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quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2018

Katee Sackhoff

Katee Sackhoff
Nome - Kathryn Ann Sackhoff
Instagram - @therealkateesackhoff
Nascimento - 08/04/1980
Cidade Natal - Portland, Oregon, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Dubladora, Escritora, Produtora


♀ O Mandaloriano - Bo-Katan Kryze (2020–2023)
♀ Frango Robô - Bitch Puddin'Kara Thrace'Your Mom' (narração)(2007–2022)
♀ Christmas Sail - Liz Darling (2021)
Outra Vida - Niko Breckinridge (2019-2021)
♀ Ataque dos Mortos-Vivos - Judy (voice)(2021)
♀ Batman: O Longo Dia das Bruxas, Parte 2 - Poison Ivy (voice)(2021)
♀ The Division: Hearts on Fire - Hoskins (Podcast Series)(2021)
♀ Star Wars: A Guerra dos Clones - Bo-Katan (voice)(2012-2020)
♀ Flash - Amunet Black / Blacksmith / Leslie (2017-2020)
♀ Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Sarah Hall (voice)(Video Game)(2018)
♀ 2036 Origin Unknown - Mackenzie 'Mack' Wilson (2018)
♀ The Machine - Nadia (voice) (2017)
♀ Longmire: O Xerife - Victoria 'Vic' Moretti (2012-2017)
♀ Star Wars Rebels - Bo-Katan Kryze (voice) (2017)
♀ Don't Knock Twice - Jess (2016)
♀ Girl Flu. - Jenny (2016)
♀ Eve: Valkyrie (Video Game) - Rán Kavik (voice) (2016)
♀ Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Video Game) - Sarah Hall (voice) (2015)
♀ Power Rangers - Kimberly / Pink (2015)
♀ Crimes e Trapaças - Beverly (2014)
♀ Movie Trivia Schmoedown (2014)
♀ O Espelho - Marie Russell (2013)
♀ Riddick 3 - Dahl (2013)
♀ Sexy Evil Genius - Nikki Franklyn (2013)
♀ Evocando Espíritos 2 - Joyce (2013)
♀ Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Bo-Katan (voice) (2012-2013)
♀ A Deadly Obsession - Suzanne (2012)
♀ Workaholics - Rachel (2011)
♀ Spider-Man: Edge of Time (Video Game) - Black Cat (voice) (2011)
♀ Batman: Ano Um - Detective Essen (voice) (2011)
♀ The Cleveland Show - Katee Sackhoff (voice) (2011)
♀ CSI: Investigação Criminal - Detective Frankie Reed (2010-2011)
♀ Esquadrão de Heróis - She-Hulk (voice) (2011)
♀ Boston's Finest - Julia Scott (2010)
♀ Big Bang: A Teoria - Katee Sackhoff (2009-2010)
♀ Futurama - Grrrl (voice) (2010)
♀ 24 Horas - Dana Walsh (2010)
♀ Lost and Found - Tessa Cooper (2009)
♀ Battlestar Galactica - Captain Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace (2004-2009)
♀ Estética - Dr. Theodora 'Teddy' Rowe (2009)
♀ Lei e Ordem - Dianne Cary (2008)
♀ Resistance 2 (Video Game) - Cassie Aklin (voice) (2008)
♀ Late Show with David Letterman - Kara Thrace 'Top Ten Presenter' (uncredited) (2008)
♀ Battlestar Galactica: Razor - Captain Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace (2007)
♀ A Mulher Biônica - Sarah Corvus (2007)
♀ Halo 3 (Video Game) - Female Marine 3 (voice) (2007)
♀ How I Married My High School Crush - Sara Jacob (2007)
♀ O Último Sentinela - Girl (2007)
♀ Luzes do Além - Sherry Clarke (2007)
♀ Arquivo Morto - Terri Maxwell (2004)
♀ Boomtown - Holly (2003)
♀ Battlestar Galactica - Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace (2003)
♀ Halloween: Resurrection - WebCam Special - Jen (2002)
♀ Plantão Médico - Jason's Girlfriend (2002)
♀ Halloween: Ressurreição - Jen (2002)
♀ The Education of Max Bickford - Nell Bickford (2001-2002)
♀ Meu Primeiro Homem - Ashley (2001)
♀ The Fearing Mind - Lenore Fearing (2000-2001)
♀ Undressed - Annie (2000)
♀ Locust Valley - Claire Shaw (1999)
♀ Hefner: Unauthorized - Mary (1999)
♀ Chicken Soup for the Soul - Claire (1999)
♀ Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane - Susan (1999)
♀ O Preço de uma Escolha 2 - Karen Gotatus (1998)

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