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domingo, 16 de julho de 2023

Kelli Berglund

Kelli Berglund
Kelli Berglund
Nome - Kelli Michelle Berglund
Instagram - @kelliberglund
Nascimento - 09/02/1996
Cidade Natal - Moorpark, Califórnia, EUA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora


♀ Queen of the Ring - Nell Stewart (2024)
♀ Wallbanger - Caroline (2024)
♀ Heels - Crystal Tyler (2021-2023)
♀ Os Goldbergs - Ren (2019–2022)
♀ Mark, Mary and Some Other People - Bunny (2021)
♀ Cherry: Inocência Perdida - Madison (2021)
♀ O Halloween do Hubie - Billie Eilish Girl (2020)
♀ Animal Kingdom - Olivia (2019)
♀ Fantasma no Cemitério - Sally (2019)
♀ Fosse/Verdon - Young Gwen Verdon (2019)
♀ Now Apocalypse - Carly Carlson (2019)
♀ A Torcida pelo Ouro - Emma Wilson (2018)
♀ Love Daily - Cammy (2018)
♀ Plantão Noturno - Sofia (2017)
♀ Dolly Parton's Christmas of Many Colors: Circle of Love - Willadeene Parton (2016)
♀ Lab Rats: Elite Force - Bree Davenport (2016)
♀ One Night - Rachel (2016)
♀ Enfrentando a Barra - Kelly Johnson (2016)
♀ Lab Rats - Bree Davenport / Spikerella / Chase (2012–2016)
♀ Picles e Amendoim - Amanda (narração)(2016)
♀ Mega Med - Bree Davenport (2015)
Como Criar o Garoto Perfeito - Mae Hartley (2014)
♀ China Anne McClain and Kelli Berglund: Something Real (2014)
♀ Disney's Circle of Stars: Do You Want to Build a Snowman (2014)
♀ Os Guerreiros Wasabi - Sloane Jennings (2013)
♀ Hip Hop Harry - Kelli (2006–2007)
♀ Bye Bye Benjamin - Birthday Party Guest (2006)

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