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terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2016

Rebecca Romijn

Rebecca Romijn
Nome - Rebecca Alie Romijn
Instagram - @rebeccaromijn
Nascimento - 06/11/1972
Cidade Natal - Berkeley, California, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Dubladora, Produtora


♀ Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Una Chin-Riley / Number One (2022–2023)
♀ The Ready Room (2023)
♀ Sleep No More - Miss Ross (2022)
♀ Espécies em Perigo - Lauren Halsey (2021)
♀ Liga da Justiça Sombria: Guerra de Apokolips - Lois Lane (voice)(2020)
♀ Flipped - Tiffany Connelly (2020)
♀ Segura a Onda - Penelope (2020)
♀ Star Trek: Short Treks - Number One (2019)
♀ The Death and Return of Superman - Lois Lane (voice)(2019)
♀ Batman: Silêncio - Lois Lane (voice)(2019)
♀ Star Trek: Discovery - Number One (2019)
♀ Delivery Macabro - Danica Ross (2019)
♀ Reino do Superman - Lois Lane (voice)(2019)
♀ A Morte Do Superman - Lois Lane (voice)(2018)
♀ Carter - Cassidy Lenox (2018)
♀ The Librarians - Eve Baird (2014-2018)
♀ Love Locks - Lindsey Wilson (2017)
♀ Hora de Aventura - The Empress (voice)(2015)
♀ Key and Peele - Pirate Captian (2015)
♀ Larry Gaye: Renegade Male Flight Attendant - Sally the Flightpal (2015)
♀ The Pro - Margot (2014)
♀ Haunted House Hunters (2014)
♀ Phantom Halo - Ms. Rose (2014)
♀ The Hand Bra by Rebecca Romijn (2013)
♀ King and Maxwell - Michelle Maxwell (2013)
♀ Burning Love - Katie (2013)
♀ NTSF:SD:SUV - Jessie Nichols (2011-2012)
♀ The Producers - Ulla (2012)
♀ Uma Boa Ação - Heidi (2012)
♀ Chuck - Robin Cunnings (2011)
♀ Possessing Piper Rose - Joanna Maxwell (2011)
X-Men: Primeira Classe - Mystique (uncredited) (2011)
♀ The Cleveland Show - Speaker / Graduate (voice) (2011)
♀ Special Agent Oso - Miss Garcia (voice) (2011)
♀ O Vigarista - Belinda (2010)
♀ Worst Wedding DJ Ever (2010 )
♀ Eastwick: A Cidade da Magia - Roxie Torcoletti (2009-2010)
♀ Ugly Betty - Alexis Meade (2007-2008)
♀ Lake City - Jennifer (2008)
♀ Carpoolers - Joannifer (2007)
♀ A Casa Animada - Charlotte (voice)(2007)
♀ Pepper Dennis - Pepper Dennis (2006)
X-Men: O Confronto Final - Raven Darkholme / Mystique (2006)
♀ Um Cara Quase Perfeito - Nina Giamoro (2006)
♀ Álibi - Lola (2006)
♀ Tron 2.0: Killer App (Video Game) - Mercury (voice) (2004 )
♀ O Enviado - Jessie Duncan (2004 )
O Justiceiro - Joan (2004 )
♀ TRON 2.0 (Video Game) - Mercury (voice) (2003 )
X-Men 2 - Raven Darkholme / Mystique (2003 )
♀ Simone - Faith (uncredited) (2002)
♀ Femme Fatale - Laure / Lily (2002 )
♀ Rollerball - Aurora (2002 )
♀ Metido em Encrenca - Rebecca Romijn (2002 )
X-Men: O Filme - Mystique (2000 )
♀ Jack and Jill - Paris Everett (2000 )
♀ Just Shoot Me! - Adrienne Barker (1999-2000)
♀ Hefner: Unauthorized - Kimberly Hefner (1999 )
♀ Austin Powers: O Agente 'Bond' Cama - Rebecca Romijn (1999 )
♀ Trabalho Sujo - Bearded Lady (1998)
♀ Friends - Cheryl (1997)

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