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domingo, 23 de abril de 2017

Robert Carradine

Robert Carradine
Nome - Robert Reed Carradine
Instagram -
Nascimento - 24/03/1954
Cidade Natal - Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador, Produtor, Diretor, Compositor


♂ The Night They Came Home - Bart (2024)
♂ Medinah - Russo (2023)
♂ Caged Men Seeking Freedom - Marvin (2023)
♂ Lizard Music: Keystone Cops (2022)
♂ High Holiday - Hunter Pearson (2021)
♂ Human Zoo - Producer (2020)
♂ American Christmas - Danny (2019)
♂ Nearly Departed - Marv (2019)
♂ Tales of the Wild West - Robert Carradine / Frank James (2019)
♂ Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws - Frank James (2019)
♂ James Blondes - Jungle Whisperer (2018)
♂ Doomsday Device - Alexander Baird (2017)
♂ Doubt - Walter Costello (2017)
♂ Justice - Stratton Collins (2017)
♂ Finding Fish - Anthony (2017)
♂ Mommy, I Didn't Do It - Judge Roth (2017)
♂ Medinah - Russo (2016)
♂ Sharktopus Contra Pteracuda - Dr. Rico Symes (2014)
♂ The Collector - Johnny (2012)
♂ Django Livre - Tracker (2012)
♂ Bikini Spring Break - Coach Gill (2012)
♂ Jesse Stone: O Benefício da Dúvida - Arthur Gallery (2012)
♂ Slumber Party Slaughter - Dave (2012)
♂ My Dog's Christmas Miracle - Professor Jerry Meinhardt (2011)
♂ Cross - Dr. Zyal (2011)
♂ Fancypants - Allen (2011)
♂ Final Sale - Bowman (2011)
♂ Workers' Comp - Kevin (2011)
♂ Fight or Flight - Dr. Wexler (2010)
♂ Inverno Profundo - Coach Dando (2008)
♂ Frango Robô - Lewis Skolnick / Man (voice) (2008)
♂ The 13th Alley - Hal (2008)
♂ Sexo e Mentiras - Angry Driver (2007)
♂ Tooth and Nail - Darwin (2007)
♂ Os Reis do Boliche - Mr. Bailey (2007)
♂ Jane Doe: Ties That Bind - Everett / Gary / David (2007)
♂ Uma Noite Muito Louca - George Ackerman (2006)
♂ Estrada para o Inferno - Thad Simmons (2006)
♂ Dreamweaver - The Interpreter (2006)
♂ Supercross: O Filme - Clay Sparks (2005)
♂ O Ataque do Dente de Sabre - Grant (2005)
♂ Lei e Ordem: Crimes Premeditados - David Blake / Roger Withers (2005)
♂ Lizzie McGuire - Sam McGuire (2001-2004)
♂ Timecop 2: O Guardião do Tempo - Big Jim (2003)
Lizzie McGuire: Um Sonho Popstar - Sam McGuire (2003)
♂ Monte Walsh - Sunfish Perkins (2003)
♂ Three Days of Rain - Bus Driver (uncredited) (2002)
♂ As Aventuras de Max Keeble - Don Keeble (2001)
♂ Fantasmas de Marte - Rodale (2001)
♂ Mamãe Saiu Com Um Vampiro - Malachi Van Helsing (2000)
♂ Dangerous Curves - John Burnside (2000)
♂ Nash Bridges - Dr. Bruce Hartman / Dr. Hartman D.D.S. (1997-2000)
♂ The Vegas Connection - Matt Chance (1999)
♂ Stray Bullet - John Burnside (1999)
♂ The Kid with X-ray Eyes - Chuck Taylor (1999)
♂ Lycanthrope - Bill Parker (1999)
♂ Gunfighter - The Kid (1999)
♂ Vengeance Unlimited - Darin Carter (1999)
♂ A Carga Maldita - Bruce Palmer (1999)
♂ Martian Law (1998)
♂ Jovens Corações - Eddie (1998)
♂ Breakout - Zack Hadley (1998)
♂ The Effects of Magic - Roody (1998)
♂ Fast Track (1997-1998)
♂ Scorpio One - Carter (1998)
♂ The Killers Within - Ben Wallace (1997)
♂ O Desafio - Dr. Manheim (1997)
♂ Firestorm - Tarmac (1997)
