Carol Kane |
Nome - Carolyn Laurie Kane
Instagram -
Nascimento - 18/06/1952
Cidade Natal - Houston, Texas, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Cantora, Dubladora
♀ Dinner with the Parents - Nana (2024)
♀ Garota da Lua e o Dinossauro Demônio - Bubbe Bina (narração)(2024)
♀ Between the Temples - Carla Kessler (2024)
♀ Patos! - Erin (narração)(2023)
♀ Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Pelia (2023)
♀ Hunters - Mindy Markowitz (2020–2023)
♀ Os Simpsons - Blythe (narração)(2022)
♀ iMordecai - Fela (2022)
♀ F is for Family - Marilyn Chilson / Sue's Mother (voice)(2018-2021)
♀ Vampirina - Madame Spook (voice)(2018-2021)
♀ The Pack Podcast - Veanne (Podcast Series short)(2020)
♀ Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy x Reverendo - Lillian Kaushtupper / Fiona (2020)
♀ Heads Will Roll - Donna Fink (Podcast Series short)(voice)(2020)
♀ Boys Don't Wear Dresses - Narrator (2019)
♀ Big Mouth - Menopause Banshee / Old Woman (voice)(2019)
♀ Bubble Guppies - Sea Witch (2019)
♀ OK K.O.! Vamos ser Heróis - Ginger (voice)(2017-2019)
♀ Acampamento de Verão - Barb Jr. / Additional Voices (voice)(2019)
♀ Los Espookys - Bianca Nova (2019)
♀ Os Mortos Não Morrem - Mallory O'Brien (2019)
♀ As Enroladas Aventuras da Rapunzel - Madam Canardist (voice)(2018-2019)
♀ Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Lillian Kaushtupper (2015-2019)
♀ Pinkalicious and Peterrific - Edna (2018)
♀ A Maldição do Teatro - Madeline Styne (2018)
♀ Animals. - Chompy (voice)(2018)
♀ Os Irmãos Sisters - Mrs Sisters (2018)
♀ Star vs. As Forças do Mal - Dr. Jelly Goodwell (voice)(2017)
♀ Halt and Catch Fire - Denise (2017)
♀ Crowded - Linda (2016)
♀ Gotham - Gertrude Kapelput (2014-2016)
♀ Addiction: A 60's Love Story - Cecilia (2015)
♀ Marcas da Possessão - Talia (2015)
♀ Emoticon ;) - Hannah Song (2014)
♀ Phineas e Ferb - Nana Shapiro / Additional Voices (voice) (2011-2014)
♀ Lei e Ordem: Unidade de Vítimas Especiais - Gwen Munch (2009-2013)
♀ Jake e Os Piratas da Terra do Nunca - Sea Witch (voice) (2012-2013))
♀ Tratamento de Choque - Carol (2013)
♀ Clutter - Linda Bradford (2013)
♀ Girls - Cloris (2013)
♀ Terapia do Sexo - Roberta (2012)
♀ Should've Been Romeo - Ruth (2012)
♀ Sleepwalk with Me - Linda (2012)
♀ The Key Man - Marsha (2011)
♀ Dora, a Aventureira - Grandma Troll (voice) (2011)
♀ A Morte de Pete Smalls - Landlady (2010)
♀ O Namorado da Minha Namorada - Barbara (2010)
Caçador de Recompensas - Dawn (2010)
♀ Ugly Betty - Lena Korvinka (2010)
♀ Monk: Um Detetive Diferente - Joy (2009)
♀ Dois Homens e Meio - Shelly (2009)
♀ Surpresas do Amor - Aunt Sarah (uncredited) (2008)
♀ Os Segredos dos Cinco Furiosos - Sheep (voice) (2008)
♀ The Year Without a Santa Claus - Mother Nature (2006)
♀ Beto: O Travesso - Gilda (voice) (2005)
♀ As Terríveis Aventuras de Billy e Mandy - Mrs. Claus (voice) (2005)
♀ The Civilization of Maxwell Bright - Temple (2005)
♀ Operação Babá - Helga (2005)
♀ Hope and Faith - Cornelia Rackett (2004)
Confissões de uma Adolescente em Crise - Miss Baggoli (2004)
♀ Cosmopolitan - Mrs. Shaw (2003)
♀ As Lágrimas de Audrey - Missy Flanders (2003)
♀ O Amor nos Tempos do Dinheiro - Joey (2002)
♀ That's Life - Gloria (2002)
♀ The Grubbs - Sophie Grubb (2002)
♀ D.C. Smalls - Mom (2001)
♀ Uma Família da Pesada - Carol (voice) (2001)
♀ Ginger - Maude (voice) (2000-2001)
♀ Tomorrow by Midnight - Officer Garfield (2001)
♀ Louca Terapia - Dr. Louise Rosenberg (2001)
♀ Meu Primeiro Homem - Mrs. Benson (2001)
♀ The Office Party - Linda (2000)
♀ Beggars and Choosers - Lydia Luddin (1999-2000)
♀ O Mundo de Andy - Carol Kane 'Taxi' Actress (uncredited) (1999)
♀ Blue's Big Treasure Hunt - Little Miss Muffet (voice) (1999)
♀ The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The Visitors from Outer Space - Org's Mom (voice) (1999)
♀ Noah's Ark - Sarah (1999)
♀ O Código do Amor - Miss Gimpole (1999)
