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sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2016

Bonnie Hunt

Bonnie Hunt
Nome - Bonnie Lynn Hunt
Instagram - @bonniehunt_real
Nascimento - 22/09/1961
Cidade Natal - Chicago, Illinois, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Produtora, Escritora, Dubladora


♀ Going Reno - Wilma Tulinen (2024)
♀ Monstros no Trabalho - Ms. Flint (narração)(2021–2024)
♀ Zootopia+ - Bonnie Hopps (narração)(2022)
♀ Carros na Estrada - Sally (voice)(2022)
♀ Paltrocast with Darren Paltrowitz (2022)
♀ The Ultimate Playlist of Noise - Dr. Lubinsky (2021)
♀ The Corona Dialogues: a Dylan Brody project - Arnie Plesky (2020)
♀ Garfinho Pergunta - Dolly (2019)
♀ Toy Story 4 - Dolly (voice)(2019)
♀ Escape at Dannemora - Catherine Leahy Scott (2018)
♀ Princesinha Sofia - Aunt Tilly / Young Aunt Tilly (2013-2018)
♀ Tales from Radiator Springs - Sally Carrera (voice) (2013-2017)
♀ Cars 3: Driven to Win (Video Game) - Sally (voice) (2017)
♀ Carros 3 - Sally (voice) (2017)
♀ The Peter Austin Noto Show - Bonnie Hunt body double (2017)
Zootopia - Bonnie Hopps (voice) (2016)
♀ Universidade Monstros - Mrs. Graves (voice) (2013)
♀ Carros 2 - Sally (voice) (2011)
♀ Férias no Havaí - Dolly (voice) (2011)
♀ Toy Story 3: The Video Game (Video Game) - Dolly (voice) (2010)
Toy Story 3 - Dolly (voice) (2010)
♀ The Life and Times of Tim - Gabe's Mom (voice) (2010)
♀ Hurricane Season - Principal (2009)
♀ The Alyson Stoner Project - VIP Guest (2009)
♀ Mate e a Luz Fantasma - Sally Carrera (voice) (2006)
♀ Cars (Video Game) - Sally (voice) (2006)
♀ I Want Someone to Eat Cheese With - Stella Lewis (2006)
♀ Carros - Sally Carrera (voice) (2006)
♀ Let Go - Detective Kate Holloway (2006)
♀ Doze é Demais 2 - Kate Baker (2005)
♀ Loggerheads - Grace (2005)
♀ Life with Bonnie - Bonnie Molloy / Marge Travisi (2002-2004)
♀ Doze é Demais - Kate Baker (2003)
♀ Monsters, Inc. (Video Game) - Flint (voice) (2002)
♀ Um Verão Especial - Margaret O'Malley (2002)
♀ Monstros S.A. - Flint (voice) (2001)
♀ Feitiço do Coração - Megan Dayton (2000)
♀ À Espera de um Milagre - Jan Edgecomb (1999)
♀ Destinos Cruzados - Wendy Judd (1999)
♀ Vida de Inseto (Video Game) - Rosie (voice) (1998)
♀ Vida de Inseto - Rosie (voice) (1998)
♀ Namoro a Três - Linda Streicher (1998)
♀ Metrô de Nova York - Fern McDermott (1997)
♀ Edith Ann's Christmas (Just Say Noël) - Mom (voice) (1996)
♀ Jerry Maguire: A Grande Virada - Laurel Boyd (1996)
♀ The Bonnie Hunt Show - Bonnie Kelly (1995-1996)
♀ Meu Vizinho Suspeito - Dr. Gail Holland (1996)
Jumanji - Sarah Whittle (1995)
♀ Agora e Sempre - Mrs. DeWitt (1995)
♀ Só Você - Kate (1994)
♀ For Goodness Sake (1993)
♀ Beethoven 2 - Alice Newton (1993)
♀ The Building - Bonnie Kennedy (1993)
♀ Dave: Presidente Por um Dia - White House Tour Guide (1993)
♀ Davis Rules - Gwen Davis (1991-1992)
♀ Beethoven: O Magnífico - Alice Newton (1992)
♀ Grand - Carol Anne Smithson (1990)
♀ Rain Man - Sally Dibbs (1988)
♀ American Playhouse - Foxtrot Dancer (1984 )

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