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domingo, 22 de maio de 2016

Scott Wolf

Scott Wolf
Nome - Scott Richard Wolf
Instagram - @iamscottwolf
Nascimento - 04/06/1968
Cidade Natal - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Profissão - Ator, Produtor, Cantor, Dublador


♂ A Merry Scottish Christmas - Brad Morgan (2023)
♂ Nancy Drew - Carson Drew (2019-2023)
♂ O Resgate de Ruby - Matt Zarrella (2022)
♂ Um Natal Apaixonado - Greg (2019)
♂ Inside Game - Tommy (2019)
♂ Plantão Noturno - Dr. Scott Clemmens (2014-2017)
♂ Voltron: O Defensor Lendário - Rax (voice) (2016)
♂ BoJack Horseman - Scott Wolf (voice) (2015)
♂ Perception - Donnie Ryan (2013-2015)
♂ Meet My Valentine - Tom Bishop (2015)
♂ 37 - Sean Raydo (2014)
♂ Such Good People - Jake Jones (2014)
♂ Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters - Raiden Pierce-Okamoto / Mighty Shouter / Burnclaw the Relentless (voice) (2012-2013)
♂ The Volunteer - Jimmy (2013)
♂ Imagine - John Morris (2013)
♂ NCIS: Investigações Criminais - Jonathan Cole / Casey Stratton (2011-2012)
♂ Joey Dakota - Franklin Morgan (2012)
♂ V: Visitantes - Chad Decker (2009-2011)
♂ CSI: NY - Mackinley Taylor (2008)
♂ The Nine - Jeremy Kates (2006-2007)
♂ Making It Legal - Josh (2007)
♂ Everwood: Uma Segunda Chance - Dr. Jake Hartman (2004-2006)
♂ Love Thy Neighbor - Kenny (2005)
♂ Kat Plus One - Josh (2004)
♂ Picking Up and Dropping Off - Will (2003)
♂ Rubbing Charlie - Charlie (2003)
♂ Horas Contadas - Emmett Young (2002)
♂ Jenifer - Jenifer's Date (2001)
♂ Spin City - Tim Connelly (2001)
♂ A Dama e o Vagabundo II: As Aventuras de Banzé - Scamp (speaking) (voice) (2001)
♂ O Quinteto - Bailey Salinger (1994-2000)
♂ Time of Your Life - Bailey Salinger (voice) (uncredited) (1999)
♂ Action - Scott Wolf (1999)
♂ Vamos Nessa - Adam (1999)
♂ Welcome to Hollywood - Actor (1998)
♂ O Entardecer de uma Estrela - Bruce (1996)
♂ Saturday Night Special (1996)
♂ Tormenta - Charles 'Chuck' Gieg / Narrator (1996)
♂ MADtv - Bailey Salinger (1995)
♂ Double Dragon - Billy Lee (1994)
♂ Blossom - Gordon 'Gordo' McCain (1994)
♂ Evening Shade - David (1993)
♂ Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde - Clyde (1993)
♂ Parker Lewis - Brian Sommerville (1993)
♂ The Commish - Todd Clements (1993)
♂ Galera do Barulho - Waiter at the Max / Movie Patron / Glee Club Member (1990-1992)
♂ Yesterday Today (1992)
♂ Um Pedido de Natal - Choir (1991)
♂ Kids Incorporated - Billy / Bobby (1991)
♂ As Tartarugas Ninjas - Thug (uncredited) (1990)

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