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sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2016

John Michael Higgins

John Michael Higgins
Nome - John Michael Higgins
Instagram - @higwel
Nascimento - 12/02/1963
Cidade Natal - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador


♂ Bob's Burgers - Doug / Glencrest President / Mr. Perkins (voice)(2012–2024)
♂ Baby Shark's Big Show! - Mayor Anchovy / Robot Mayor (2023–2024)
♂ Prom Dates - Principal Lundy (2024)
♂ Physicians Mutual: Joy in Retirement (2024)
♂ Uma Família da Pesada (narração)(2023)
♂ Muito Assustador Mesmo - Harold Dubois (2023)
♂ Classmates - Dean Cain (2023)
♂ Tab Time - Burnie (2022)
A Maldição de Bridge Hollow - Principal Floyd (2022)
♂ O Despertar das Tartarugas Ninja: O Filme - Warren Stone (narração)(2022)
♂ Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber - Mike Ovitz (2022)
♂ Licorice Pizza - Jerry Frick (2021)
♂ Saved by the Bell - Principal Ronald Toddman / Principal Toddman (2020-2021)
♂ Monstros no Trabalho - Argus (voice)(2021)
♂ Operação Big Hero: A Série - Mini-Max / Prison Guard / Pilot (voice)(2018-2021)
♂ F is for Family - Dr. McCallister / Dr. MacCallister (voice)(2018-2020)
♂ Single Parents - Bud Cooper (2020)
♂ O Despertar das Tartarugas Ninja - Warren Stone (voice)(2018-2019)
♂ Sunnyside - Wallace Furley (2019)
♂ As Aventuras de Arquibaldo - Tolby (voice)(2019)
♂ Scooby-Doo! De Volta à Ilha dos Zumbis - Alan Smithee (voice)(2019)
♂ Angie Tribeca - Dr. Zaius / Dr. Randy Zaius / Randy (2016-2018)
♂ Harvey Birdman: Attorney General - Mentok the Mindtaker / Zardo (voice)(2018)
♂ Fortune Rookie - Mikey (2018)
♂ Drunk History - Wilhelm von Osten (2018)
♂ Status Update: Perfil dos Sonhos - Mr. Moody (2018)
♂ Great News - Chuck Pierce (2017-2018)
♂ Scooby-Doo e Batman: Os Bravos e Destemidos - The Riddler (voice)(2018)
A Escolha Perfeita 3 - John (2017)
♂ Saúdem Todos o Rei Julien - Barty (voice)(2016-2017)
♂ Doutora Brinquedos - Star Blazer Zero / Star Blaster Zero (voice)(2012-2017)
♂ Cachinhos Dourados e Ursinho - Pops Weasel (voice)(2017)
♂ #REALITYHIGH - Principal Dixon (2017)
♂ Niko and the Sword of Light - King Scampi (voice)(2017)
♂ Princesinha Sofia - Flambeau (voice)(2014-2017)
♂ Shimmer Lake - Judge Brad Dawkins (2017)
♂ Dropping the Soap - Flock Deluge (2017)
♂ Bob's Burgers - Doug / Mr. Perkins / RV Guy (voice)(2012-2017)
♂ Um Natal Quase Perfeito - Brooks (2016)
♂ Tween Fest - Todd Crawford (2016)
♂ Mascots - Upton French (2016)
♂ Famosos da Web - Dave Larson (2016)
♂ Awkward. - Garrett Gibson (2016)
♂ Sundown - Dad (2016)
♂ The Crossroads of History - Cotton Mather (2016)
♂ Duas Garotas em Apuros - Elliot (2016)
♂ O Show de Tom e Jerry - Uncle Harry (voice)(2016)
♂ Is That a Gun in Your Pocket? - Mayor Wally (2016)
♂ Adam Ruins Everything - Sommelier (2015)
♂ Jesse Stone: Perdido no Paraíso - Evan (2015)
♂ Switched at Birth - Larry Shimingo (2015)
♂ Instant Mom - Hoyt Ebnetter (2014-2015)
♂ Turbo FAST - Pasadena Paul / Trash Fire Snail (voice)(2015)
♂ A Escolha Perfeita 2 - John (2015)
♂ Avatar: A Lenda de Korra - Varrick / Tourist #1 / Front Desk Clerk (voice)(2013-2014)
♂ Breaking the Bank - Richard Grinding (2014)
♂ Crimes e Trapaças - Huffman (2014)
♂ Princesinha Sofia - Flambeau (voice)(2014)
♂ Jessie - Carlisle (2014)
♂ Sullivan and Son - Gary Barton (2012-2014)
♂ Franklin and Bash - Dominic (2014)
♂ Wilfred - Dr. Cahill (2011-2014)
♂ Phineas e Ferb - Additional Voices (voice)(2014)
♂ Aviões 2: Heróis do Fogo ao Resgate - Cad (voice)(2014)
♂ Terry the Tomboy - Doctor Larry (2014)
♂ Um Milhão de Maneiras de Pegar na Pistola - Dandy #1 (2014)
♂ Mike e Molly - Dr. Gayle Rosen (2014)
♂ Good Morning Today - Reverend Jeremiah Phelps (2013)
♂ O Natal dos Amigos Indiscretos - Stan (2013)
♂ Super Buddies - Drex (voice)(2013)
♂ Palooza: Pura Curtição - Mr. Lewis (2013)
