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sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2016

Lindsay Sloane

Lindsay Sloane
Nome - Lindsay Sloane Leikin
Instagram - @lindsaysloaneyup
Nascimento - 08/08/1977
Cidade Natal - Long Island, New York, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Dubladora


♀ Anos Incríveis - Judy Hitman (2023)
♀ Amor à Três - Billie (2019)
♀ I'm Sorry - Grocery Woman (2017)
♀ Playing House - Tina Steigerman (2014-2017)
♀ The Odd Couple - Emily (2015-2017)
♀ Kings of Con - Carly (2017)
♀ Childrens Hospital - Roxanne / Pat (2011-2015)
♀ Quero Matar Meu Chefe 2 - Stacy Arbus (2014)
♀ Really - Margaret (2014)
♀ Drunk History - Nancy Reagan (2014)
♀ Kroll Show - Carrie Stitz (2014)
♀ Psych - Sandra Panitch / Melinda (2012-2014)
♀ The League - Lindsay (2010-2012)
♀ Ben and Kate - Louise (2012)
♀ Querido Companheiro - Ellie (2012)
♀ Weeds - Maxeen (2011)
Quero Matar Meu Chefe - Stacy Arbus (2011)
♀ Uma Boa e Velha Orgia - Laura (2011)
♀ Funny or Die Presents... - Actress Two / Silver Lake Chick Two / Girl Two (2011)
♀ Mr. Sunshine - Stephanie (2011)
♀ Livin' on a Prayer - Gina (2010)
♀ Worst Enemy - Stacy (2010)
♀ Os Outros Caras - Francine (2010)
♀ Ela é Demais Pra Mim - Marnie (2010)
♀ Como Eu Conheci Sua Mãe - Jen (2009)
♀ Minhas Seis Esposas - Autumn (2009)
♀ Water Pills - Mary (2009)
♀ Pulling - Donna (2009)
♀ Morning Departure (2008)
♀ Marido por Acaso - Marcy (2008)
♀ Nem por Cima do Meu Cadáver - Chloe (2008)
♀ Nancy Drew e o Mistério de Hollywood - Boutique Clerk (uncredited)(2007)
♀ Help Me Help You - Sasha Hoffman (2006-2007)
♀ Entourage: Fama e Amizade - Nicole (2006)
♀ Um Elenco do Barulho - Laurel Simon (2006)
♀ She Said/He Said (2006)
♀ The X's - Skipper (voice) (2005)
♀ Crazy (2005)
♀ DeMarco Affairs - Sammy DeMarco (2004)
♀ Dog Gone Love - Rebecca (2004)
♀ The Stones - Karly Stone (2004)
♀ Exposed - Minnie (2003)
♀ Até Que os Parentes nos Separem - Melissa Peyser (2003)
♀ Histórias do Além - Lara (2003)
♀ Miss Match - Daphne (2003)
♀ Homeward Bound - Rebecca Ashton (2002)
♀ Greg the Bunny - Chelsea (2002)
♀ Going to California - Lisa B. (2001)
♀ Strange Frequency (2001)
♀ The Fighting Fitzgeralds - Officer Gloria (2001)
♀ Grosse Pointe - Marcy Sternfeld (2000-2001)
♀ Slacker Cats (2001)
♀ Teenagers: As Apimentadas - Big Red (2000)
♀ M.Y.O.B. - Summer Raynes (2000)
♀ West Wing: Nos Bastidores do Poder - Zoey's Classmate (2000)
♀ De Volta aos Anos 70 - Patty (1999-2000)
♀ Student Affairs - Wendy (1999)
♀ Seven Girlfriends - Daphne (1999)
♀ Sabrina Vai à Austrália - Fin (1999)
♀ Batman do Futuro - Jackie Wallace (voice)(1999)
♀ Sabrina, a Aprendiz de Feiticeira - Valerie Birkhead / Vivian Soontodie (1997-1999)
♀ Lands of Lore III (Video Game) - Goldy (voice)(1999)
♀ Win a Date - Dalia (1998)
♀ Dharma e Greg - Jennifer (1997)
♀ Working - Debbie Rainer (1997)
♀ Promised Land - Rebecca Gold (1997)
♀ Mr. Rhodes - Zoey Miller / Zoey Greene (1996-1997)
♀ Too Something (1995)
♀ CBS Schoolbreak Special - Tina (1995)
♀ Meus Quinze Anos - Ruthie (1994)
♀ Anos Incríveis - Alice Pedermeir (1991-1993)
♀ Why, Charlie Brown, Why? - Big Sister (voice)(1990)

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