♂ Nova Iorque Contra o Crime - Gerard Salter (1997)
♂ The Pretender - Sheriff Dwight Kunkle (1997)
♂ Dark Skies - Lonnie Zamora (1996)
♂ Humanoids from the Deep - Wade Parker (1996)
♂ Fuga de Los Angeles - Skinhead (1996)
♂ Kung Fu: The Legend Continues - Taige / Paulson (1995-1996)
♂ Lois e Clark: As Novas Aventuras do Superman - Joey Bermuda / The Handyman (1995)
♂ Bird of Prey - Eric Parker (1995)
♂ Plantão Médico - John Koch (1995)
♂ Sirens - Detective Marty Manger (1995)
♂ A Part of the Family - Ted (1994)
♂ Os nerds Também Amam - Lewis Skolnick (1994)
♂ O Desaparecimento de Christina - Michael Croft (1993)
♂ Trilogia do Terror - Bill (1993)
♂ The Tommyknockers - Bryant Brown (1993)
♂ Illusions - Greg Sanderson (1992)
♂ A Vingança dos Nerds III: A Nova Geração - Lewis 'Lew' Skolnick (1992)
♂ O Jogador - Robert Carradine (1992)
♂ A Vida Por um Fio: Entre a Lei E o Crime - Dave Booker (1991)
♂ K-9 - Jack Bergin (1991)
♂ Clarence - Clarence Odbody (1990)
♂ Somebody Has to Shoot the Picture - Police Sgt. Jerry Brown (1990)
♂ A Justiça Fala Mais Alto - Domsczek (1990)
♂ Rude Awakening - Sammy Margolin (1989)
♂ The Hitchhiker - Frank (1989)
♂ A Batalha de Huncky Chunks - Mark (1989)
♂ Eu vi o que você fez e Eu sei quem você é - Adrian Lancer (1988)
♂ Esta Prisão é um Negócio - Herbie Altman (1988)
♂ Totally Minnie - Maxwell Dwebb (1988)
♂ Os Nerds Saem de Férias - Lewis (1987)
♂ Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8 - Rennie Davis (1987)
♂ Tiras Especiais - Det. Barzak (1987)
♂ Abertura Disneylândia - John Fairfield (1987)
♂ As Is - Rich (1986)
♂ Teatro dos Contos de Fada - Aladdin (1986)
♂ Além da Imaginação - Daniel Arnold (1986)
♂ Monte Carlo - Bobby Morgan (1986)
♂ Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Jerry (1985)
♂ The Sun Also Rises - Robert Cohn (1984)
♂ Alguém Para Amar - Sam Carpenter (1984)
♂ A Vingança dos Nerds - Lewis (1984)
♂ Wavelength - Bobby Sinclair (1983)
♂ Jogo Assassino - Alex Marsh (1982)
♂ Corações Explosivos - Stanley Howard (1981)
♂ Tales of the Klondike - Percy Cuthfert III (1981)
♂ Agonia E Glória - Pvt. Zab - 1st Squad (1980)
♂ Cavalgada dos Proscritos - Bob Younger (1980)
♂ Survival of Dana - Donny Davis (1979)
♂ Blackout: Terror em Nova York - Christie (1978)
♂ Amargo Regresso - Bill Munson (1978)
♂ Orca: A Baleia Assassina - Ken (1977)
♂ Joyride - John (1977)
♂ Massacre at Central High - Spoony (1976)
♂ Cannonball: A Corrida do Século - Jim Crandell (1976)
♂ A Revanche Das Colegiais - Student in Cafeteria (uncredited) (1976)
♂ The Pom Pom Girls - Johnnie (1976)
♂ Jackson County Jail - Bobby Ray (1976)
♂ Os Novos Centuriões - Clifford (1976)
♂ Run, Joe, Run - Flip (1975)
♂ Aloha, Bobby and Rose - Moxey (1975)
♂ The Hatfields and the McCoys - Bob Hatfield (1975)
♂ Em Busca do Destino - Gas Station attendant (1974)
♂ The Cowboys - Slim (1974)
♂ Caminhos Perigosos - Boy With Gun (1973)
♂ Pergunte a Alice - Bill (1973)
♂ Kung Fu - Sonny Jim (1972)
♂ Footsteps - Gas Station Attendant (1972)
♂ Os Cowboys - Slim Honeycutt Cowboy (1972)
♂ Bonanza - Phinney McLean (1971)

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