♂ The Good Wife - Rodney Jesko (2011-2013)
♂ Men at Work - Lindsey Tucker (2013)
♂ Happily Divorced - Peter Lovett (2011-2013)
♂ 'Tom e Jerry: Robin Hood E Seu Ratinho Feliz' - Prince John (voice)(2012)
A Escolha Perfeita - John (2012)
♂ My Uncle Rafael - Damon (2012)
♂ Mater's Tall Tales - Stanley (2012)
♂ O Grande Milagre - Wes Handrick (2012)
♂ Plan B - Ted (2012)
♂ People People (2011)
♂ Man Up - Higgins (2011)
Compramos Um Zoológico - Walter Ferris (2011)
♂ 6 Month Rule - Paul (2011)
Professora Sem Classe - Principal Wally Snur (2011)
♂ Dias de Glória - Brother Jerrod (2010-2011)
♂ Zack e Cody: Gêmeos à Bordo - Mr. Tipton (2011)
♂ The Burying Beetle - Philip (2010)
♂ Alvo Humano - Richard Applebaum (2010)
♂ Batman: Os Bravos e Destemidos - Riddler (2010)
♂ Psych - Clive Prescott (2010)
♂ Rotas, Mapas e Dentes - Various (voice)(2010)
♂ Community - Professor Whitman (2009-2010)
♂ Glee - Russell (2010)
♂ Raising the Bar - Judge Albert Farnsworth (2009)
♂ Numb3rs - Floyd Mayborne (2009)
♂ Encontro de Casais - Therapist (2009)
A Verdade Nua e Crua - Larry (2009)
♂ Kath e Kim - Phil Knight (2008-2009)
♂ Pelas Garotas e Pela Glória - Coach Keith (2009)
♂ Still Waiting... - Dennis (2009)
♂ Untitled Family Pilot - Charles (2009)
Sim Senhor - Nick (2008)
♂ Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law - Mentok the Mindtaker (voice)(Video Game)(2008)
♂ The Thick of It - Albert Alger (2007)
♂ A Vida é Dura: A História de Dewey Cox - Record Producer (uncredited)(2007)
♂ Titio Noel - Willie (2007)
♂ Harvey, o Advogado - Mentok the Mindtaker / Zardo / Tom - HR Man (voice)(2002-2007)
♂ A Volta do Todo Poderoso - Marty (2007)
♂ Por Trás das Câmeras - Corey Taft (2006)
♂ Separados pelo Casamento - Richard Meyers (2006)
♂ CSI: Investigação Criminal - Anthony Caprice (2006)
♂ So Notorious - Phillip Walker (2006)
♂ Arrested Development - Wayne Jarvis (2003-2006)
♂ As Loucuras de Dick e Jane - Garth (2005)
♂ Vida de Artista - Albert (2005)
♂ English as a Second Language - Norman Benjamin (2005)
♂ Untitled Susie Essman Project (2005)
♂ Blade: Trinity - Dr. Edgar Vance (2004)
♂ Ladrão de Diamantes - Hotel Manager (uncredited)(2004)
♂ Halo 2 (Video Game) - 2401 Penitent Tangent (voice)(2004)
♂ Justiça Sem Limites - Jerry Austin (2004)
♂ Jiminy Glick in Lalawood - Andre Devine (2004)
♂ Monk: Um Detetive Diferente - Roddy Lankman (2004)
♂ Killer Diller - Deermont (2004)
♂ Game Over - Sully / Guidance Counselor / Proctor (voice)(2004)
♂ George Lopez - Charles (2003)
♂ Os Grandes Músicos - Terry Bohner (2003)
♂ Monte Walsh - Robert Slocum (2003)
♂ The Burbs (2002)
♂ The Kronenberg Chronicles - Dr. Kronenberg (2002)
♂ Teddy Bears' Picnic - Whit Summers (2002)
♂ Ally McBeal: Minha Vida de Solteira - Steven Milter (2000-2002)
♂ Gideon's Crossing - Dr. Plummer (2001)
♂ O Homem que Não Estava Lá - Emergency Room Physician (uncredited)(2001)
♂ Frasier - William (2001)
♂ Bette - Alex Berringer (2001)
♂ O Melhor do Show - Scott Donlan (2000)
♂ 7 Dias para Viver - Social Worker (2000)
♂ Movie Stars - Kurt Mason (2000)
♂ Caia na Real - George Clark (2000)
♂ O Homem Bicentenário - Bill Feingold (1999)
♂ Louco por Você - Patrick (1998-1999)
♂ Brother's Keeper - Mark (1998-1999)
♂ Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show - Ar'nox (1997-1998)
♂ Guys Like Us - Mr. Levin (1998)
♂ Da Terra à Lua - Master of Ceremonies (1998)
♂ Nothing Sacred - Father Jesse (1998)
♂ Mera Coincidência - John Levy (1997)
♂ O Quinteto - Glenn (1997)
♂ Até o Limite da Honra - Chief of Staff (1997)
♂ Weird Science - Timidius (1997)
♂ Seinfeld - Kurt (1997)
♂ Cybill - Chip (1996)
♂ The Late Shift - David Letterman (1996)
♂ The George Carlin Show - Dan Goodwin (1994)
♂ Mathnet - I. M. Uppwardd (1991)
♂ Um Estranho Vampiro - Ed (1988)
♂ Miami Vice - Murray Phillips (1988)
♂ Class of '86 - Various (1986)

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