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sábado, 4 de março de 2017

Katie Lowes

Katie Lowes
Nome - Katie Quinn Lowes
Instagram - @ktqlowes
Nascimento - 22/09/1981
Cidade Natal - Queens, New York , USA
Profissão - Atriz, Produtora, Dubladora


♀ O Continental: Do Mundo de John Wick - Continental Red Light Voice (2023)
♀ Merry Kiss Cam - Jess Wolfe (2022)
♀ Mundo Estranho - Radio Host 2 (narração)(2022)
♀ Zootopia+ - Additional Voice Talent / Brianca (narração)(2022)
♀ Love, Death and Robots - Elena (voice)(2022)
♀ How We Roll - Jen (2022)
♀ This Is Us - Arielle (2022)
♀ Inventando Anna - Rachel (2022)
♀ Christmas Takes Flight - Jenny Beckett (2021)
♀ Vivo: Um Amigo Show - Becky (voice)(2021)
♀ Interconnected - Laura (2020)
♀ A Million Eyes - Amber (2019)
WiFi Ralph: Quebrando a Internet - Candlehead (voice)(2018)
♀ Escândalos: Os Bastidores do Poder - Quinn Perkins (2012-2018)
♀ Voltron: O Defensor Lendário - Commander Ladnok (voice) (2017-2018)
♀ Scandal: Gladiator Wanted - Quinn Perkins (2017)
♀ Olaf em uma Nova Aventura Congelante de Frozen - Additional Voices (voice) (2017)
Zootopia - Badger Doctor (voice) (2016)
♀ No She Wasn't - Carrie (2015)
♀ Scheer-RL - Britney Spears (2015)
♀ Operação Big Hero - Abigail (voice)(2014)
♀ O Banquete - Kirby (voice)(2014)
♀ Frozen: Uma Aventura Congelante - Additional Voices (voice)(2013)
♀ Terapia de Risco - Conference Organizer (2013)
Detona Ralph - Candlehead (voice)(2012)
♀ Royal Pains - Carrie (2012)
♀ By the Time the Sun Is Hot - The Bride (2011)
♀ Ghost Phone: Phone Calls from the Dead - Mitzi (2011)
♀ Café com Amor - Kelly (2011)
♀ Divisão Criminal - Andrea Hirschbaum (2011)
♀ Super 8 - Tina (2011)
♀ A Anatomia de Grey - Blood Donor (2011)
♀ I Made Out with Him Anyway - Stephanie (2011)
♀ Phil Cobb's Dinner for Four - G-friend (2011)
♀ Private Practice - Kira / Kendra Walker (2010)
♀ Leverage - Ashley Moore (2010)
♀ Perseguidos - Christine (2010)
♀ You're So Vain - Girlfriend (2010)
♀ Chris Weisberg Is Growing Bald - Lexie (2009)
♀ O Círculo - Elaine (2009)
♀ Serviço Sujo - Connie (2009)
♀ Easy Money - Brandy Buffkin (2008-2009)
♀ Transformers: A Vingança dos Derrotados - April the Resident Assistant (2009)
♀ Castle - Rachel Maddox (2009)
♀ No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker - Hospital Intern (2008)
♀ Swingtown - Liz (2008)
♀ Ghost Whisperer - Julie Anderson (2008)
♀ NCIS: Investigações Criminais - Bryn Landers (2007)
♀ Desaparecidos - Robin Olson (2006)
♀ Quarter Life Crisis - Gemini (2006)
♀ Família Soprano - Gillian (2006)
♀ As the World Turns - Megan (2004-2005)
♀ Damage Control - Sorority Rushee (2005)
♀ The Guiding Light - Nurse Spector (2005)
♀ Hate - Britney (2005)
♀ Esquadrão Resgate - Bloodied Girl (2004)

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