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sábado, 13 de agosto de 2016

Kaley Cuoco

Kaley Cuoco
Nome - Kaley Christine Cuoco
Instagram - @normancook
Nascimento - 30/11/1985
Cidade Natal - Camarillo, California, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Dubladora, Produtora


♀ Baseado Numa História Real - Ava Bartlett (2023–2024)
♀ (Un)Likeminded: A Sci-Fi Audio Anthology - Jennifer Wright (2024)
♀ Homem-Pipa: Ja É! - Harley Quinn (narração)(2024)
♀ O Jogo do Disfarce - Emma Brackett (2024)
♀ Harley Quinn - Harley Quinn / Kylie Kryptonite (voice)(2019–2023)
♀ Meet Cute - Sheila (2022)
♀ O Homem de Toronto - Anne (2022)
♀ A Comissária de Bordo - Cassie Bowden (2020–2022)
♀ Segura a Onda - Heidi (2021)
♀ Killer Movie: Director's Cut - Blanca Champion (2021)
Jovem Sheldon - Pool (não creditado)(2019)
♀ Big Bang: A Teoria - Penny (2007-2019)
♀ Handsome: Um Filme de Mistério Netflix - Kaley Cuoco (2017)
♀ Tinha Que Ser Ele? - Justine (voice)(2016)
♀ Alvin e os Esquilos: Na Estrada - Eleanor (voice)(2015)
♀ Burning Bodhi - Katy (2015)
♀ Padrinhos LTDA - Gretchen Palmer (2015)
♀ Aloe Blacc: Can You Do This - Gretchen Palmer (2014)
♀ Um Milhão de Maneiras de Pegar na Pistola - Woman in the Store (uncredited)(2014)
♀ Authors Anonymous - Hannah Rinaldi (2014)
♀ Bratz: Go to Paris the Movie - Twievil (voice)(2013)
♀ The Last Ride - Wanda (voice)(2012)
♀ Ultimate Gamer: Diablo 3 (2012)
♀ Intocável: A História de Drew Peterson - Stacy Peterson (2012)
♀ Hop: Rebeldes sem Páscoa - Sam O'Hare (2011)
♀ The Penthouse - Erica (2010)
♀ Killer Movie - Blanca Champion (2008)
♀ Monster Allergy - Elena Potato (2006-2008)
♀ Clube das Lobas - Amanda (2007)
♀ Prison Break - Sasha (2007)
♀ To Be Fat Like Me - Alyson (2007)
♀ Separated at Worth - Gabby (2006)
♀ Bratz 4: Passo Fashion - Kirstee (voice)(2006)
♀ As Aventuras de Brandy e Sr. Bigodes - Brandy Harrington (voice)(2004-2006)
♀ Jovens Bruxas - Billie Jenkins (2005-2006)
♀ Loonatics Unleashed - Paula Hayes / Weathervane (voice)(2005-2006)
♀ Wasted - Katie (2006)
♀ Bratz: Genie Magic - Kirstee (voice)(2006)
♀ Bratz - Kristee (voice)(2006)
♀ Secrets of a Small Town - Misty Anders (2006)
♀ Bratz Rock Angelz (Video Game) - Kirstee (voice)(2005)
♀ 8 Simple Rules... for Dating My Teenage Daughter - Bridget Hennessy / Cate Hennessy (2002-2005)
♀ As Lições do Amor - Sarah Baker (2005)
♀ Complete Savages - Erin (2004)
♀ Debating Robert Lee - Maralee Rodgers (2004)
♀ Halloween Macabro - Karen (2004)
♀ A Herdeira da Máfia - Brooke (2004)
♀ 10.5: O Dia Que a Terra Não Aguentou - Amanda Williams (2004)
♀ The Help - Carly Michaels (2004)
♀ A Hora do Arrepio - Kristin Ferris (2002)
♀ First Monday - Alyssa (2002)
♀ The Ellen Show - Vanessa (2002)
♀ Sétimo Céu - Lynn (2001)
♀ Ladies Man - Bonnie Stiles (2000-2001)
♀ Homewood P.I. - Lauren Crane (2000)
♀ Truques de Sedução - Teresa Powers (2000)
♀ Don't Forget Your Toothbrush - Ashley (2000)
♀ Growing Up Brady - Maureen McCormick (2000)
♀ A Turma do Boliche - Elisa Bowers (2000)
♀ The Tony Danza Show - Pammie Green (1998)
♀ A Face Oculta - Charlotte Stillwater (1998)
♀ Toothless - Lori (1997)
♀ Paixão de Ocasião - Little Girl (1997)
♀ Ellen - Little Ellen (1996)
♀ Assassino Virtual - Karin Carter (1995)
♀ My So-Called Life - Young Angela (1994)
♀ Northern Exposure - Miranda at Seven (1994)
♀ Negócio Sujo - Connie Reinhardt (1992)

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