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sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2016

Dick Van Dyke

Dick Van Dyke
Nome - Richard Wayne Van Dyke
Instagram - @official_dick_van_dyke
Nascimento - 13/12/1925
Cidade Natal - West Plains, Missouri, USA
Profissão - Ator, Produtor, Cantor, Dublador


♂ Os Simpsons - Dick Van Dyke (narração)(2023)
♂ Days of Our Lives - Timothy Robicheaux / Mr. Doe (2023)
♂ Kidding - Hopscotch the Sasquatch (2020)
♂ A Magia de Acreditar - The Angel (2018)
♂ O Retorno de Mary Poppins - Mr. Dawes Jr. (2018)
♂ The Dick Van Dyke Show: Now in Living Color! - Rob Petrie (2016-2017)
♂ Stars in Shorts: No Ordinary Love - Father (2016)
♂ Trolland - Yussop (2016)
♂ Life Is Boring - The Night Owl (2016)
♂ Uma Família Perdida no Meio do Nada - Dutch Spence (2015)
♂ Merry Xmas - Father (2015)
♂ Uma Noite no Museu 3: O Segredo da Tumba - Cecil (2014)
♂ A Casa do Mickey Mouse - Captain Goof Beard / Grandpappy Goof (voice)(2014)
♂ Alexandre e o Dia Terrivel, Horrível, Espantoso e Horroroso - Dick Van Dyke (uncredited)(2014)
♂ The Caretaker 3D - The Caretaker (2010)
♂ Murder 101: New Age - Dr. Jonathan Maxwell (2008)
♂ Murder 101: If Wishes Were Horses - Dr. Jonathan Maxwell (2007)
♂ Murder 101: College Can Be Murder - Dr. Jonathan Maxwell (2007)
Uma Noite no Museu - Cecil (2006)
♂ George, O Curioso - Mr. Bloomsberry (voice)(2006)
♂ Murder 101 - Dr. Jonathan Maxwell (2006)
♂ Batman: New Times - Commisioner Gordon (voice)(2005)
♂ The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited - Robert 'Rob' Petrie (2004)
♂ The Alan Brady Show - Webb (voice)(2003)
♂ The Gin Game - Weller Martin (2003)
♂ Scrubs - Dr. Townshend (2003)
♂ Diagnosis Murder: Without Warning - Dr. Mark Sloan (2002)
♂ Sombras de uma Cidade - Dr. Mark Sloan (2002)
♂ Diagnosis Murder - Dr. Mark Sloan / Gangster John 'Mr. G' Gotti / Jonathan Nash (1993-2001)
♂ Sabrina, a Aprendiz de Feiticeira - Duke (2000)
♂ Becker - Fred Becker (1999)
♂ Coach - Partygoer (1993)
♂ The Town Santa Forgot - Narrator / Old Jeremy Creek (voice)(1993)
♂ A Twist of the Knife - Doctor Mark Sloan (1993)
♂ Chairman's Choice - Chairman (1993)
♂ The House on Sycamore Street - Doctor Mark Sloan (1992)
♂ Diagnosis Murder - Dr. Mark Sloan (1992)
♂ Jake and the Fatman - Dr. Mark Sloan (1991)
♂ Daughters of Privilege - Buddy Keys (1991)
♂ Dick Tracy - D.A. Fletcher (1990)
♂ As Super Gatas - Ken (1989)
♂ The Van Dyke Show - Dick Burgess (1988)
♂ Airwolf - Malduke Special Guest Star (1987)
♂ Um Fantasma Fora de Hora - Bill Nolan (1987)
♂ O Homem que Veio do Céu - Wally Dunn (1987)
♂ Strong Medicine - Sam Hawthorne (1986)
♂ Matlock - Judge Carter Addison (1986)
♂ American Playhouse - Les Dischinger (1985)
♂ Found Money - Max Sheppard (1983)
♂ CBS Library - Father (voice) (1983)
♂ The Country Girl - Frank Elgin (1982)
♂ Drop-Out Father - Ed McCall (1982)
♂ Harry's Battles - Harry Fitzsimmons (1981)
♂ The Runner Stumbles - Father Brian Rivard (1979)
♂ Supertrain - Waldo Chase (1979)
♂ The Carol Burnett Show - Various Characters (1977)
♂ Tubby the Tuba - Tubby the Tuba (voice)(1975)
♂ Columbo - Paul Galesko (1974)
♂ The Morning After - Charlie Lester (1974)
♂ The New Dick Van Dyke Show - Dick Preston (1971-1974)
♂ Os Novos Filmes de Scooby-Doo - Dick Van Dyke (voice)(1973)
♂ Uma Cidade Contra o Vício - Rev. Clayton Brooks (1971)
♂ The Bill Cosby Show - Martin (1971)
♂ Glória e Lágrimas de um Cômico - William Simon aka Billy Bright (1969)
♂ Um Tipo Meio Louco - Fred Amidon (1969)
♂ O Calhambeque Magico - Caractacus Potts (1968)
♂ Como Roubar Milhões Sem Fazer Força - Jack Albany (1968)
♂ O Mordomo Trapaceiro - Claude R. Fitzwilliam (1967)
♂ Divórcio à Americana - Richard Harmon (1967)
♂ O Fantástico Robin Crusoé - Lt. Robin Crusoe (1966)
♂ The Dick Van Dyke Show - Rob Petrie / Hezekiah Petrie (1961-1966)
♂ Artistas do Amor - Paul Sloane (1965)
♂ Mary Poppins - Bert / Mr. Dawes Senior (1964)
♂ A Senhora e Seus Maridos - Edgar Hopper (1964)
♂ Adeus, Amor - Albert F. Peterson (1963)
♂ Look Up and Live (1960)
♂ New Comedy Showcase - Richard Alexander (1960)
♂ Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Thomas Craig (1960)
♂ The United States Steel Hour - Justin Grey (1959)
♂ The Phil Silvers Show - Pvt. Swiftington 'Swifty' Bilko / Pvt. Hank Lumpkin (1957-1958)

sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2016

David Spade

David Spade
Nome - David Wayne Spade
Instagram - @davidspade
Nascimento - 22/07/1964
Cidade Natal - Birmingham, Michigan, USA
Profissão - Ator, Produtor, Escritor, Dublador


♂ HouseBroken - David Spade (narração)(2022–2023)
♂ Hotel Transilvânia 4: Transformonstrão - Griffin (narração)(2022)
♂ Sammy - James Blake / Sammy Blake / James (voice)(2000-2021)
♂ Mr. Mayor - David Spade (2021)
♂ Home Movie: The Princess Bride - Westley (2020)
♂ A Missy Errada - Tim Morris (2020)
♂ Warning Shot - Bobby (2018)
♂ Pai do Ano - Wayne (2018)
♂ Hotel Transilvânia 3: Férias Monstruosas - Griffin (voice) (2018)
♂ Bhad Bhabie Ft Lil Yachty: Gucci Flip Flops - Milkman (2018)
♂ Love - Steven Hopkins (2017-2018)
♂ The Mayor - Ed Gunt (2017-2018)
♂ Lady Dynamite - David Spade (2017)
♂ Sandy Wexler - Testimonial (2017)
♂ Mad Families - Johnny Jon-John (2017)
♂ Roadies - David Spade / Harris DeSoto (2016)
♂ Zerando a Vida - Charlie (2016)
♂ Inside Amy Schumer - Showrunner (2016)
♂ Crowded - Kyle (2016)
♂ The Kicker - Russ Thorkelson (2016)
♂ The Ridiculous 6 - General George Custer (2015)
♂ Real Rob - David Spade (2015)
♂ Hotel Transilvânia 2 - Griffin (voice)(2015)
♂ Fameless (2015)
♂ Joe Sujo 2 - Joe Dirt (2015)
♂ Entourage: Fama e Amizade - David Spade (2015)
♂ The Goldbergs - Gus (2014)
♂ The Spoils of Babylon - Talc Munson (2014)
♂ Bad Management - Tobias Jr. (2013)
♂ Gente Grande 2 - Marcus Higgins (2013)
♂ Rules of Engagement - Russell Dunbar / Rusty (2007-2013)
♂ Shou Hu Zhe ' Lin - Boss Cain (voice)(2013)
♂ Hotel Transilvânia - Griffin (voice)(2012)
♂ No Calor de Cleveland - Christopher (2012)
♂ Shit People Don't Say in LA (2012)
♂ Floquet de Neu - Jenga (voice) (2011)
Cada um tem a Gêmea que Merece - Monica (2011)
♂ Ridiculousness (2011)
♂ Entourage: Fama e Amizade - David Spade (2011)
♂ Hollywood and Wine - Harvey Harrison (uncredited)(2011)
♂ Saturday Night Live - Various (1990-2010)
Gente Grande - Marcus Higgins (2010)
♂ Funny or Die Presents... - Raymond Davies Allen (2010)
♂ Carpet Bros - Raymond Davies Allen (2008-2010)
♂ Segura a Onda - David Spade (2009)
Eu os Declaro Marido e... Larry - Transvestite Groupie (uncredited)(2007)
♂ The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning (Video Game) - Sparx (voice)(2006)
♂ Os Esquenta-Banco - Richie (2006)
♂ Queridinho da Vovó - Shiloh (2006)
♂ A Nova Onda do Kronk - Kuzco (voice)(2005)
♂ 8 Simple Rules... for Dating My Teenage Daughter - C.J. Barnes / Jim Egan (2004-2005)
♂ Lil' Pimp - Principal Nixon (voice) (2005)
♂ Deu Zebra! - Scuzz (voice) (2005)
♂ Father of the Pride - Tommy the Coyote (voice) (2004)
♂ Just Shoot Me! - Dennis Finch (1997-2003)
♂ Dickie Roberts: O Pestinha cresceu - Dickie Roberts (2003)
♂ Joe Sujo - Joe Dirt (2001)
♂ A Nova Onda do Imperador - Kuzco / Kuzco Llama (voice) (2000)
♂ Sammy - James Blake / Sammy Blake (voice) (2000)
♂ O Otário - Video Store Clerk (uncredited) (2000)
♂ Achados e Perdidos - Dylan Ramsey (1999)
♂ Rugrats: Os Anjinhos O Filme - Ranger Frank (voice) (1998)
♂ The Larry Sanders Show - David Spade (1992-1998)
♂ Sem Sentido - Scott Thorpe (1998)
♂ Cabeças Vão Rolar - Ernie (1997)
♂ A Volta da Família Sol Lá Si Dó - Sergio, the hair stylist (uncredited) (1996)
♂ Beavis e Butt-head Detonam a América (voice) (uncredited) (1996)
♂ A Ovelha Negra - Steve Dodds (1996)
♂ Beavis and Butt-Head - Mr. Candy / Mr. Manners / Ticket Attendant (voice) (1993-1995)
♂ Mong e Lóide - Richard (1995)
♂ U.M.A: Universidade Muito Animal - Rand McPherson (1994)
♂ Caindo na Real - Hot Dog Vendor Mgr. (uncredited)(1994)
♂ Cônicos e Cômicos - Eli Turnbull, INS Agent (1993)
♂ O Dono da Noite - Theological Cokehead (1992)
♂ Born to Be Mild Starring Rita Rudner - Stage Assistant (uncredited)(1990)
♂ Monsters - Teddy (1990)
♂ One Night Stand - David (1990)
♂ ALF, o Eteimoso - Larry Slotkin (1990)
♂ Baywatch - B.J. (1989)
♂ Vivendo e Aprendendo - Scott (1988)
♂ Loucademia de Polícia 4: O Cidadão se Defende - Kyle (1987)

quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2016

David Schwimmer

David Schwimmer
Nome - David Larry Schwimmer
Instagram - @thedailyschwimmer
Nascimento - 02/11/1966
Cidade Natal - Astoria, New York, USA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Diretor, Dublador


