop-Out Father - Ed McCall (1982)
♂ Harry's Battles - Harry Fitzsimmons (1981)
♂ The Runner Stumbles - Father Brian Rivard (1979)
♂ Supertrain - Waldo Chase (1979)
♂ The Carol Burnett Show - Various Characters (1977)
♂ Tubby the Tuba - Tubby the Tuba (voice)(1975)
♂ Columbo - Paul Galesko (1974)
♂ The Morning After - Charlie Lester (1974)
♂ The New Dick Van Dyke Show - Dick Preston (1971-1974)
♂ Os Novos Filmes de Scooby-Doo - Dick Van Dyke (voice)(1973)
♂ Uma Cidade Contra o Vício - Rev. Clayton Brooks (1971)
♂ The Bill Cosby Show - Martin (1971)
♂ Glória e Lágrimas de um Cômico - William Simon aka Billy Bright (1969)
♂ Um Tipo Meio Louco - Fred Amidon (1969)
♂ O Calhambeque Magico - Caractacus Potts (1968)
♂ Como Roubar Milhões Sem Fazer Força - Jack Albany (1968)
♂ O Mordomo Trapaceiro - Claude R. Fitzwilliam (1967)
♂ Divórcio à Americana - Richard Harmon (1967)
♂ O Fantástico Robin Crusoé - Lt. Robin Crusoe (1966)
♂ The Dick Van Dyke Show - Rob Petrie / Hezekiah Petrie (1961-1966)
♂ Artistas do Amor - Paul Sloane (1965)
♂ Mary Poppins - Bert / Mr. Dawes Senior (1964)
♂ A Senhora e Seus Maridos - Edgar Hopper (1964)
♂ Adeus, Amor - Albert F. Peterson (1963)
♂ Look Up and Live (1960)
♂ New Comedy Showcase - Richard Alexander (1960)
♂ Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Thomas Craig (1960)
♂ The United States Steel Hour - Justin Grey (1959)
♂ The Phil Silvers Show - Pvt. Swiftington 'Swifty' Bilko / Pvt. Hank Lumpkin (1957-1958)

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