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domingo, 25 de setembro de 2016

Ryan Merriman

Ryan Merriman
Nome - Ryan Earl Merriman
Instagram - @theryanmerriman
Nascimento - 10/04/1983
Cidade Natal - Choctaw, Oklahoma, USA
Profissão - Ator, Produtor


♂ Model House - Neighbor (2024)
♂ The Killing Ground - Lincoln (2023)
♂ Out of Exile - Agent Brett Solomon (2022)
♂ Robot Riot - Shane (2020)
♂ A Christmas Movie Christmas - Dustin (2019)
♂ Portal - Steven (2019)
♂ Sunny Daze (2019)
♂ The Jurassic Games - The Host (2018)
♂ Distortion - Det. Vincent Baker (2017)
♂ 2 Years of Love - John Grey (2017)
♂ In the Rough - Jake Hamilton (2017)
♂ Domain - Denver (2016)
♂ Inseparáveis - Jonathan (2016)
♂ The Congressman - Jared Barnes (2016)
♂ Fortune Cookie - Bryce (2016)
♂ Confessions of a Hollywood Bartender - Jake (2016)
♂ Clandestine Dynasty - Agent Ryan (2016)
♂ Ballers - Frat Boy (2015)
♂ The Last Rescue - Paratrooper Griggs (2015)
♂ How Not to Propose - Travis (2015)
Maldosas - Ian Thomas (2010-2014)
♂ Independence Daysaster - Pete Garsette (2013)
♂ 42: A História de uma Lenda - Dixie Walker (2013)
♂ Dose of Reality - Matt (2013)
♂ Cheesecake Casserole - Andy (2012)
♂ Hawaii Five-0 - Dennis Mack (2012)
♂ Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader - Kyle (2012)
♂ My Hometown - Rich Dickson (2011)
♂ Tomorrow's End - Vince (2011)
♂ Shooting for Something Else - Vince (2011)
♂ O Camisa 5 - Jon Abbate (2010)
♂ Elevator Girl - Jonathan MacIntyre (2010)
♂ Wild Cherry - Stanford Prescott (2009)
♂ Comanche Moon - Jake Spoon (2008)
♂ Backwoods - Adam (2008)
♂ Duelo de Gigantes - Matt Dunbar (2007)
Premonição 3 - Kevin Fischer (2006)
♂ O Chamado 2 - Jake (2005)
♂ Círculos - Jake (2005)
♂ The Colt - Jim Rabb (2005)
♂ Veritas: The Quest - Nikko Zond (2003-2004)
♂ Smallville: As Aventuras do Superboy - Jason Dante (2004)
♂ Rota de Um Destino - Eddie Haley (2003)
♂ Taken - Sam Crawford (2002)
♂ O Anel da Luz Eterna - Adam Eddington (2002)
♂ Halloween: Ressurreição - Myles Barton (2002)
♂ Dangerous Child - Jack Cambridge (2001)
♂ O Toque de um Anjo - Jason Harris (2001)
♂ The Luck of the Irish - Kyle Johnson (2001)
♂ Rocket's Red Glare - Todd Baker (2000)
♂ The Pretender - Young Jarod / Gemini (1996-2000)
♂ Just Looking - Lenny Levine (1999)
♂ A Casa Inteligente - Ben Cooper (1999)
♂ Nas Profundezas do Mar Sem Fim - Sam Karras / Ben Cappadora - Age 12 (1999)
♂ Lansky - Meyer Lansky Ages 12-14 (1999)
♂ Night Ride Home - Justin (1999)
♂ Everything That Rises - Nathan Clay (1998)
♂ What's Right with America - Todd Gordon (1997)
♂ The Client - Jeff Dietrich (1995)
♂ The Mommies - Blake Kellogg (1993-1995)

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