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sábado, 27 de agosto de 2016

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu
Nome - Lucy Alexis Liu
Instagram - @lucyliu
Nascimento - 02/12/1968
Cidade Natal - Queens, New York City, New York, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Dubladora, Diretora, Produtora


♀ Operação Natal - Zoe (2024)
♀ Old Guy - Anata (2024)
♀ Um Homem por Inteiro - Joyce Newman (2024)
♀ O Aprendiz do Tigre - Nu Kua / Cynthia (narração)(2024)
♀ Presença - Rebecca (2024)
♀ Storybots: Answer Time (narração)(2023)
♀ The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend - Cheng Shih (Videogame)(narração)(2023)
♀ Shazam! Fúria dos Deuses - Kalypso (2023)
♀ Mundo Estranho - Callisto Mal (narração)(2022)
♀ Death to 2021 - Snook Austin (2021)
♀ Segura a Onda (2021)
♀ Scooby-Doo e Adivinha Quem? (2021)
♀ Star Wars: Visions - Bandit Leader (2021)
♀ Stage Mother - Sienna (2020)
♀ Por Que as Mulheres Matam - Simone Grove (2019)
♀ Elementaríssimo - Dr. Joan WatsonJoan Watson (2012–2019)
♀ Animals. - Yumi (2018)
♀ O Plano Imperfeito - Kirsten (2018)
♀ Future World - Queen (2018)
♀ Vila Sésamo - Guest Star (2017)
♀ Michael Jackson's Halloween - Conformity (voice)(2017)
♀ Difficult People - Veronica Ford (2017)
♀ Girls - Detective Mosedale (2016)
♀ Kung Fu Panda: Lendas do Dragão Guerreiro -Viper (voice)(2011-2016)
♀ Kung Fu Panda 3 - Viper (voice)(2016)
♀ Kung Fu Panda: Segredos do Pergaminho - Viper (voice)(2016)
♀ Tinker Bell e o Monstro da Terra do Nunca - Silvermist (voice)(2014)
♀ Tinker Bell: Fadas e Piratas - Silvermist (voice)(2014)
♀ O Conto da Princesa Kaguya - Lady Sagami (voice)(2013)
♀ Pixie Hollow Bake Off - Silvermist (voice)(2013)
♀ O Homem Com Punhos de Ferro - Madam Blossom (2012)
Tinker Bell: O Segredo das Fadas - Silvermist (voice) (2012)
♀ Sleeping Dogs (Video Game) - Vivienne (voice) (2012)
♀ Southland: Cidade do Crime - Officer Jessica Tang (2012)
Pixie Hollow Games - Silvermist (voice) (2011)
♀ Um Dia Essa Dor Será Útil - Rowena (2011)
Kung Fu Panda 2 - Viper (voice) (2011)
♀ The Trouble with Bliss - Andrea (2011)
♀ O Substituto - Dr. Doris Parker (2011)
♀ Marry Me - Rae Ann Carter (2010)
♀ Kung Fu Panda: Especial de Natal - Viper (voice) (2010)
♀ Nómadas - Susan (2010)
♀ Tinker Bell e o Resgate da Fada - Silvermist (voice) (2010)
♀ Tinker Bell e o Tesouro Perdido - Silvermist (voice) (2009)
♀ Dirty Sexy Money - Nola Lyons (2008-2009)
♀ Afro Samurai: Resurrection - Sio (voice) (2009)
♀ Little Spirit: Christmas in New York (voice) (2008)
♀ Tinker Bell: Uma Aventura no Mundo das Fadas - Silvermist (voice) (2008)
Kung Fu Panda - Viper (voice) (2008)
♀ Cashmere Mafia - Mia Mason (2008)
♀ O Ano em que nos Conhecemos - Anne (2008)
♀ Watching the Detectives - Violet (2007)
♀ Rise: A Ressurreição - Sadie Blake (2007)
♀ Ugly Betty - Grace Chin (2007)
♀ Operação Limpeza - Gina (2007)
♀ Maya e Miguel - Maggie Lee (voice) (2004-2006)
♀ Xeque-Mate - Lindsey (2006)
♀ Domino: A Caçadora de Recompensas - Taryn Mills (2005)
♀ Unidos Pelo Sangue - Jin Ping, the Blood Smuggler (2005)
♀ Os Simpsons - Madam Wu (voice) (2005)
♀ Vida de Artista - Lauren Beck (2004-2005)
♀ Mulan 2: A Lenda Continua - Mei (voice) (2004)
♀ Kill Bill: Volume 2 - O-Ren Ishii (2004)
♀ As Aventuras de Jackie Chan - Adult Jade (voice) (2004)
♀ Game Over - Raquel Smashenburn (voice) (2004)
♀ Kill Bill: Volume 1 - O-Ren Ishii (2003)
♀ As Panteras: Detonando - Alex Munday (2003)
♀ Chicago - Kitty Baxter (2002)
♀ O Rei do Pedaço - Tid Pao (voice) (2002)
♀ Cypher - Rita Foster (2002)
♀ Dupla Explosiva - Sever (2002)
♀ Ally McBeal: Minha Vida de Solteira - Ling Woo (1998-2002)
♀ Futurama - Lucy Liu (voice) (2001-2002)
♀ SSX Tricky (Video Game) - Elise Riggs (voice) (2001)
♀ Hotel - Kawika (2001)
♀ Sex and the City - Lucy Liu (2001)
As Panteras - Alex Munday (2000)
♀ Bater ou Correr - Princess Pei Pei (2000)
♀ Por uma Boa Briga - Lia (1999)
♀ O Amor Segundo um Extraterrestre - The Female's Friend (1999)
♀ Flypaper: Os Desajustados - Dot (1999)
♀ Experimentando a Vida - Brenda (1999)
♀ Crime Verdadeiro - Toy Shop Girl (1999)
♀ O Troco - Pearl (1999)
♀ Love Kills - Kashi (1998)
♀ Michael Hayes - Alice Woo (1997)
♀ Dellaventura - Yuling Chong (1997)
♀ Pearl - Amy Li (1996-1997)
♀ Riot - Tiffany (1997)
♀ Nova Iorque Contra o Crime - Amy Chu (1997)
♀ As Incríveis Aventuras de Jonny Quest - Melana (1997)
♀ City of Industry - Cathi Rose (1997)
♀ Gridlock'd: Na Contra-Mão - Cee-Cee (1997)
♀ Jerry Maguire: A Grande Virada - Former Girlfriend (1996)
♀ High Incident - Officer Whin (1996)
♀ Guy - Woman at Newstand (1996)
♀ Arquivo X - Kim Hsin (1996)
♀ Nash Bridges - Joy Powell (1996)
♀ Plantão Médico - Mei-Sun Leow (1995)
♀ Bang - Hooker (1995)
♀ Hércules - Oi-Lan (1995)
♀ Home Improvement - Woman #3 (1995)
♀ Coach - Nicole Wong (1994)
♀ Hotel Malibu - Co-Worker (1994)
♀ Protozoa - Ari (1993)
♀ L.A. Law - Mai Lin (1993)
♀ Ban wo zong heng - Donna (1992)
♀ Barrados no Baile - Courtney (1991)

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