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quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2016

Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano
Nome - Alyssa Jayne Milano
Instagram - @milano_alyssa
Nascimento - 19/12/1972
Cidade Natal - Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Produtora, Dubladora


♀ Etheria Film Night 2023 - Nicole (2023)
♀ No Overnight Parking - Nicole (2023)
♀ Who Are You People - Judith (2023)
♀ Give Me an A - Abigail Adams (2022)
♀ Guy's Ultimate Game Night (2022)
♀ Indecente - Grace (2022)
♀ Sammy (2021)
♀ The Now - Sarah (2021)
♀ Você é Minha Casa - Sloane (2020)
♀ Insaciável - Coralee Armstrong (2018–2019)
♀ Anatomia de Grey - Haylee Peterson (2019)
♀ Pergunte aos StoryBots - The Chocolatier (2019)
♀ The Investigation: A Search for the Truth in Ten Acts - K. T. McFarland (2019)
♀ Tentação do Destino - Gabby Cartwright (2019)
♀ Amor em Little Italy - Dora Angioli (2018)
♀ Who Is? (narração)(2017)
♀ Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later - Renata (2017)
♀ What Goes Around Comes Around - Robin (2016)
♀ Mistresses - Savannah 'Savi' Davis (2013-2014)
♀ Alyssa Milano Sex Tape (2013)
♀ Breaking In - Amy Osborn (2011-2012)
♀ Romantically Challenged - Rebecca Thomas (2010-2011)
♀ Noite de Ano Novo - Nurse Mindy (2011)
♀ Justiça Jovem - Pamela Isley / Poison Ivy (voice) (2011)
♀ Passe Livre - Mandy (2011)
♀ Perdido Pra Cachorro 2 - Biminy (voice) (2011)
♀ Sundays at Tiffany's - Jane Claremont (2010)
♀ Kick Buttowski: Um Projeto de Dublê - Scarlett Rosetti (2010)
♀ DC Showcase: Superman and Shazam!: O Retorno do Adão Negro - Aimee Brenner (voice) (2010)
♀ DC Showcase Original Shorts Collection - Aimee Brenner (voice) (2010)
♀ O Namorado da Minha Namorada - Jesse Young (2010)
♀ DC Showcase: Espectro - Aimee Brenner (voice) (2010)
♀ Castle - Kyra Blaine (2010)
♀ Ghostbusters (Video Game) - Dr. Ilyssa Selwyn (voice) (2009)
♀ The Uncler - Lady Liberty (2009)
♀ Meu Nome é Earl - Billie Cunningham (2007-2008)
♀ Autópsia de um Crime - Gwen Williamson (2008)
♀ Wisegal - Patty Montanari (2008)
♀ Me and Everyone Else - Mia Stevens (2008)
♀ Single with Parents - Louisa (2008)
♀ Reinventing the Wheelers - Annie Stevens (2007)
♀ The Blue Hour - Allegra (2007)
♀ Jovens Bruxas - Phoebe Halliwell (1998-2006)
♀ Dinotopia: Quest for the Ruby Sunstone - 26 (voice) (2005)
♀ Jimmy Neutron: Win, Lose and Kaboom - April (voice) (2004)
♀ Dickie Roberts: O Pestinha cresceu - Cyndi (2003)
♀ O Beijo da Noiva - Amy Kayne (2002)
♀ Quando a Vaca Vai para o Brejo - Amy (2002)
♀ Uma Família da Pesada - Alyssa Milano (2001)
♀ Spin City - Meg Winston (1997-2001)
♀ A Dama e o Vagabundo II: As Aventuras de Banzé - Angel (voice) (2001)
♀ The Diamond Hunters - Tracey Van der Byl (2001)
♀ Fantasy Island - Gina Williams (1998)
♀ Melrose Place - Jennifer Mancini (1997-1998)
♀ A Corrida Do Ouro - Frances Ella 'Fizzy' Fitz (1998)
♀ Hugo Pool - Hugo (1997)
♀ Horas de Medo - Susanne (1997)
♀ Jimmy Zip - Katie (1996)
♀ To Brave Alaska - Denise Harris (1996)
♀ Public Enemies - Amaryllis (1996)
♀ Medo - Margo Masse (1996)
♀ Instinto Sedutor - Lily Leonetti (1996)
♀ A Inquilina - Amy Winslow (1995)
♀ Os Pecados Mortais - Cristina (1995)
♀ Tempo de Mudança - Chelsea (1995)
♀ The Outer Limits - Hannah Valesic (1995)
♀ A Sedução do Mal - Charlotte (1995)
♀ Double Dragon - Marian Delario (1994)
♀ Os Segredos da Fraternidade - Rita Summers (1994)
♀ Rebel Highway - Rita Summers (1994)
♀ Candles in the Dark - Sylvia Velliste (1993)
♀ At Home with the Webbers - Fan (1993)
♀ Conflict of Interest - Eve (1993)
♀ Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story - Amy Fisher (1993)
♀ Little Sister - Diana (1992)
♀ Who's the Boss? - Samantha Micelli (1984-1992)
♀ A Lei de Cada Dia - Kimmy (1991)
♀ The American Film Institute Presents: TV or Not TV? - Sarah (1990)
♀ Living Dolls - Samantha Micelli (1989)
♀ A Corrida Maluca - Lurleen (1989)
♀ Dance 'Til Dawn - Shelley Sheridan (1988)
♀ Crash Course - Vanessa Crawford (1988)
♀ Buckle Up - Alyssa Milano (1987)
♀ O Fantasma de Canterville - Jennifer Canterville (1986)
♀ Comando Para Matar - Jenny Matrix (1985)
♀ Old Enough - Diane (1984)

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