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segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2016

Ioan Gruffudd

Ioan Gruffudd
Nome - Ioan Gruffudd
Instagram -
Nascimento - 06/10/1973
Cidade Natal - Cardiff, Wales, UK
Profissão - Ator, Dublador, Cantor


♂ Bad Boys: Até o Fim - Lockwood (2024)
♂ A Reunião - Thomas Degalais (2022)
♂ Harrow - Dr. Daniel Harrow (2018-2021)
♂ Ava - Peter (2020)
♂ Liar - Andrew Earlham (2017-2020)
♂ O Gênio e o Louco - Henry Bradley (2019)
♂ A Magia de Acreditar - William Kingsley (2018)
♂ Continue Assistindo - Carl Mitchell (2017)
♂ UnREAL - John Booth (2016)
♂ Forever - Anthony (2015)
♂ Terremoto: A Falha de San Andreas - Daniel Riddick (2015)
♂ Forever: Uma Vida Eterna - Henry Morgan (2014-2015)
♂ Deixa Rolar - Stuffy (2014)
♂ Under Milk Wood - Mog Edwards (2014)
♂ Liga da Justiça: Guerra - Thomas Morrow (voice)(2014)
♂ Eddie - The Killer (2013)
♂ O Aventureiro: A Maldição da Caixa de Midas - Charles Mundi (2013)
♂ Glee - Paolo San Pablo (2013)
♂ Necessary Roughness - Nolan Powers (2013)
♂ Castle - Eric Vaughn (2013)
♂ Monday Mornings - Dr. Stewart Delany (2013)
♂ Family Guy - Prince Charles / National Geographic Narrator / Man (2010-2012)
♂ Ringer - Andrew Martin (2011-2012)
♂ Tri Diwrnod Diwetha' - Llais / Voice (voice)(2011)
♂ O Menino de Ouro - Alec (2011)
Quero Matar Meu Chefe - Wetwork Man (2011)
♂ Santuário - Carl (2011)
♂ American Dad! - Dark Haired Man / Medic (voice)(2006-2010)
♂ The Kid - Colin Smith (2010)
♂ Ben 10: Força Alienígena - Devin Levin / Robot Guard (voice)(2010)
♂ Batman: Os Bravos e Destemidos - Armor / Red Ryan (voice)(2010)
♂ W. - Prime Minister Tony Blair (2008)
♂ O Segredo do Vale da Lua - Sir Benjamin Merryweather / Sir Wrolf Merryweather (2008)
♂ Um Segredo entre Nós - Addison (2008)
♂ Agent Crush - Agent Crush (voice)(2008)
♂ The Meant to Be's - The Man (2008)
♂ Stories USA - Simon (2007)
♂ The Fantasticar: State of the Art (2007)
Quarteto Fantástico e o Surfista Prateado - Mr. Fantastic / Reed Richards (2007)
♂ Jornada pela Liberdade - William Wilberforce (2006)
♂ The TV Set - Richard McCallister (2006)
♂ Quarteto Fantástico - Reed Richards (2005)
♂ Fantastic Four (Video Game) - Reed Richards (voice)(2005)
♂ The Little Things - Simon (2005)
♂ Liga da Justiça - Mr. Miracle / Scott Free / Computer (voice)(2005)
♂ Rei Arthur - Lancelot (2004)
♂ Century City - Lukas Gold (2004)
♂ This Girl's Life - Daniel (2003)
♂ Y Mabinogi - King Bendigeidfran (voice)(2003)
♂ Hornblower: Duty - Commander Horatio Hornblower (2003)
♂ Hornblower: Loyalty - Commander Horatio Hornblower (2003)
♂ O Encontro - Dan Blakeley (2003)
♂ Westlife: Unbreakable The Greatest Hits, Volume 1 - High class customer (2002)
♂ A Saga da Família Forsyte - Phillip Bosinney (2002)
♂ Man and Boy - Harry Silver (2002)
♂ Shooters - Freddy Guns (2002)
♂ Falcão Negro em Perigo - Beales (2001)
♂ Happy Now - Max Bracchi (2001)
♂ Nunca é Tarde para Cantar - Hob (2001)
♂ Hornblower: Retribution - Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower (2001)
♂ As Aventuras de Horatio Hornblower: O Motim - Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower (2001)
♂ Another Life - Frederick Edward Francis Bywaters (2001)
♂ 102 Dálmatas - Kevin Sheperd (2000)
♂ Warriors - Lt. John Feeley (1999)
♂ Love in the 21st Century - Jack (1999)
♂ Solomon and Gaenor - Solomon Levinsky (1999)
♂ Great Expectations - Pip (1999)
♂ Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters - Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower (1999)
♂ Hornblower: The Duchess and the Devil - Acting Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower (1999)
♂ Hornblower: The Examination for Lieutenant - Acting Lieutenant Horatio Hornblower (1998)
♂ Hornblower: The Even Chance - Midshipman Horatio Hornblower (1998)
♂ A Mind to Kill - Karl Stranger (1997)
♂ Titanic - Fifth Officer Lowe (1997)
♂ Wilde: O Primeiro Homem Moderno - John Gray (1997)
♂ Poldark - Jeremy Poldark (1996)
♂ A Relative Stranger - Nigel Fraiman (1996)
♂ Pobol y Cwm - Gareth Wyn Harries (1994)

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