♂ Little Death - Martin Solomon (2024)
♂ Capitão Fall - Joel Moon (narração)(2023)
♂ Intelligence - Jerry Bernstein (2020–2023)
♂ Extrapolations - Harris Goldblatt (2023)
♂ Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2019)
♂ A Lavanderia - Matthew Quirk (2019)
♂ Will and Grace - Noah Broader (2018)
♂ That's Harassment - Boss (2018)
♂ Homecoming - Colin Belfast (Podcast)(2016)
♂ Feed the Beast - Tommy Moran (2016)
♂ American Crime Story - Robert Kardashian (2016)
♂ Episodes - David Schwimmer (2015)
♂ Irreversible (2014)
♂ Alucinante Madagascar - Melman (voice) (2013)
♂ Terapia Virtual - Newell L. Miller (2012)
♂ O Homem de Gelo - Josh Rosenthal (2012)
♂ Madagascar 3: Os Procurados - Melman (voice) (2012)
♂ John Carter: Entre Dois Mundos - Young Thark Warrior (2012)
♂ Feliz Natal Madagascar - Melman (voice) (2009)
♂ Entourage: Fama and Amizade - David Schwimmer (2009)
♂ Madagascar 2: A Grande Escapada - Melman (voice) (2008)
♂ Faces da Verdade - Ray Armstrong (2008)
♂ Um Maluco na TV - Greenzo / Jared (2007)
♂ Maratona do Amor - Man Handing Dennis a Beer During Race (uncredited) (2007)
♂ Grande Coisa - Charlie (2006)
♂ Madagascar - Melman (voice) (2005)
♂ Friends Gag Reel: Season 9 - Ross Geller (2005)
♂ Duane Hopwood - Duane Hopwood (2005)
♂ Friends - Dr. Ross Geller (1994-2004)
♂ Segura a Onda - David Schwimmer (2004)
♂ Insurreição - Yitzhak Zuckerman (2001)
♂ Irmãos de Guerra - Herbert M. Sobel (2001)
♂ Hotel - Jonathan Danderfine (2001)
♂ Juntando os Pedaços - Father Leo Jerome (2000)
♂ Amor aos Pedaços - Jehovah's Witness (uncredited) (2000)
♂ Fúria Urbana - Chris (1999)
♂ The Thin Pink Line - Kelly Goodish / J.T. (1998)
♂ O Aprendiz - Edward French (1998)
♂ Seis Dias, Sete Noites - Frank Martin (1998)
♂ Desde Que Nós Partimos - Robert S. Levitt (1998)
♂ Namoro a Três - Max Abbitt (1998)
♂ Doutores em Seios - Dr. Kevin Saunders (1997)
♂ Plantão Médico - Dr. Karubian (voice) (uncredited) (1996)
♂ O Primeiro Amor de um Homem - Tom Thompson (1996)
♂ The Party Favor (1995)
♂ The Single Guy - Dr. Ross Geller (uncredited) (1995)
♂ Lobo - Cop (1994)
♂ Monty - Greg Richardson (1994)
♂ The Pitch - Vinnie (1993)
♂ The Waiter - Evil Waiter (1993)
