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quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

Daniel Cudmore

Daniel Cudmore
Nome - Daniel Cudmore
Instagram - @danielcudmore
Nascimento - 20/01/1981
Cidade Natal - Squamish, British Columbia
Profissão - Ator


♂ A Home for the Holidays (2023)
♂ Jhon Jatenjor's Interviews - Celebrity Guest (2023)
♂ Vindicta - David (2023)
♂ Kung Fu - Bez Gardner (2022)
♂ Corrective Measures - Diamond Jim (2022)
♂ Superman and Lois - Monstrous Figure / Subjekt 11 (2021-2022)
Charmed: Nova Geração - Golem (2021)
♂ Helstrom - Keith Spivey / Basar (2020)
♂ Siren: A Lenda das Sereias - Bryan (2019-2020)
♂ Brincando com Fogo - Burly Smoke Jumper #1 (2019)
♂ Lendas do Amanhã - Minotaur (2018-2019)
♂ The Magicians: Escola de Magia - Enyalius (2019)
♂ Flash - Gridlock (2018)
♂ All of My Heart: The Wedding - Tommy (2018)
♂ Van Helsing - Skinner #2 (2017)
♂ All of My Heart: Inn Love - Tommy (2017)
♂ Treasure Hounds - Gunther (2017)
♂ Devil in the Dark - Glen (2017)
♂ Real Detective - Special Agent Jeff Rinek (2016)
♂ Lendas do Templo Perdido - Thak (2016)
♂ The Grindhouse Radio - Daniel Cudmore (2016)
♂ Fresh Off the Boat - Bogdan Dragomir (2016)
♂ Arqueiro - Jackhammer (2016)
♂ 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown - Gideon (2015)
♂ Comedy Bang! Bang! - Deadeye Darrell Dean (2015)
♂ All of My Heart - Tommy (2015)
X-Men: Dias de um Futuro Esquecido - Colossus (2014)
♂ The True Heroines - Harold (2013)
Amanhecer: Parte 2 - Felix (2012)
♂ Halo 4: Em Direção ao Amanhecer - Master Chief (2012)
♂ Os Fora da Lei - Lincoln Oodie (2012)
♂ Fringe - Daniel Hicks (2012)
Amanhecer: Parte 1 - Felix (2011)
♂ To the Mat - Jordy (2011)
♂ Rites of Passage - Moose (2011)
♂ A Night for Dying Tigers - Dave (2010)
Eclipse - Felix (2010)
♂ Merlin and the Book of Beasts - Dragon Knight (2010)
♂ Ação e Reação - Hit Man #2 (2010)
♂ Revolution - Bito (2009)
Lua Nova - Felix (2009)
♂ Driven to Kill - Young Guy (2009)
♂ The Backshop Show - Chunk (2008)
♂ Masters of Horror - Deputy #2 (2007)
X-Men: O Confronto Final - Peter Rasputin / Colossus (2006)
♂ Alone in the Dark - Agent Barr (2005)
♂ Querem Acabar Comigo - Basketball Player (2005)
♂ A Very Cool Christmas - Gym Guy (2004)
♂ The Collector - Little Man #3 (2004)
♂ Stargate SG-1 - Jaffa #1 (2003)
X-Men 2 - Piotr Rasputin / Colossus (2003)

2 comentários:

  1. DANI!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Mari, se ele ficar entrre os top 5 da semana ganha nova foto, e se ficar no top 5 do mes tb!!!


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