Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe |
Nome - Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe
Instagram -
Nascimento - 20/01/1981
Cidade Natal - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Profissão - Atriz, Diretora
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: A Tale of Three Letters - Rita Haywith-Dorman (2024)
♀ After Glow - Jessica (2024)
♀ Wild Cards - Siobhan (2024)
♀ Break In - Ellen (2023)
♀ Old Flames Never Die - Kira Young (2022)
♀ Magic in Mount Holly - Daphne (2021)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made - Rita Haywith-Dorman (2021)
♀ Um pesadelo de cerimonialista - Ashley (2020)
♀ Beyond the Call - Nicky (2019)
♀ Christmas at Dollywood - Maggie (2019)
♀ Amor Em Construção - Kat (2019)
♀ Os esquenta-banco 2 - Quebrando as bolas - Ramona (2019)
♀ Living Shame - Tai (2019)
♀ Meeting with the Devil - Satan's Daughter / Synn (2018)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: To the Altar - Rita Haywith (2018)
♀ Nina's World - Aiden's Mom (voice)(2018)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Road Less Traveled - Rita Haywith (2018)
♀ 2 Bullets - Kate (2017)
♀ Christmas at Holly Lodge - Callie (2017)
♀ Extraordinário - Julian's Mom (2017)
♀ Marry Me at Christmas - Isabel (2017)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Home Again - Rita Haywith (2017)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Higher Ground - Rita Haywith (2017)
♀ 2 Bullets - Kate (2017)
♀ Hearts of Christmas - Lauren (2016)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Lost Without YouRita Haywith (2016)
♀ Rampage: President Down - Bill's Girlfriend (2016)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: One in a Million - Rita Haywith (2016)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From the Heart - Rita Haywith (2016)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Impossible Dream - Rita Haywith (2015)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Truth Be Told - Rita Haywith (2015)
♀ The Gourmet Detective: A Healthy Place to Die - Gretchen (2015)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris with Love - Rita Haywith (2015)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered for Christmas - Rita Haywith (2014)
♀ Republic of Doyle - Michelle Cantwell (2014)
♀ Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Rita Haywith (2014)
♀ Almost Human - Jeannie (2014)
♀ Correio do Amor - Rita Haywith (2013)
♀ Primeval: New World - Toby Nance (2012-2013)
♀ Charlie - Rose (2012)
♀ Um Pouco Zombie - Tina (2012)
♀ A Hora do Arrepio - Cassandra Hobbs (2012)
♀ Montanha Assassina - Dr. Nina (2011)
♀ To the Mat - Piper / Peaches (2011)
Premonição 5 - Ashlyn (uncredited) (2011)
♀ Suffer - Chained Girl (2011)
♀ Tiffany Rubin: Uma História de Amor e Esperança - Natalie (2011)
♀ Shattered - Woman (2011)
♀ Smallville: As Aventuras do Superboy - Vala (2010)
♀ A Ressaca - Zoe (2010)
♀ Ghost Angeles - Vanessa Black (2010)
♀ Sobrenatural - Leticia Gore Actress (2009)
♀ Trust - Michelle (2009)
♀ Conduzido Para Matar - Tanya (2009)
♀ Playing for Keeps - Faiza (2009)
♀ The Boy Next Door - Nicole (2008)
♀ Dim Sum Funeral - Jane (2008)
♀ Sob a Luz da Fama: O Poder da Paixão - Lexi (2008)
♀ Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon - Ashley (2008)
♀ Relação Indecente: A Sociedade Secreta - Isabel (2008)
♀ That One Night - Stacy (2008)
♀ Stargate: Atlantis - Mardola (2008)
♀ Coffee Diva - Chipped Tooth / Starlet (2007)
♀ A Mulher Biônica - Jessica (2007)
♀ Pânico na Floresta 2 - Elena Miller (2007)
♀ Psych - Daphne / Eden (2007)
♀ Maldita Sorte - Cam's Wedding Friend (2007)
Quarteto Fantástico e o Surfista Prateado - Hot Party Girl #3 (2007)
♀ Falcon Beach - Kelly (uncredited) (2007)
♀ Natal Negro - Lauren Hannon (2006)
♀ Totally Awesome - Pretty Girl (2006)
♀ Serpentes a Bordo - Autograph Girl (2006)
♀ The Evidence - Deb Kintza (2006)
♀ Todo Mundo em Pânico 4 - Chingy's Girl #1 (2006)
Premonição 3 - Ashlyn Halperin (2006)
♀ Killer Instinct - Yvette (2006)
♀ Mestres do Terror - Lily (2006)
♀ Thralls - Tanya (2005)
♀ The L Word - Cocktail Waitress (2005)
♀ The Collector - Cree (2005)
♀ Life As We Know It - Julie (2004)
♀ The Life - Student #3 (2004)
♀ Com o Pé na Estrada - Waitress (2004)
♀ Além da Imaginação - Groupie (2002)
♀ Sou Espião - Beautiful Girl (2002)
♀ A Vida Secreta de Uma Adolescente - Cheerleader (2002)
♀ The Sausage Factory - Shannon (2002)
♀ Insônia - Kay Connell (2002)
♀ Da Vinci's Inquest - Sylvia / Shelley Dunne / Hooker Getting Into Car (1998-2001)
♀ Children of the Corn: Revelation - Tiffany (2001)
♀ Sanctimony - Virginia (2000)
♀ O Implacável - Girl #1 (2000)
♀ Cold Squad - Myra Lawson / Samantha Gordon (1998-2000)
♀ The Adventures of Shirley Holmes - Pascal (1998)
♀ Breaker High - Melina (1997)
♀ Stargate SG-1 - Nya (1997)