♂ Blossom - Sonny Catalano (1993)
♂ Nova Iorque Contra o Crime - Josh '4B' Goldstein (1993)
♂ L.A. Law - City Atty. Dana Romney (1992-1993)
♂ Cash: Em Busca do Dólar - Neil Campbell (1993)
♂ Crossing the Bridge - John Anderson (1992)
♂ Anos Incríveis - Michael (1991-1992)
♂ Intruder A-6: Um Vôo Para O Inferno - Duty Officer (1991)
♂ A Deadly Silence - Rob Cuccio (1989)
♂ Police Squad! - Patient (1982)

quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2016

David Otunga

David Otunga
Nome - David Daniel Otunga
Instagram - @davidotunga
Nascimento - 28/09/1987
Cidade Natal - Elgin, Illinois, USA
Profissão - Ator,


♂ Highway 905 - Chief (2024)
♂ Power Book IV: Force - Other Gang Chief (2023)
♂ Wrath and Rituals - Detective Simon Thomas (2022)
♂ Mulher-Hulk: Defensora de Heróis - Derek (2022)
♂ Baking Up Love - Coach Robison (2021)
♂ WrestleMania 36 (2020)
♂ WWE Survivor Series (2019)
♂ WWF SmackDown! (2010-2019)
♂ WWE: SummerSlam (2019)
♂ WWE: 205 Live (2019)
♂ WrestleMania 35 (2019)
♂ WWE Wrestlemania 35 Kickoff (2019)
♂ Um Funeral em Família - Will (2019)
♂ Last Call - Sheldon (2019)
♂ New Dogs, Old Tricks - Tiny (2018)
♂ WWE SummerSlam (2018)
♂ WWE Monday Night RAW - David Otunga (2010-2018)
♂ WrestleMania (2018)
♂ The Haves and the Have Nots - Officer Mason (2017)
♂ Sandy Wexler - Reporter at Hollywood Sign (2017)
♂ WWF SmackDown! - David Otunga (2010-2017)
♂ Mentes Criminosas - Dwayne Jerrard (2017)
♂ WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs - David Otunga (2016)
♂ What Happened Last Night - Tiny (2016)
♂ WWE Main Event - David Otunga (2012-2016)
♂ General Hospital - David Otunga (2014)
Chamada de Emergência - Officer Jake Devans (2013)
♂ WWE Saturday Morning Slam - David Otunga (2012)
♂ WWE '13 (Video Game) - David Otunga (voice) (2012)
♂ WWE '12 (Video Game) - David Otunga (voice) (2011)
♂ Vengeance - David Otunga (2011)
♂ WWE Superstars - David Otunga (2011)
♂ WWE NXT - David Otunga (2010)
♂ I Love New York - Punk (2007)

terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2016

Corbin Bleu

Corbin Bleu
Nome - Corbin Bleu Reivers
Instagram - @corbinbleu
Nascimento - 21/02/1989
Cidade Natal - Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador,


