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sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2016

Ed Helms

Ed Helms
Nome - Edward Parker Helms
Instagram - @edhelms
Nascimento - 24/01/1974
Cidade Natal - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Profissão - Ator, Produtor, Cantor, Dublador


♂ Trocados - Bill (2023)
♂ Agente Elvis - Robert Goulet (narração)(2023)
♂ Big Mouth - Bros 4 Life Member #1 (narração)(2022)
♂ The Office: Superfan Episodes - Andy Bernard (2022)
♂ Rutherford Falls - Nathan Rutherford (2021–2022)
♂ A Rocha Encantada: de volta à caverna - Lyle Craggle (narração)(2022)
♂ True Story with Ed and Randall (2022)
♂ Ron Bugado - Graham (voice)(2021)
♂ Juntos Mas Separados - Matt (2021)
♂ Aunty Donna: Barraco da Diversão - Ed Helms / Egg Helms (2020)
♂ Coffee and Kareem - Coffee (2020)
♂ BoJack Horseman - Kyle / Kyle Carson (voice)(2015-2020)
♂ Threat Level Midnight: The Movie - Billy the Bartender (2019)
♂ Animais Corporativos - Brandon (2019)
♂ Te Peguei! - Hogan 'Hoagie' Malloy (2018)
♂ Fútil e Inútil - Tom Snyder (2018)
♂ Correndo Atrás de um Pai - Peter Reynolds (2017)
♂ The Fake News with Ted Nelms - Ted Nelms / Charlie Shelton (2017)
♂ Chappaquiddick - Joe Gargan (2017)
♂ I Do... Until I Don't - Noah (2017)
♂ Angie Tribeca - Mister (2017)
♂ As Aventuras do Capitão Cueca: O Filme - Captain Underpants / Mr. Krupp (voice) (2017)
♂ The Clapper - Eddie Krumble (2017)
♂ Drunk History - William McMasters (2016)
♂ Kevin Hart: What Now? - Bartender (2016)
♂ Red Carpet Report - Captain Underpants / Mr. Krupp (voice) (2017)
♂ Maroon 5: Don't Wanna Know (2016)
♂ O Natal dos Coopers - Hank (2015)
♂ The Muppets. - Ed Helms (2015)
♂ Férias Frustradas - Rusty Griswold (2015)
♂ BoJack Horseman - Kyle (voice) (2015)
♂ Brooklyn 9-9 - Jack Danger (2014)
♂ Stretch - Karl (2014)
♂ Someone Marry Barry - Ben (2014)
♂ Encontros e Desencontros do Amor - Eggbert (2014)
♂ Tiny Commando - Cesar Pequeno (2013)
♂ Família do Bagulho - Brad Gurdlinger (2013)
♂ NTSF:SD:SUV - Eddie / Eddroid (2011-2013)
♂ Arrested Development - James Carr (2004-2013)
Se Beber, Não Case! Parte III - Stu (2013)
♂ Vida de Escritório - Andy Bernard (2006-2013)
♂ Saturday Night Live - Ted Pelms (2013)
♂ Kroll Show - Sex in the City Dude (2013)
♂ Projeto Mindy - Dennis (2012)
♂ Forces of Nature - Once-ler (voice) (2012)
♂ Wagon Ho! - Once-ler (voice) (2012)
♂ First Look: Ultimate Teaser Trailer - Trailer Actor (2012)
♂ Ugly Americans - King of Atlantis (2012)
♂ O Lorax: Em Busca da Trúfula Perdida - The Once-ler (voice) (2012)
♂ Jeff e as Armações do Destino - Pat (2011)
♂ Wilfred - Darryl (2011)
♂ Se Beber, Não Case! Parte II - Stu (2011)
♂ The Office: The Girl Next Door - Andy Bernard (2011)
♂ High Road - Barry (uncredited) (2011)
♂ Um Negócio Nada Seguro - Tim Lippe (2011)
♂ Childrens Hospital - Dr. Ed Helms / TV Announcer (2008-2010)
♂ Funny or Die Presents... - Cast (Holdup) (2010)
♂ The Office: Subtle Sexuality - Andy Bernard (2009)
♂ A Credit to the Family - Ted Bonderman (2009)
♂ Carros Usados, Vendedores Pirados! - Paxton Harding (2009)
Se Beber, Não Case! - Stu (2009)
♂ The Office: Blackmail - Andy Bernard (2009)
♂ Uma Noite no Museu 2 - Larry Daley's Assistant (uncredited) (2009)
♂ Family Guy - Al Gore (voice) (2009)
♂ Monstros vs Alienígenas - News Reporter (voice) (2009)
♂ Os Delírios de Consumo de Becky Bloom - Garret E. Barton (uncredited) (2009)
♂ O Cheiro do Sucesso - Chet Pigford (2009)
♂ Back on Topps - Sal (2008)
♂ The Office: The Outburst - Andy Bernard (2008)
♂ Lower Learning - Maurice (2008)
♂ Wainy Days - Doctor (2008)
♂ O Grande Dave - 2nd In Command (2008)
♂ American Dad! - Mr. Buckley (voice) (2008)
♂ Madrugada Muito Louca 2 - Interpreter (2008)
♂ Os Aloprados - Turtleneck (2008)
♂ A Vida é Dura: A História de Dewey Cox - Stage Manager (2007)
♂ A Volta do Todo Poderoso - Ark Reporter (2007)
♂ I'll Believe You - Leon (2006)
♂ O Pequeno Herói - Hobo Louie (voice) (2006)
♂ Samurai Love God - Samurai Love God (voice) (2006)
♂ The Colbert Report - Narrator (voice) (uncredited) (2006)
♂ Sunday Pants - Neil the Angel (voice) (2005)
♂ Zombie-American - Glen the Zombie (2005)
♂ Lies and the Wives We Tell Them To (2005)
♂ Cheap Seats: Without Ron Parker - Bradley Wallace (2004)
♂ Blackballed: The Bobby Dukes Story - Bunker (2004)

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