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sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2016

Andy Serkis

Andy Serkis
Nome - Andrew Clement G. Serkis
Instagram -
Nascimento - 20/04/1964
Cidade Natal - Ruislip, London, England, UK
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador, Produtor


♂ Luther: O Cair da Noite - David Robey (2023)
♂ Andor - Kino Loy (2022)
♂ The Sandman - Matthew the Raven (narração)(Série Podcast)(2020–2022)
♂ Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters - Grand Master Vardan Kai (narração)(Videogame)(2022)
♂ Batman - Alfred (2022)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Narrator (2021)
♂ What If...? - Ulysses Klaue (voice)(2021)
♂ Ascensão do Cisne Negro - George Clements (2021)
♂ Hilda - Kertasnikir (voice)(2020)
♂ A Christmas Carol - Marley's Ghost (voice)(2020)
♂ Home Movie: The Princess Bride - Count Rugen (2020)
♂ Carta ao Rei - Mayor of Mistrinaut (2020)
♂ A Christmas Carol - Ghost of Christmas Past (2019)
♂ Star Wars: A Ascensão Skywalker - Snoke (voice)(2019)
♂ Casal Improvável - Parker Wembley (2019)
Mogli: Entre Dois Mundos - Baloo (voice) (2018)
♂ Pantera Negra - Ulysses Klaue (2018)
♂ Star Wars: Os Últimos Jedi - Snoke (2017)
♂ Planeta dos Macacos: A Guerra - Caesar (2017)
♂ Fungus the Bogeyman - Narrator (voice) (2015)
♂ Star Wars: O Despertar da Força - Supreme Leader Snoke (2015)
♂ Monstrous Creature - Tongue (voice)(2015)
♂ Volume (Video Game) - Guy Gisbourne (voice)(2015)
Vingadores: Era de Ultron - Ulysses Klaue (2015)
♂ Planeta dos Macacos: O Confronto - Caesar (2014)
♂ The Magnificent Lion Boy - Umberto Farini (2013)
♂ O Hobbit: Uma Jornada Inesperada - Gollum (2012)
♂ Operação Presente - Lead Elf (voice)(2011)
♂ As Aventuras de Tintim - Captain Haddock / Sir Francis Haddock (voice)(2011)
♂ Wild Bill - Glen (2011)
♂ Death of a Superhero - Dr. Adrian King (2011)
Planeta dos Macacos: A Origem - Caesar (2011)
♂ Accused - Liam Black (2010)
♂ Burke and Hare - William Hare (2010)
♂ Animais Unidos Jamais Serão Vencidos - Charles (voice)(2010)
♂ Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Video Game) - Monkey / Pyramid (voice)(2010)
♂ Pior dos Pecados - Colleoni (2010)
♂ Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll - Ian Dury (2010)
♂ Risen (Video Game) - The Inquisitor (voice)(2009)
♂ Suicide Man - Taxi despatch (voice)(2009)
♂ Coração de Tinta: O Livro Mágico - Capricorn (2008)
♂ Little Dorrit - Rigaud (2008)
♂ Einstein and Eddington - Albert Einstein (2008)
♂ Cabana Macabra - David (2008)
♂ Heavenly Sword (Video Game) - King Bohan (voice) (2007)
♂ Sugarhouse - Hoodwink (2007)
♂ Extraordinary Rendition - Maro, Interrogator (2007)
♂ Arena - The Driver (voice)(2007)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II - The Rise of the Witch-king (Video Game) - The Witch King / Gollum (voice)(2006)
♂ Simon Schama's Power of Art - Vincent Van Gogh (2006)
♂ Longford - Ian Brady (2006)
♂ Por Água Abaixo - Spike (voice)(2006)
♂ O Grande Truque - Alley (2006)
♂ Alex Rider Contra o Tempo - Mr. Grin (2006)
♂ Stingray - Stingray (voice)(2006)
♂ King Kong - Kong / Lumpy (2005)
♂ King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (Video Game) - Lumpy (voice)(2005)
♂ 13 Going on 30: Bloopers - Richard Kneeland (uncredited)(2004)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth (Video Game) - Smeagol / Gollum / The Witch King (voice)(2004)
♂ Spooks - Riff (uncredited)(2004)
♂ Blessed - Father Carlo (2004)
De Repente 30 - Richard Kneeland (2004)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: O Retorno do Rei - Gollum / Smeagol (2003)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Video Game) - Gollum / The Witch-king (voice)(2003)
♂ Standing Room Only - Granny / Rastafarian / Hunter Jackson (2003)
♂ Os Simpsons - Cleanie (voice) (2003)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: As Duas Torres - Gollum (2002)
♂ Guerreiros do Inferno - Pvt. Thomas Quinn (2002)
♂ The Escapist - Ricky Barnes (2002)
♂ A Festa Nunca Termina - Martin Hannett (2002)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: A Sociedade do Anel - Gollum (voice)(2001)
♂ Five Seconds to Spare - Chester (2000)
♂ Jump - Shaun (2000)
♂ Shiner - Mel (2000)
♂ Pandaemonium - John Thelwall (2000)
♂ The Jolly Boys' Last Stand - Anthony 'Spider' Dale (2000)
♂ As Mil e Uma Noites - Kasim (2000)
♂ Oliver Twist - Bill Sikes (1999)
♂ Topsy-Turvy: O Espetáculo - John D'Auban (1999)
♂ Touching Evil - Michael Lawler (1999)
♂ Shooting the Past - Styeman (1999)
♂ Clueless - David (1998)
♂ Insomnia - Harry (1998)
♂ The Jump - Steven Brunos (1998)
♂ The Tale of Sweety Barrett - Leo King (1998)
♂ Entre Gigantes - Bob (1998)
♂ Loop - Bill (1997)
♂ Mojo - Potts (1997)
♂ The Pale Horse - Sergeant Corrigan (1997)
♂ Career Girls - Mr. Evans (1997)
♂ Stella Does Tricks - Fitz (1996)
♂ Kavanagh QC - MEM O'Brien (1996)
♂ The Near Room - Bunny (1995)
♂ Finney - Tom (1994)
♂ Pie in the Sky - Maxwell (1994)
♂ Grushko - Pyotr (1994)
♂ Jutland: Reinado de Ódio - Torsten (1994)
♂ The Chief - Jacko Dolan (1994)
♂ The Bill - Alex Rackin / Dean Platt (1990-1993)
♂ The Darling Buds of May - Greville (1992)
♂ Streetwise - Owen (1989-1992)
♂ Saracen - Dudin (1989)
♂ Made in Spain - Hooligan (1989)
♂ Morris Minor's Marvellous Motors - Sparky Plugg (1989)
♂ The New Statesman - Peter Moran (1989)

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