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segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2017

Kelly Hu

Kelly Hu
Nome - Kelly Ann Hu
Instagram - @thekellyhu
Nascimento - 13/02/1968
Cidade Natal - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Dubladora


♀ The Legend of Vox Machina - Anna Ripley (voice)(2022–2024)
♀ Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai - The Lioness (voice)(2024)
♀ Watchmen: Chapter I - Vietnamese Woman / Yvonne (voice)(2024)
♀ BMF - Detective Veronica Jin (2023–2024)
♀ Joe Baby - Anne Baby (2024)
♀ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Wrath of the Mutants - Karai (voice)(2024)
♀ Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match - Bom de Briga - Ashrah (narração)(2023)
♀ Mortal Kombat 1 - Li Mei / Madame Bo (narração)(Videogame)(2023)
♀ East New York - Allison Cha (2023)
♀ The Orville - Admiral Ozawa (2017–2022)
♀ Solar Opposites - Lervus' Wife (narração)(2022)
♀ Fallen Angels Murder Club: Heroes and Felons - Joelle Wallace (2022)
♀ Fallen Angels Murder Club: Friends to Die For - Joelle Wallace (2022)
♀ Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons - Mai TrinSoo-WonAdditional Voices (narração)(Videogame)(2022)
♀ Mulher-Gato: A Caçada - Cheshire (voice)(2022)
♀ Painted Beauty - Carla (2021)
♀ Justiça Jovem - Jade Nguyen / Cheshire / Paula Crock (voice)(2011-2021)
♀ Breast Cancer Bucket List - Brenda Lee (2021)
♀ Flummels: Extintos! - News Reporter (voice)(2021)
Em busca de 'Ohana - Leilani (2021)
♀ Batman: Alma do Dragão - Lady Shiva (2021)
♀ (home)Schooled - Mrs. Deluca (2020)
♀ L.A.'s Finest: Unidas Contra o Crime - Angela Turner (2020)
♀ Phineas e Ferb, O Filme: Candace Contra o Universo - Stacy (voice)(2020)
♀ As Enroladas Aventuras da Rapunzel - Adira (voice)(2018-2020)
♀ Arqueiro - China White (2012-2019)
♀ Mortal Kombat 11 (Video Game) - D'Vorah (voice)(2019)
♀ The Orville - Admiral Ozawa (2017-2019)
♀ Go Back to China - May Li (2019)
♀ Lucy in the Sky - Dr. Susan (2018)
♀ O Natal de Heidi - Julia (2018)
♀ Stretch Armstrong e os Guerreiros Flex - Miya Kimanyan / Mrs. Park / Nathan's Mom (voice)(2017-2018)
♀ Dietland - Abra Austen (2018)
♀ Archer - Queen (voice)(2018)
♀ F.R.E.D.I. - Dr. Andi Palmer (2018)
♀ Maximum Impact - Katie Desmond (2017)
♀ As Tartarugas Ninja - Karai (voice)(2013-2017)
♀ NCIS: Nova Orleans - Doctor Anna Yoon (2017)
♀ Girls Mode 4: Suta sutairisuto (Video Game)(voice)(2017)
♀ Gap Year - Vanessa (2017)
♀ Kepler's Dream - Irene (2016)
♀ Beyond the Game (2016)
♀ Being Mary Jane - Alana (2015)
♀ Death Valley - Greenstreet (2015)
♀ Mortal Kombat X (Video Game) - D'Vorah / Sindel / Frost (voice)(2015)
♀ Infinite Crisis (Video Game) - Katana (voice)(uncredited)(2015)
♀ Battlefield Hardline (Video Game) - Khai Minh Dao (voice)(2015)
♀ Phineas e Ferb - Stacy Hirano / Owl (voice)(2007-2014)
♀ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze (Video Game) - Karai (voice)(2014)
♀ Exorcismo Adolescente - Denise Brady (2014)
♀ Age of Tomorrow - Dr. Gordon (2014)
♀ Warehouse 13 - Abigail Chow (2013-2014)
♀ Os 100 - Callie 'Cece' Cartwig (2014)
♀ Young Justice: Legacy (Video Game) - Jade Nguyen / Cheshire / Manta Trooper (voice)(2013)
♀ Batman: Arkham Origins (Video Game) - Lady Shiva (voice)(2013)
♀ Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Video Game) - Karai (voice)(2013)
♀ They Die by Dawn (2013)
♀ Scooby-Doo e o Espantalho Sinistro - Maizy (voice)(2013)
♀ The Haumana - Linda (2013)
♀ Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake (Video Game) - Inspector Jane Teng (voice)(2013)
♀ Justiça Jovem - Jade Nguyen / Cheshire / Paula Crock (voice)(2011-2013)
♀ Castle - Scarlet Jones (2013)
♀ Sleeping Dogs (Video Game) - Teng (voice)(2012)
