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quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2016

Nick Swardson

Nick Swardson
Nome - Nicholas Swardson
Instagram - @realnickswardson
Nascimento - 09/10/1976
Cidade Natal - Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Profissão - Ator, Escritor, Produtor


Leo - Cinnabun (narração)(2023)
♂ Buddy Games: Spring Awakening - Bender (2023)
♂ Mucho Locos no Natal - Uncle Kris (2022)
♂ Reno 911!: It's a Wonderful Heist - Terry (2022)
♂ Immoral Compass - Jake (2021)
♂ The Comedy Kitchen Podcast - Guest (2020)
♂ Buzz Off - The Fly (2020)
♂ Hoops - Scott (voice)(2020)
♂ A Missy Errada - Nate (2020)
♂ Deported - Doug's Brother (2020)
♂ Airplane Mode - Esteban (2019)
♂ Jogos Entre Amigos - Bender (2019)
♂ Laugh Factory (2018)
♂ Typical Rick - Gary (2016-2017)
♂ Star vs. As Forças do Mal - Dojo Sensei (voice)(2015-2017)
♂ After School Special - Wacon Bacon (uncredited)(2017)
♂ Sandy Wexler - Gary Rodgers (2017)
♂ TripTank - Beth / Massage Guy / Killer Bee 1 (voice)(2014-2016)
♂ Zerando a Vida - Bob (2016)
♂ The Ridiculous 6 - Nelly Patch (2015)
♂ Birds Court - Uncle Wally (2015)
♂ Comedy Bang! Bang! - Billy (2015)
♂ Hell and Back - Remy (voice)(2015)
♂ Hotel Transilvânia 2 - Kelsey (voice)(2015)
♂ Body High - Nick Swardson (2015)
♂ Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Dojo Sensei (voice)(2015)
♂ Pixels - Pac-Man Victim (uncredited)(2015)
♂ The Goldbergs - Rick Lancer (2015)
♂ The Massage with Nick Swardson (2014)
♂ Jason Nash Is Married - Nick (2014)
♂ Portlandia (2014)
♂ Chozen - Troy (voice) (2014)
♂ Back in the Day - Ron Freeman (2014)
♂ Chris Brown: Love More - Nick (2013)
♂ Massholes - Nick Swardson (2013)
♂ Gente Grande 2 - Nick (2013)
Inatividade Paranormal - Chip the Psychic (2013)
♂ Jason Nash Is Married (2013)
♂ All Star Bowling Trick Shots - Nick Swardson (2012)
♂ A Laranja Irritante - Jittery Guy / Jason Jr. (voice) (2012)
♂ Este é o Meu Garoto - Kenny (2012)
♂ Aim High - Deuce (2011)
♂ Pretend Time - Various (2010-2011)
Cada um tem a Gêmea que Merece - Todd (2011)
♂ For the Win - Bucky Larson (2011)
♂ 30 Minutos ou Menos - Travis (2011)
♂ Dotado para Brilhar - Bucky Larson (2011)
Esposa de Mentirinha - Eddie (2011)
♂ Reno 911! - Terry Bernadino (2003-2009)
Um Faz de Conta Que Acontece - Engineer (2008)
♂ Bolt: Supercão - Blake (voice) (2008)
A Casa das Coelhinhas - Playboy hotographer (2008)
♂ Zohan: O Agente Bom de Corte - Michael (2008)
♂ O Jim é Assim - Waiter (uncredited) (2008)
♂ Cavemen - Ray (2007)
Eu os Declaro Marido e... Larry - Kevin McDonough (2007)
♂ Human Giant - Rob's Agent (2007)
♂ Escorregando Para a Glória - Hector (2007)
♂ Reno 911!: Miami - Terry (2007)
♂ That's My Daughter - Patrick Swayze (2007)
♂ Click - Bed, Bath e Beyond Guy (2006)
♂ Os Esquenta-Banco - Howie (2006)
♂ Uma Escola de Arte Muito Louca - Matthew (2006)
♂ Queridinho da Vovó - Jeff (2006)
♂ Gay Robot - Rick / Gay Robot (2006)
♂ Cheap Seats: Without Ron Parker - Nicholas Jenner (2004)
♂ Seqüestro em Malibu - Mocha (2003)
♂ Watching Ellie - Young Guy (2002)
♂ The Greg Giraldo Show (2002)
♂ Pretty When You Cry - Shaun (2001)
♂ The Girls Guitar Club - Hipster Customer (2001)
♂ Diversão É a Lei - Jack the Pee Boy (2001)
♂ Hello Junkie - Nick the Dick (2001)
♂ Quase Famosos - Insane Bowie Fan (2000)
♂ LateLine - Justin (1999)

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