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domingo, 24 de julho de 2016

Ian McKellen

Ian McKellen
Nome - Ian Murray McKellen
Instagram - @ianmckellen
Nascimento - 25/05/1939
Cidade Natal - Burnley, Lancashire, England, UK
Profissão - Ator, Escritor, Cantor, Dublador


♂ Hot White Heist 2 - Oscar (2024)
♂ Hamlet - Hamlet (2024)
♂ Ted - Narrator (narração)(2024)
♂ The Critic - Jimmy Erskine (2023)
♂ The One Note Man - Storyteller (narração)(2023)
♂ Hamlet Within - The Ghost (2023)
♂ Infinitum: Subject Unknown - Dr. Charles Marland-White (2021)
♂ Herbie - Herbie (2020)
♂ Cats - Gus the Theatre Cat (2019)
♂ Darrylgorn - Ian (2019)
♂ The Moon (narração)(2019)
♂ The King and the Master Builder - Narrator (voice)(2019)
♂ A Grande Mentira - Roy Courtnay (2019)
♂ A Pura Verdade - Earl of Southampton (2018)
♂ National Theatre Live: King Lear - King Lear (2018)
♂ Uma Família da Pesada - Dr. Cecil Pritchfield (voice)(2018)
♂ Edmund the Magnificent - Narrator (voice)(2017)
♂ Animal Crackers - Horatio P. Huntington (voice) (2017)
A Bela e a Fera - Cogsworth (2017)
♂ Look Back in Anger - Colonel (2016)
♂ National Theatre Live: No Man's Land - Spooner (2016)
♂ Vicious - Freddie Thornhill (2013-2016)
♂ The Roof - And Even Yet Another Fan (2016)
♂ The Dresser - Norman (2015)
♂ Artsnight - Contributor (2015)
♂ Sr. Sherlock Holmes - Sherlock Holmes (2015)
♂ O Hobbit: A Batalha dos Cinco Exércitos - Gandalf (2014)
X-Men: Dias de um Futuro Esquecido - Magneto (2014)
♂ Miss in Her Teens - The Prologue (2014)
♂ O Hobbit: A Desolação de Smaug - Gandalf (2013)
♂ The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot - Ian McKellen (2013)
Wolverine: Imortal - Magneto (uncredited) (2013)
♂ The Egg Trick - Magician (2013)
♂ Doctor Who - Great Intelligence (voice) (2012)
♂ O Hobbit: Uma Jornada Inesperada - Gandalf (2012)
♂ The Academy: Special - Murray (2012)
♂ London 2012 Paralympic Opening Ceremony: Enlightenment - The Tempest Prospero (2012)
♂ Claude et Claudette - The Voice (voice) (2011)
♂ Lady Grey London (2011)
♂ E'gad, Zombies! - Narrator (voice) (2010)
♂ A Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation - Narrator (voice) (2010)
♂ Small-Time Revolutionary - Hamish Miller (voice) (2010)
♂ The Academy Part 2: First Impressions - Murray (2009)
♂ The Prisoner - 2 / Curtis / Un-Two (2009)
♂ The Academy - Murray (2009)
♂ King Lear - King Lear (2008)
♂ Great Performances - King Lear (2008)
A Bússola de Ouro - Iorek Byrnison (voice) (2007)
♂ Stardust: O Mistério da Estrela - Narrator (voice) (2007)
♂ For the Love of God - Jackdaw (2007)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II - The Rise of the Witch-king (Video Game) - Gandalf the Grey / Gandalf the White (voice)
♂ Por Água Abaixo - The Toad (voice) (2006)
♂ Extras - Ian McKellen (2006)
X-Men: O Confronto Final - Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto (2006)
♂ O Código Da Vinci - Sir Leigh Teabing (2006)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II (Video Game) - Gandalf the Grey / Gandalf the White (voice) (2006)
♂ Dogão: Amigo pra Cachorro - Zebedee (voice) (2006)
♂ Displaced (voice) (2006)
♂ Eighteen - Jason Anders (voice) (2005)
