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sexta-feira, 7 de julho de 2023

Rosalind Chao

Rosalind Chao
Rosalind Chao
Nome - Rosalind Chao
Instagram - @chao_time
Nascimento - 23/09/1957
Cidade Natal - Anaheim, Califórnia, EUA
Profissão - Atriz, Dubladora


♀ Sacramento (2024)
Sweet Tooth - Zhang (2023)
♀ The First Lady - Tina Tchen (2022)
♀ Better Things - Caroline (2020–2022)
♀ Um Ninho para Dois - Fawn (2021)
♀ Juntos Mas Separados - Dr. Andrews (2021)
♀ Magic Camp - Lorraine (não creditado)(2020)
Mulan - Li (2020)
♀ The L Word: Generation Q - Grace Lee (2020)
♀ This Is Us - Anna (2019)
♀ A Lavanderia - Gu Kailai (2019)
♀ Convidado vitalício - Angela (2019)
♀ Código Negro - Jae Eun (2018)
♀ The Catch - Kohana Takashi (2017)
♀ Black-ish - Dr. Stone (2017)
♀ As Garotas da Tragédia - Mayor Campbell (2017)
♀ The OA - Patricia Knoller (2016)
♀ Havaí Cinco-0 - Governor Keiko Mahoe (2016)
♀ Os Muppets - Woman #1 (2016)
♀ Sin City Saints - Mrs. Wu (2015)
♀ Castle - Mimi Tan (2015)
♀ Estocolmo, Pensilvânia - Dr. Andrews (2015)
♀ Forever: Uma Vida Eterna - Frenchman (2014)
♀ The Neighbors - Barb Hartley (2014)
♀ Shameless - Doctor (2014)
♀ Projeto Intelligence - Sheng-Li Wang (2014)
♀ Apartment 23 - Pastor Jin (2012)
♀ Ruth & Erica - Helen (2012)
♀ Bones - Mandy Oh (2012)
♀ Jogos de Interesses - Kate 'Focus Group Moderator' (2012)
♀ Lei & Ordem: Crimes Premeditados - Mrs. Zhuang (2011)
♀ The Event - Doctor (2010)
♀ Trauma - Therapist (2010)
♀ CSI: Investigação Criminal - Michelle Huntley (2010)
♀ Private Practice - Lillie Jordan (2009)
♀ Anatomia de Grey - Kathleen Patterson (2008)
♀ Diz Que Me Ama - Cynthia (2007)
♀ Nanking - Chang Yu Zheng (2007)
♀ W.I.T.C.H. - Joan Lin, Mandy (narração)(2006)
♀ O.C.: Um Estranho no Paraíso - Dr. Kim (2003–2006)
♀ Ben 10 - Councilwoman Liang (narração)(2006)
♀ Encontros e Desencontros - Mei Lin (2005)
♀ O Jim é Assim - Sally Wu (2005)
♀ E se Fosse Verdade - Fran (2005)
♀ A Sete Palmos - Cindy (2005)
♀ Center of the Universe - Dr. Geisler (2004)
♀ Medical Investigation - Dr. Kramer (2004)
♀ Century City - Doctor (2004)
♀ 10-8: Officers on Duty - Lt. Maggie Chen (2003–2004)
♀ The Parkers - Prof. Thornhill (2003)
♀ Sexta-Feira Muito Louca - Pei-Pei (2003)
♀ Monk: Um Detetive Diferente - Arleen Cassady (2003)
♀ Inhabited - Ms. Montane (2003)
♀ Desaparecidos - Helen Collins (2003)
♀ MDs - Angela Yuan (2002)
♀ Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix - Devianti (narração)(Videogame)(2002)
♀ Dharma e Greg - Patricia (2002)
♀ Once and Again - Tami Seitz (2001)
♀ Uma Lição de Amor - Lily (2001)
♀ Citizen Baines - Dr. Judith Lin (2001)
♀ Impostor - Newscaster (não creditado)(2001)
♀ Três Ratos Cegos - Li Mei Chen (2001)
♀ Confissões de um Sedutor - Female Customer (2001)
♀ Arli$$ - Karen (2001)
♀ West Wing: Nos Bastidores do Poder - Jane Gentry (2001)
♀ Gideon's Crossing - Claire Hines (2001)
♀ Enemies of Laughter - Carla (2000)
♀ Family Law - Dr. Seabourne (2000)
