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sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Maria Bello

Maria Bello
Nome - Maria Elaina Bello
Instagram - @officialmariabello
Nascimento - 18/04/1967
Cidade Natal - Norristown, Pennsylvania
Profissão - Atriz, Produtora, Escritora,


♀ NCIS: Investigações Criminais - Jack Sloane / Flashback Bertha (2017-2024)
♀ Treta - Jordan (2023)
♀ O Homem Água - Sheriff Goodwin (2020)
♀ Exit - Kim (2018)
♀ Pequenos Gigantes - Carly Winter (2018)
♀ Better Start Running - Agent McFadden (2018)
♀ Every Day - Lindsey (2018)
♀ The Sun Ladies VR - Xate Shingali (voice) (2018)
♀ Em Busca de Fellini - Claire (2017)
♀ Goliath - Michelle McBride (2016)
♀ Max Steel - Molly McGrath (2016)
♀ The Late Bloomer - Brenda Newmans (2016)
♀ The Journey Is the Destination - Kathy (2016)
♀ Wait Till Helen Comes - Jean (2016)
♀ Quando as Luzes se Apagam - Sophie (2016)
♀ The Confirmation - Bonnie (2016)
♀ A 5ª Onda - Sergeant Reznik (2016)
♀ Strings - Martha (2015)
♀ A Casa dos Mortos - Dr. Elizabeth Klein (2015)
♀ McFarland dos EUA - Cheryl White (2015)
♀ Big Driver - Tess Thorne (2014)
♀ Terceira Pessoa - Theresa (2013)
♀ Os Suspeitos - Grace Dover (2013)
♀ Gente Grande 2 - Sally Lamonsoff (2013)
♀ Touch - Lucy Robbins (2012-2013)
♀ Prime Suspect - Detective Jane Timoney (2011-2012)
♀ Sequestro Relâmpago - Lorraine Burton (2011)
Sem Saída - Mara (2011)
♀ Lei e Ordem: Unidade de Vítimas Especiais - Vivian Arliss (2010)
♀ Tarde Demais - Kate (2010)
Gente Grande - Sally Lamonsoff (2010)
♀ Grande Virada - Sally Wilcox (2010)
♀ A Vida Íntima de Pippa Lee - Suky Sarkissian (2009)
A Múmia: Tumba do Imperador Dragão - Evelyn O'Connell (2008)
♀ Downloading Nancy - Nancy Stockwell (2008)
♀ The Yellow Handkerchief - May (2008)
♀ O Clube de Leitura de Jane Austen - Jocelyn (2007)
♀ Nothing Is Private - Gail Monahan (2007)
♀ Encurralados - Abby Randall (2007)
♀ Flicka - Nell McLaughlin (2006)
♀ World Trade Center - Donna McLoughlin (2006)
♀ Obrigado por Fumar - Polly Bailey (2005)
♀ Marcas da Violência - Edie Stall (2005)
♀ The Dark - Adèlle (2005)
♀ The Sisters - Marcia Prior Glass (2005)
♀ Assalto à 13ª Delegacia - Dr. Alex Sabian (2005)
♀ Silver City - Nora Allardyce (2004 )
♀ A Janela Secreta - Amy Rainey (2004)
♀ Nobody's Perfect (short) (2004
♀ The Cooler - Quebrando a Banca - Natalie Belisario (2003)
♀ Regras da Traição - Monica (2002)
♀ Auto Focus - Patricia Olson / Patrica Crane / Sigrid Valdis (2002)
♀ China: The Panda Adventure - Ruth Harkness (2001)
♀ Sam the Man - Anastasia Powell (2001)
♀ Born in Brooklyn (TV movie) (2001)
♀ Duets - Vem Cantar Comigo - Suzi Loomis (2000)
♀ Show Bar - Lil (2000)
♀ O Troco - Rosie (1999)
♀ Uma Vida Alucinante - Kitty (1998)
♀ Plantão Médico (TV series) - Dr. Anna Del Amico (1997-1998)
♀ Mr. and Mrs. Smith (TV series) - Mrs. Smith (1996-1997)
♀ Due South (TV series) - Mackenzie King (1996)
♀ The Commish (TV series) - Betsy (1995)
♀ Nowhere Man (TV series) - Emily Noonan (1995)
♀ Misery Loves Company (TV series) - Joe's Former Film Student (1995)
♀ Maintenance - Eddie (1992)

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