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domingo, 31 de julho de 2016

Jenna Leigh Green

Jenna Leigh Green
Nome - Jennifer Leigh Greenberg
Instagram - @jennaleighgreen
Nascimento - 22/08/1974
Cidade Natal - West Hills, California, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Dubladora


♀ Decade of the Dead - Stacy Conrad (2023)
♀ Blue Bloods - Robin Pruitt (2022)
♀ Magnum P.I. - Heather Nix (2022)
♀ Meet Cute Rom-Coms - Selena (Série Podcast)(2022)
♀ NCIS: Hawai'i - Morgan Davenport (2021)
♀ Gossip Girl - Nancy Vogel (2021)
♀ O Sobrevivente - Marley (2021)
♀ Wild Indian - Ivy (2021)
♀ That One Time - Cynthia (2020)
♀ A Voz Mais Forte - O Escândalo de Roger Ailes - Irena Briganti (2019)
♀ Yes - Annie Caden (2019)
♀ Glimpse - Pam (2018)
♀ Skin: À Flor da Pele - Rebeca Ramos (2018)
♀ Wisco Queens - Kelly (2017)
♀ Quantico - Emily Meyers (2017)
♀ Are You Afraid of the '90s? - Kimmie (2016)
♀ Hard Sell - Priscilla (2016)
♀ I Am Michael - Dr. O'Connor (2015)
♀ The Residuals - Heidi (2015)
♀ My Eleventh - Courtney Ullman (2014)
♀ Fifty Grades of Shay - Waitress (2012)
♀ The Outrageously Fabulous Weekly Parody Talk Show - Ensemble (2012)
♀ Bones - Heather (2011)
♀ Você de Novo - Heather (2010)
♀ Castle - Molly (2010)
♀ Ghost Whisperer - Carrie (2009)
♀ Arquivo Morto - Violet Golding '64 (2008)
♀ Open House - Betty (2004)
♀ Plantão Médico - Tammy Gribbs, Frank's Secretary (2002)
♀ First Shot - Jess Hayes (2002)
♀ Dharma e Greg - Kelly Kincaid (2002)
♀ Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family - Tara Mathers (2001)
♀ A Bruxa de Blair: A Paródia - Heather (2000)
♀ Cover Me - Tara Mathers (1999)
♀ Sabrina, a Aprendiz de Feiticeira - Libby Chessler (1996-1999)
♀ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: Spellbound (Video Game) - Libby (voice)(1998)
♀ Sandman - Wanda (1998)
♀ Os Novos Caça-Fantasmas - Wanda / Persefineathious
♀ Friends 'Til the End - Risa (1997)
♀ Bomber Boys: Uma Turma do Barulho - Girl (1995)
♀ A Friend to Die For - Meridith Ladd (1994)

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