♀ Plantão Médico - Dr. Theresa Chow (1999)
♀ Caia na Real - Anne Collins (1999)
♀ Jornada nas Estrelas: Deep Space Nine - Keiko O'Brien (1993–1999)
♀ Brimstone - Nina Chou (1998)
♀ Amor Além da Vida - Leona (1998)
♀ O Fim da Violência - Claire (1997)
♀ To Love, Honor and Deceive - Sydney's Unnamed Friend (1996)
♀ O Ônibus Mágico - Mrs. Li (narração)(1995–1996)
♀ Special Report: Journey to Mars - Dr. Lin Yo Yu (1996)
♀ Chicago Hope - Allison Granger (1995)
♀ Assassinato por Escrito - Phoebe Campbell (1995)
♀ Under Suspicion (1995)
♀ Segredos do Coração - Lee (1994)
♀ O Anjo da Guarda - Chinese Mom (1994)
♀ Web of Deception - Dr. Sheila Prosser (1994)
♀ O Clube da Felicidade e da Sorte - Rose 'The Daughter' (1993)
♀ Jornada nas Estrelas: A Nova Geração - Keiko O'BrienKeiko Ishikawa (1991–1992)
♀ Intruders - Dr. Jenny Sakai (1992)
♀ Memórias de um Homem Invisível - Cathy DiTolla (1992)
♀ Thirtysomething - Willa Camden (1991)
♀ Against the Law - Toy Feng (1990)
♀ Last Flight Out - Tra Duong (1990)
♀ Desafiando o Destino - LaluPolly (1990)
♀ Denial - Terry (1990)
♀ A Guerra das Drogas - Thanh Steinmetz (1990)
♀ Jake and the Fatman - Elaine Nakasone (1989)
♀ Miami Vice - Mai Ying (1988)
♀ Shooter - Lan (1988)
♀ Fogo Cruzado - Thi Hau (1988)
♀ Combate no Vietnã - Li Kiem (1988)
♀ Beauty and the Beast - Lin Wong (1988)
♀ Shao ye de mo nan - Lian Hua (1987)
♀ Detetive Particular - Kai-Lee (1987)
♀ Max Headroom - Angie Barry (1987)
♀ Dançando Com o Perigo - Mrs. Margaret Bell (1987)
♀ Contrato de Risco - Colette Tran (1987)
♀ Spies (1987)
♀ Esquadrão Classe A - Alice Heath (1986)
♀ St. Elsewhere - Mary Wilson (1986)
♀ Jack and Mike - Holly Sykes (1986)
♀ Falcon Crest - Li-Ying ChiLi Ying (1986)
♀ Tempo quente - Lucy (1986)
♀ American Playhouse - Ku Ling (1985)
♀ After MASH - Soon-Lee Klinger (1983–1985)
♀ Going Berserk - Kung Fu Girl (1983)
♀ The Terry Fox Story - Rika Noda (1983)
♀ Arnold - Miss ChungMing Li (1981–1983)
♀ M*A*S*H - Soon-Lee KlingerSoon-Lee (1983)
♀ Bring 'Em Back Alive - Shala (1982)
♀ O Trambiqueiro - Daphne Wu (1982)
♀ One Day at a Time - Gloria (1981)
♀ Twirl - Kim King (1981)
♀ O Ajuste de Contas - Linda Chan (1981)
♀ The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island - Hotel clerk (1981)
♀ Xerife Lobo - Leslie Chiu (1981)
♀ O Grande Lutador - Mae (1980)
♀ Mysterious Island of Beautiful Women - Flower (1979)
♀ A Man Called Sloane - Soom Nuk (1979)
♀ Homem-Aranha - Emily Chan (1979)
♀ Emergency! - Kathy (1979)
♀ The Ultimate Impostor - Lai-Ping (1979)
♀ How the West Was Won - Li Sin (1979)
♀ O Incrível Hulk - Receptionist (1978)
♀ Kojak - Grace Chen (1977)
♀ The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries - Lily (1977)
♀ ABC Afterschool Specials - The Kurmese Ambassador's Daughter (1976)
♀ Kung Fu - Dancer (não creditado)(1973)
♀ Anna and the King - Princess Serena (1972)
♀ Here's Lucy - Linda Chang Wong (1970)

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