♀ Agentes Fora da Lei - Kendra Park (2012)
♀ Fairly Legal - Lydia (2012)
♀ White Frog - Aunt May (2012)
♀ Diários de um Vampiro - Pearl Zhu (2010-2011)
♀ CSI: Investigação Criminal - Angie Salinger (2011)
♀ Phineas e Ferb: O Filme Através da 2ª Dimensão - Stacy Hirano (voice)(2011)
♀ Hawaii Five-0 - Laura Hills (2010-2011)
♀ Lanterna Verde: Cavaleiros Esmeralda - Laira (voice)(2011)
♀ Almost Perfect - Vanessa Lee (2011)
♀ Wo zhi nv ren xin - Girl in Lotto Commercial (2011)
♀ A Mann's World - Lei (2011)
♀ Batman Contra o Capuz Vermelho -Ms. Li (voice)(2010)
♀ NCIS: Investigações Criminais - Lee Wuan Kai (2009)
♀ NCIS: Los Angeles - Lee Wuan Kai (2009)
♀ In Plain Sight - Jane Kwan / Ahn Li (2009)
♀ Army Wives - Jordana Davis (2008-2009)
♀ Terminator Salvation (Video Game) - Wells / Resistance Soldier (voice)(2009)
♀ Vingança Entre Assassinos - Lai Lai Zhen (2009)
♀ Scooby-Doo e a Espada do Samurai - Miyumi / Miss Mirimoto (voice)(2009)
♀ O Espetacular Homem-Aranha - Sha Shan Nguyen / Titania (voice)(2009)
♀ Ninja Blade (Video Game) - Ryoko Kurokawa (voice)(2009)
♀ Afro Samurai (Video Game) - Okiku / Osachi (voice)(2009)
♀ Numb3rs - Alice Chen (2009)
♀ Lei e Ordem: Unidade de Vítimas Especiais - Kelly Sun (2008)
♀ Dim Sum Funeral - Cindy (2008)
♀ Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (Video Game) - Suki Toyama (2008)
♀ Farm House - Lilith (2008)
♀ Dead Space: Downfall - Shen (voice)(2008)
♀ Fracture (Video Game)(voice)(2008)
♀ Frango Robô - Olive Oyl / Lawyer / Girl (voice)(2005-2008)
♀ Stiletto: A Vingança Nunca Foi Tão Doce - Detective Hanover (2008)
♀ Area 57 - Dr. Annabelle Fermi (2007)
♀ Ligados Pelo Crime - Jiyoung (2007)
♀ In Case of Emergency - Kelly Lee (2007)
♀ Succubus: Hell-Bent - Detective Pei (2007)
♀ O Amor em Beverly Hills - Micki Yang (2007)
♀ Afro Samurai - Okiku (voice)(2007)
♀ Las Vegas - Natalie Ko (2006)
♀ Devil's Den - Caitlin (2006)
♀ Undoing - Vera (2006)
♀ Americanese - Brenda Nishitani (2006)
♀ CSI: Nova Iorque - Detective Kaile Maka (2005-2006)
♀ The Book of Daniel - Kristine Ho (2006)
♀ Mayday - Sharon Crandall (2005)
♀ Um Tira Acima da Média - Lisa Brooks (2005)
♀ Dark Shadows - Dr. Julia Hoffman (2005)
♀ Threat Matrix - Agent Mia Chen (2004)
♀ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords (Video Game) - Visas Marr (voice)(2004)
♀ O Guardião: Em Busca da Lança Sagrada - Lana (2004)
♀ Boomtown - Rachel Durrel (2003)
X-Men 2 - Yuriko Oyama / Lady Deathstrike (2003)
♀ Contra o Tempo - Sona (2003)
♀ O Escorpião Rei - The Sorceress (2002)
♀ Martial Law - Chen Pei Pei (1998-2000)
♀ Nash Bridges - Insp. Michelle Chan (1997-1998)
♀ Malcolm and Eddie - Wendy (1998)
♀ Fakin' Da Funk - Kwee-Me (1997)
♀ Sunset Beach - Rae Chang (1997)
♀ Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Ms. Jones (1996)
♀ Pacific Blue - Wendy Trang (1996)
♀ One West Waikiki - Dr. Midori (1996)
♀ The Sentinel - Christine Hung (1996)
♀ Murder One - Natalie Cheng (1996)
♀ Star Command - Ens. Yukiko Fujisaki (1996)
♀ Maybe This Time - Jennifer (1995)
♀ Estranhos Prazeres - Anchor Woman (1995)
♀ Retorno Mortal - Seiko Kobayashi (1995)
♀ Renegado - Kathy Maruyama (1994)
♀ Melrose Place - Andrea (1994)
♀ Burke's Law - Dawn (1994)
♀ L.A.X. 2194 (1994)
♀ Surf Ninjas - Ro-May (1993)
♀ Raven - Pele (1993)
♀ Harley Davidson E Marlboro Man: Caçada Sem Tréguas - Suzie (1991)
♀ The Doors - Dorothy (1991)
♀ CBS Schoolbreak Special - Emily (1990)
♀ Sexta-Feira 13 Parte 8: Jason Ataca Nova Iorque - Eva Watanabe (1989)
♀ Anjos da Lei - Kim Van Luy (1989)
♀ Combate no Vietnã - Vietnamese DJ (1989)
♀ Night Court - Kista (1988)
♀ Tudo em Família - Melia (1987-1988)

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