♂ Escondido no Acampamento - Jake (2023)
♂ High School Musical: A Série: O Musical (2022–2023)
♂ Remember Me: The Mahalia Jackson Story - Cab Calloway (2022)
♂ O Acampamento de Natal - Thomas (2022)
♂ It's on (2022)
♂ A Christmas Dance Reunion - Barrett Brewster (2021)
♂ Love, for Real - Marco (2021)
♂ Dinastia - Blaine (2021)
♂ Acting for a Cause - Craig Gregory (2020)
♂ Supergirl - Trevor Crane (2020)
♂ Witches in the Woods - Philip (2019)
♂ Ovid and the Art of Love - Ovid (2019)
♂ Walk. Ride. Rodeo. - Diego (2019)
♂ Chicago Med: Atendimento de Emergência - Tommy (2018)
♂ Uma Família Perdida no Meio do Nada - Luke (2018)
♂ Holiday Inn: The New Irving Berlin Musical Live - Ted Hanover (2017)
♂ The Fosters - Mercutio (2016)
♂ Castle - Hunter (2016)
♂ Megachurch Murder - Marcus King (2015)
♂ Drop Dead Diva - Michael Donaldson (2014)
♂ Psych - Luther (2014)
♂ The Monkey's Paw - Catfish (2013)
♂ Nurse 3-D - Steve (2013)
♂ One Life to Live - Jeffrey King (2013)
♂ Franklin and Bash - Jordan Allen French (2013)
♂ One Life to Live - Jeffrey King (2013)
♂ Sugar - Sketch (2013)
♂ Blue Bloods - Officer Blake (2012)
♂ Scary or Die - Emmett (2012)
♂ Twinkle Toes - Drew (voice) (2012)
♂ Ao Escrever o Amor em Seus Braços - Mackey (2012)
♂ Tonka Chuck and Friends: Big Air Dare - Flip (2011)
♂ The Little Engine That Could - Lou (voice) (2011)
♂ The Good Wife - Javier Berlin (2010)
♂ The Beautiful Life: TBL - Isaac / Taylor (2009)
♂ Beyond All Boundaries - Eddie W. Robinson / Sgt. Dan Levin (voice) (2009)
♂ Phineas e Ferb - Coltrane (voice) (2009)
♂ Na Trilha da Vitória - Cale Bryant (2008)
♂ Corbin Bleu: Moments That Matter - Corbin Bleu (2008)
♂ Hannah Montana - Johnny Collins (2006-2008)
High School Musical 3: Ano da Formatura - Chad Danforth (2008)
♂ Corbin Bleu: Run It Back Again - Corbin Bleu (2008)
♂ Corbin Bleu: Celebrate You - Corbin Bleu (2008)
♂ Mother Goose Parade - Grand Marshall (2007)
♂ Flight 29 Down: The Hotel Tango - Nathan (2007)
High School Musical 2 - Chad Danforth (2007)
♂ Corbin Bleu: Deal with It - Corbin Bleu (2007)
♂ Manual de Sobrevivência Escolar do Ned - Spencer (2006-2007)
♂ Jump In! - Izzy Daniels (2007)
♂ Flight 29 Down - Nathan (2005-2007)
♂ Corbin Bleu: Push It to the Limit - Corbin Bleu (2006)
High School Musical - Chad Danforth (2006)
♂ Ninguém Segura Essas Crianças - Austin (2004)
♂ Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family - Nick Elderby (2000)
♂ Heróis Fora de Órbita - Young Tommy (1999)
♂ Family Tree - Ricky (1999)
♂ Quase Super-Heróis - Butch (1999)
♂ Beach Movie - Kid (1998)
♂ Malcolm and Eddie - Matthew (1998)
♂ O Soldado do Futuro - Johnny (1998)
♂ Plantão Médico - Little Boy (1996)