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sábado, 14 de julho de 2018

Jake Johnson

Jake Johnson
Nome - Mark Jake Johnson Weinberger
Instagram - @mrjakejohnson
Nascimento - 28/05/1978
Cidade Natal - Evanston, Illinois, USA
Profissão - Ator, Dublador, Escritor, Produtor


♂ The Novelizers with Andy Richter (2024)
♂ Riggle's Picks Podcast (2023)
♂ Minx - Doug (2022–2023)
♂ Homem-Aranha: Através do Aranhaverso - Peter B. Parker (narração)(2023)
♂ Self Reliance - Tommy (2023)
♂ A História do Mundo: Parte 2 - Marco Polo (2023)
♂ Ollie, o Coelhinho Perdido - Daddy (2022)
♂ Rugido - Greg (2022)
♂ Voe com a Águia - Leif (2021)
♂ Cinema Toast - Steve (voice)(2021)
♂ Unwanted - JeMarquees the Greeter (Podcast Series)(2021)
♂ Hoops - Coach Ben Hopkins (voice)(2020)
♂ Stumptown - Grey McConnell (2019-2020)
♂ Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet - Doc Michael (2020)
♂ No Activity - DEA Agent John Haldeman (2017-2019)
♂ Chance the Rapper Feat. MadeinTYO and DaBaby: Hot Shower - Jimmy (2019)
♂ Easy - Drew (2016-2019)
♂ Drunk History - Chick Gandil / Boris Spassky / William B. Travis (2013-2019)
♂ Homem-Aranha no Aranhaverso - Peter B. Parker (voice)(2018)
♂ To Plant a Flag - Astronaut (2018)
♂ Te Peguei! - Randy 'Chilli' Cilliano (2018)
♂ New Girl - Nick Miller (2011-2018)
♂ BoJack Horseman - Oxnard (voice)(2015-2017)
♂ Comrade Detective - Stan (voice)(2017)
♂ Idiotsitter (2016-2017)
A Múmia - Sgt. Vail (2017)
♂ Os Smurfs e a Vila Perdida - Grouchy Smurf (voice)(2017)
♂ Apostando Tudo - Eddie (2017)
♂ Becoming Bond - Peregrine Carruthers (2017)
♂ Lego Jurassic World: The Indominus Escape - Lowery (voice)(2016)
♂ Easy - Drew (2016)
♂ Ursos Sem Curso - Dave (voice)(2016)
♂ Os Caça-Noivas - Ronnie (2016)
♂ Joshy - Reggie (2016)
♂ CollegeHumor Originals - Brad (2015)
♂ No Activity - Cutler (2015)
♂ Drunk History - Boris Spassky / William B. Travis (2013-2015)
♂ Lego Dimensions (Video Game) - Lowery Cruthers (voice) (2015)
♂ Lego Jurassic World (Video Game) - Lowery (voice)(2015)
♂ Jurassic World: O Mundo dos Dinossauros - Lowery (2015)
♂ High School USA! - Mr. Structor (voice)(2013-2015)
♂ Quem Procura Acha - Tim (2015)
♂ Tiras, Só que Não - Ryan (2014)
♂ Vizinhos - Sebastian Cremmington (2014)
♂ Uma Aventura Lego - Barry (voice)(2014)
♂ Coogan Auto - Derek Guthrie (2013)
♂ Ghost Ghirls - Eddie Hanson (2013)
♂ Coffee Town - Roommate (2013)
♂ Diferenças e Semelhanças - Basel (2013)
♂ Um Brinde À Amizade - Luke (2013)
♂ Junk - Nicholas Jasenovec (2012)
♂ The New Guy on New Girl with Zooey Deschanel - Jake Johnson (2012)
♂ NTSF:SD:SUV - Jorgen (2012)
♂ Anjos da Lei - Principal Dadier (2012)
♂ Sem Segurança Nenhuma - Jeff (2012)
♂ Allen Gregory - Joel Zadak (voice)(2011)
♂ Um Natal Muito Louco - Jesus (2011)
♂ Inconvenient Interviews with Risa - Interviewee (2011)
♂ Happy Endings Auditions - Casting Director (voice)(2011)
♂ Steel Train: Turnpike Ghost - Al Scalzo (2011)
♂ Sexo Sem Compromisso - Eli (2011)
♂ Spilt Milk - Todd (2010)
♂ Como Ganhar Seu Coração - Teddy (2010)
♂ Drunk History - Aaron Burr (2010)
♂ O Pior Trabalho do Mundo - Jazz Man (2010)
♂ Linha do Tempo - Powell (2010)
♂ Funny or Die Presents... - Shirtless Man (2010)
♂ Engana-me se Puder - Videographer 2 (2009)
♂ Paper Heart - Nicholas Jasenovec (2009)
♂ Cinturão Vermelho - Guayabera Shirt Man (2008)
♂ This Is My Friend - Jake (2007)
♂ UCB Comedy Originals (2007)
♂ The Unit - Martin (2007)
♂ Cautionary Tales of Swords - Fred (2007)
♂ Segura a Onda - Man on Cell Phone (2007)
♂ Derek and Simon: The Show - Jake (2007)
♂ Your Magic Touched Me - The Devil (2007)
♂ Clark and Michael - Audition Director (2007)
♂ Bunny Whipped - Basketball Player (2007)
♂ Best Men - Danny (2006)
♂ The Great Sketch Experiment - Janitor (2006)

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