♀ Um Crime Entre Amigas - Ms. Sherwood (1999)
♀ The First Seven Years - Mrs. Feld (1998)
♀ Adventures from the Book of Virtues - The Beetle (1998)
♀ Merry Christmas, George Bailey - Cousin Tilly / Mrs. Hatch (1997)
♀ Homicide: Life on the Street - Gwen Munch (1997)
♀ The Tony Danza Show - Simka Gravaas (1997)
♀ Hey Arnold! - Emily Dickinson Trophy (voice) (1997)
♀ Mente Paranóica - Dorine Douglas (1997)
♀ Pearl - Annie Caraldo (1996-1997)
♀ Pescando Confusão - Donna Waters (1997)
♀ American Strays - Helen (1996)
♀ Ponto de Encontro - Connie (1996)
♀ O Primeiro Amor de um Homem - Tom's Mother (1996)
♀ Cara A Cara - 1994)Mona (1996)
♀ Ellen - Lily Penney (1996)
♀ Inimigos Para Sempre - Faith (1996)
♀ Dad, the Angel and Me - The Angel (1995)
♀ Meu Parceiro É um Dinossauro - Molly Rex (voice) (1995)
♀ Chicago Hope - Marguerite Birch (1995)
♀ Tal Mãe, Tal Filha - Leanne Futterman (1995)
♀ Napoleon: As Aventuras de um Cãozinho Valente - Spider (voice) (1995)
♀ A.J.'s Time Travelers - Emily Roebling (1995)
♀ Dois Pestinhas em Apuros - Treva Van Arsdale (1994)
♀ Empty Nest - Shelby (1994)
♀ Aladdin - Brawnhilda (voice) (1994)
♀ Seinfeld - Corinne (1994)
♀ A Família Addams II - Granny (1993)
♀ Eligible Dentist (1993)
♀ Até as Vaqueiras Ficam Tristes - Carla (1993)
♀ Tribeca - Amanda (1993)
♀ Um Estranho à Minha Porta - Jill Johnson (1993)
♀ Baby on Board - Maria (1992)
♀ O Show de Plucky Duck - Ollie (voice) (1992)
♀ The Ray Bradbury Theater - Polly (1992)
♀ Brooklyn Bridge - Aunt Sylvia (1991-1992)
♀ In the Soup - Barbara (1992)
♀ Sibs - Sally (1992)
♀ Ted and Vênus - Colette (1991)
♀ American Dreamer - Lillian Abernathy (1990-1991)
♀ Tiny Toon - Ollie (voice) (1990)
♀ Meu Pequeno Paraíso - Shaldeen (1990)
♀ Contos da Cripta - Judy (1990)
♀ Joe Contra o Vulcão - Hairdresser (1990)
♀ Quase sem Destino - Maggie (1990)
♀ Let's Get Mom - Maureen (1989)
♀ Mulheres, Amigas e Irmãs - Franki D'Angelo (1989)
♀ Os Fantasmas Contra Atacam - Ghost of Christmas Present (1988)
♀ Sem Licença para Dirigir - Mrs. Anderson (1988)
♀ Sticky Fingers - Kitty (1988)
♀ Rap Master Ronnie: A Report Card (1988)
♀ Mulher Dividida - Maxine (1988)
♀ A Princesa Prometida - Valerie (1987)
♀ Ishtar - Carol (1987)
♀ Paul Reiser Out on a Whim - Fortune Teller (1987)
♀ Salve-me Quem Puder - Cynthia (1986)
♀ All Is Forgiven - Nicolette Bingham (1986)
♀ Tall Tales and Legends - Barbara (1986)
♀ Transilvânia: Hotel do Outro Lado do Mundo - Lupi (1985)
♀ Crazy Like a Fox (1985)
♀ Galeria do Terror - Anne MacColl (1985)
♀ O Diário Secreto de Sigmund Fred - Martha Bernays (1984)
♀ Cheers - Amanda (1984)
♀ Burning Rage - Mary Harwood (1984)
♀ Adeus à Inocência - Annie the Hooker (1984)
♀ Uma Ponte Chamada Esperança - Cheryl (1984)
♀ Can She Bake a Cherry Pie? - Customer At Cafe (1983)
♀ Teatro dos Contos de Fada - The 'Good' Fairy (1983)
♀ Taxi - Simka Dahblitz-Gravas (1980-1983)
♀ American Playhouse - Lavinia (1983)
♀ An Invasion of Privacy - Ilene Cohen (1983)
♀ Laverne and Shirley - Olga (1982)
♀ Norman Loves Rose - Rose (1982)
♀ Pandemonium - Candy (1982)
♀ Strong Medicine (1981)
♀ Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz - Louise Haines-Pearson (1981)
♀ Great Performances - Frances Loomis / Eliza Southgate (1978-1981)
♀ The Greatest Man in the World - April (1980)
♀ La Sabina - Daisy (1979)
♀ Mensageiro da Morte - Jill Johnson (1979)
♀ Muppets: O Filme - Myth (1979)
♀ The Mafu Cage - Cissy (1978)
♀ Visions (1978)
♀ O Maior Amante do Mundo - Annie Hickman (1977)
♀ Valentino: O Ídolo, o Homem - Fatty's Girl (1977)
♀ Noivo Neurótico, Noiva Nervosa - Allison (1977)
♀ Dois Vigaristas em Nova York - Florence (1976)
♀ Um Dia de Cão - Jenny (1975)
♀ A Rua da Esperança - Gitl (1975)
♀ The American Parade - Susannah White (1974)
♀ A Última Missão - Young Whore (1973)
♀ Wedding in White - Jeannie Dougall (1972)
♀ Ânsia de Amar - Jennifer (1971)
♀ Desperate Characters - Young Girl (1971)