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domingo, 1 de outubro de 2023

Pete Gardner

Pete Gardner
Pete Gardner
Nome - Pete Gardner
Instagram - @mrpetegardner
Nascimento - 30/05/1964
Cidade Natal - Scarsdale, Nova Iorque, EUA
Profissão - Ator, Redator, Cantor, Dubladora


Eu Nunca... - Coach Noble (2023)
♂ PBC - Dave (2022)
♂ Young Rock - Liberace (2022)
♂ As Crônicas de Cucu - Keith Colorado (2022)
♂ Nossa Bandeira É a Morte - Dutch Captain (2022)
♂ Desculpa, Mas Vou Te Matar - Killer (2020)
♂ Story of You - Roy (2020)
♂ Vampirina - Thatch (narração)(2020)
♂ Meet Me at the Barre - Pete (2019–2020)
♂ Leave 'em Laughing - Carlo (2020)
♂ Man Camp - Alan (2019)
♂ Boris and the Bomb - Larry (2019)
♂ Clap - Dad (2019)
♂ Blowing Up Right Now - John (2019)
♂ Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Darryl Whitefeather (2015–2019)
♂ Anchors Away (2019)
♂ Appy Days - Randy (2019)
♂ Liza on Demand - Father Michaels (2018)
♂ Frango Robô - Mike Pence / Kidnapper (narração)(2018)
♂ Rumor from Ground Control - Sam Saville (2018)
♂ Wake the Riderless Horse - Peter (2018)
♂ The Adventures of Regular Guy Tim - The Wizard (2018)
♂ Funny Story - Jack (2018)
♂ Son of Zorn - Football Coach (2017)
♂ The Remake - Don Driscol (2016)
♂ Step 9 - James (2016)
♂ How to Build a Fort - Voice of Maggie's Dad (narração)(2016)
♂ NCIS: Investigações Criminais - Harpers Ferry Police Detective Swanson (2016)
♂ Barry - Barry (2016)
♂ A Most Suitable Applicant - Mr. White (2015)
♂ Masters of Sex - Dean Snyder (2015)
♂ The Brink - Agent (2015)
♂ Larry Gaye: Renegade Male Flight Attendant - Flight School Doctor (2015)
♂ Real Estate Milfia - Phillip (2015)
♂ Mac and Abby - Zach (2014)
♂ CineDopes - Police Officer (2014)
♂ Awkward Moments When You Meet the Parents - The Father (2014)
♂ If Buying Condoms Was Like Buying Birth Control - Pete Gardner (2014)
♂ Oliver, Stoned. - Jeff (2014)
♂ Eagleheart - Doc Gardner (2011–2014)
♂ Full Circle - Manager (2013)
♂ Psych - Stumpy (2013)
♂ 1600 Penn - Pete (2013)
♂ Uma Família Perdida no Meio do Nada - Mr. Finch (2013)
♂ The Bullsh*t Detective - Stephen Jones (2013)
♂ Perception: Truques da Mente - Simon Kaydee (2012)
♂ A Wholesale Bundle for a Costly Price - Merty (2012)
♂ Projeto X: Uma Festa Fora de Controle - Older Guy (2012)
♂ Workless - Mr. Jackson (2012)
♂ Workaholics - Dale Carmichael (2011)
♂ Meter Men - Det. Bratski (2011)
♂ The Bad Word - Dad (2011)
♂ Love Shack - Doug Vanderspiegl (2010)
♂ O Melhor Amigo do Papai Noel - Franklin (2010)
♂ CSI: Investigação Criminal - Dr. Scott (2010)
♂ Ritzi Po' by Armani (2009)
♂ Coma - Doug Wible (2009)
♂ Stay at Home Dan - Lester (2009)
♂ Meu Trabalho é um Parto - Terry Bournachie (2009)
♂ Bones - Gary Flannery (2008)
♂ Wild Girls Gone - Dad with Camera (2007)
♂ Carts - Daniel McCarey (2007)
♂ My Boys - Gary (2007)
♂ A Volta do Todo Poderoso - Neighbor (2007)
♂ Transformers - Dad (2007)
♂ Justiça Sem Limites - Mr. Nayman (2007)
♂ Malcolm - Milt (2006)
♂ As Loucuras de Dick & Jane - Laughing Executive (2005)
♂ Em Nome da Justiça - Dennis Delacroix (2005)
♂ The Legend of Pete Jones - Joe "Nosey" Floyd (2005)
♂ CSI: Nova Iorque - Gavin Arnold (2005)
♂ Arquivo Morto - Russell Bennet (2004)
♂ Alfinetadas - Man in Theater (2003)
♂ Sétimo Céu - Mr. Brand (2002)
♂ The Big Time - Announcer (2002)
♂ Just Shoot Me! - Large Man (2002)
♂ Bernie Mac, Um Tio da Pesada - Doctor (2002)
♂ Espero Que Você Morra - Dale Hendrick (2001)
♂ O Segredo do Sucesso - Carl (2001)
♂ Angel: O Caça-Vampiros - Joseph Kramer (2001)
♂ Providence - Officer MacIntyre (2001)
♂ The Parkers - Vince (2000)
♂ As Divas do Blue Iguana - Jerry (2000)
♂ Maggie Winters - Doug (1998)
♂ Família em Obras - Fred (1998)
♂ Damon - Tony (1998)
♂ LateLine - Techie (1998)
♂ Tracey Takes On... - 747 Captain (1998)
♂ JAG: Ases Invencíveis - Screaming Father (1997)
♂ Arli$$ - Product Rep (1997)
♂ Missing Persons - Fred Hagar (1994)
♂ Quanto mais Grana Melhor - Officer Deebs (1992)
♂ Murder in Music City (1979)

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