♂ O Segredo de Neverwas - Gabriel Finch (2005)
♂ Coronation Street - Mel Hutchwright (2005)
♂ Paixão sem Limites - Dr. Peter Cleave (2005)
♂ The Magic Roundabout - Zebedee (voice) (2005)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth (Video Game) - Gandalf (voice) (2004)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (Video Game) - Gandalf (voice) (2004)
♂ Arena - Narrator (voice) (2004)
♂ Churchill - Narrator (voice) (2003-2004)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: O Retorno do Rei - Gandalf (2003)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Video Game) - Gandalf (voice) (2003)
♂ Emile - Emile (2003)
X-Men 2 - Eric Lensherr / Magneto (2003)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: As Duas Torres - Gandalf (2002)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Video Game) - Gandalf (voice) (2002)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: A Sociedade do Anel - Gandalf (2001)
X-Men: O Filme - Eric Lensherr / Magneto (2000)
♂ Cirque du Soleil: Journey of Man - Narrator (voice) (2000)
♂ David Copperfield - Creakle (1999)
♂ O Aprendiz - Kurt Dussander (1998)
♂ Deuses e Monstros - James Whale (1998)
♂ Trazido Pelo Mar - Dr. James Kennedy (1997)
♂ Bent - Uncle Freddie (1997)
♂ Rasputin - Tsar Nicholas II (1996)
♂ O Outro Lado da Nobreza - Will Gates (1995)
♂ Richard III - Richard III (1995)
♂ Jack and Sarah - William (1995)
♂ Em Busca da Felicidade - Amos Starkadder (1995)
♂ Drag Queen: Uma Paixão do Outro Mundo - Quilt Documentary Narrator (voice) (1994)
♂ O Sombra - Dr. Reinhardt Lane (1994)
♂ Disposto a Tudo - John Earl McAlpine (1994)
♂ Seis Graus de Separação - Geoffrey (1993)
♂ Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City - Archibald Anson Gidde (1993)
♂ E a Vida Continua - Bill Kraus (1993)
♂ Uma Balada Para Jo - Percy Corcoran (1993)
♂ O Último Grande Herói - Death (1993)
♂ Theatre Night - Iago (1990)
♂ Countdown to War - Adolf Hitler (1989)
♂ Escândalo: A História que Seduziu o Mundo - John Profumo (1989)
♂ Capricho dos Deuses - Chairman (1988)
♂ Plenty: O Mundo de uma Mulher - Sir Andrew Charleson (1985)
♂ Zina - Kronfeld (1985)
♂ A Fortaleza Infernal - Dr. Theodore Cuza (1983)
♂ Walter and June - Walter (1983)
♂ The Scarlet Pimpernel - Chauvelin (1982)
♂ Walter - Walter (1982)
♂ Priest of Love - D.H. Lawrence (1981)
♂ Play for Today (1980)
♂ Armchair Thriller - Antony Skipling (1980)
♂ A Performance of Macbeth - Macbeth (1979)
♂ BBC2 Playhouse - Alexander (1979)
♂ Jackanory - Reader (1978)
♂ Late Night Drama (1974)
♂ BBC Play of the Month - Captain Plume / George Tesman / Ross (1968-1973)
♂ Country Matters - David Masterman (1972)
♂ BBC Show of the Week (1972)
♂ ITV Saturday Night Theatre - Lyov (1972)
♂ The Tragedy of King Richard II - King Richard II (1971)
♂ Hamlet - Hamlet (1970)
♂ Edward II - King Edward (1970)
♂ Solo - John Keats (1970)
♂ The Promise - Leonidik (1969)
♂ Alfredo, O Grande - Roger (1969)
♂ A Touch of Love - George Matthews (1969)
♂ David Copperfield - David Copperfield (1966)
♂ Sunday Out of Season - Victor Leech (1965)
♂ The Wednesday Play - Wolf (1965)
♂ The Indian Tales of Rudyard Kipling - Plowden (1964)

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