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terça-feira, 16 de maio de 2017

Ty Olsson

Ty Olsson
Nome - Ty Victor Nosslo
Instagram - @tyolssonultd
Nascimento - 28/01/1974
Cidade Natal - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Profissão - Ator, Dubladora


♂ Billy the Kid - Colonel Nathan Dudley (2024)
♂ Hudson and Rex - Darryl Gilbert (2024)
♂ Feriado Sangrento - Mitch Collins (2023)
♂ O Poder - John Kelly (2023)
♂ Reacher - Saropian (2022)
♂ Fire Country - Cory Walters (2022)
♂ Angry birds: loucuras de verão - Bomb (narração)(2022)
♂ An Honourable Man - Brutus (2022)
♂ Wynonna Earp - Sheriff Hoyt Clayborn (2020-2021)
♂ Big Sky - Brad Gunther (2020)
♂ Fortunate Son - Ross MacLeod (2020)
♂ O Homem do Castelo Alto - Major Tod Metzger (2018-2019)
♂ Sobrenatural - Benny Lafitte / Benny / Eli (2006-2019)
♂ Black Summer - Patrick (2019)
♂ Projeto Livro Azul - Sheriff Donnelly (2019)
♂ NCIS: Investigações Criminais - Burke (2018)
♂ Slasher - Glenn (2017)
♂ Juggernaut - Hank Jr. (2017)
♂ S.W.A.T.: Under Siege - Ward (2017)
♂ Planeta dos Macacos: A Guerra - Red Donkey (2017)
♂ FTL - Ethan kane (2017)
A Cabana - 1950s Mack's Grandpa (2017)
♂ Os 100 - Nyko (2014-2017)
♂ A Surrogate's Nightmare - Curt (2017)
♂ Dead Rising 4 (Video Game) - Frank West (voice) (2016)
♂ Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - Dorian (2016)
♂ Hoods - Johnny (2016)
♂ Nerds and Monsters - Stan Grissle (2014-2016)
♂ Motive - Tim Kelly (2015-2016)
♂ Murder, She Baked: A Deadly Recipe - Sheriff Jim Grant (2016)
♂ Murder, She Baked: A Peach Cobbler Mystery - Sheriff Jim Grant (2016)
♂ A Vida Por Um Fio - Danny (2015)
♂ Continuum - Marcellus (2014-2015)
♂ 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown - Harris (2015)
♂ The Weirdo Hero - Harold the Hare (voice) (2015)
♂ UnREAL - Kirk Newhouse (2015)
♂ Just the Way You Are - Ian (2015)
♂ iZombie - Detective Pratt (2015)
♂ Strange Empire - Bo (2015)
♂ Deeper - The Hunter (2014)
♂ Til Death Do Us Part - Kevin (2014)
♂ Cut Bank - Harvey (2014)
♂ Godzilla - Jainway (2014)
♂ Packages from Planet X - Troll (voice) (2013-2014)
♂ The Tomorrow People - Errol (2014)
♂ Played - Russell Hagler (2013)
♂ A Bela e a Fera - Garnett (2013)
♂ Borealis - Vic Carboneau (2013)
Amanhecer: Parte 2 - Phil (uncredited) (2012)
♂ Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome - Osiris Helmsman (2012)
♂ Halo 4: Em Direção ao Amanhecer - Commander Lasky (2012)
♂ Arqueiro - Martin Somers (2012)
♂ Flashpoint - James Mitchell (2012)
♂ Falling Skies - Sgt. Clemmons (2012)
♂ Amizade Inesperada - Tom Royce (2012)
♂ Homem de Ferro: A Nova Série Animada - Killer Shrike / Simon Maddicks (voice) (2009-2012)
♂ Voltron Force - Hunk (voice) (2011-2012)
♂ Era Uma Vez - Hordor (2012)
♂ Hell on Wheels - Griggs (2012)
♂ Justiça Implacável - Castillo / Axel (2011-2012)
Amanhecer: Parte 1 - Phil (2011)
♂ O Jogo da Morte - Joe Quinn (2011)
♂ Heartland - Bruce Tatum (2011)
Planeta dos Macacos: A Origem - Chief John Hamil (2011)
♂ Terror na Neve - Jack Simmons (2011)
♂ Thor: O Filho de Asgard - Additional Voice (voice) (2011)
♂ A Hora do Arrepio - Steve (2011)
♂ Fairly Legal - Sergeant Danny Harrington (2011)
♂ Behemoth - Jack Murray (2011)
♂ Shattered - Superintendent Kevin Whitehill (2010-2011)
♂ Eureka - Deputy Andy / Sheriff Andy (2009-2010)
♂ Seven Deadly Sins - Hank Grace (2010)
♂ V: Visitantes - Jeffrey (2010)
♂ Alvo Humano - John Duke (2010)
♂ 2012 - AF1 Officer (2009)
♂ Defying Gravity - Rollie Crane (2009)
♂ High Noon - Dennis Walken (2009)
♂ Impacto - Derek (2009)
♂ Battlestar Galactica - Captain Aaron Kelly (2005-2009)
♂ Psych - Manetti (2009)
♂ Smallville: As Aventuras do Superboy - Officer Talbert (2009)
♂ Mistresses - Eric (2009)
♂ Past Lies - Lawrence (2008)
♂ O Dia em que a Terra Parou - Flash Chamber Colonel (2008)
♂ Being Ian: An Ian-convenient Truth - Kyle Kelley (2008)
♂ Homens às Pencas - Sam Soloway (2006-2008)
♂ A Teoria do Caos - Evil Ferryman (2008)
♂ Mayerthorpe - Constable Brock Myrol (2008)
♂ Flash Gordon - Prince Vultan (2007-2008)
♂ Aliens vs. Predador 2 - Nathan (2007)
♂ Second Sight - Peter Pritchard (2007)
♂ Christmas Caper - Sheriff Hank Harrison (2007)
♂ Being Ian - Kyle Kelley (2007)
♂ Class of the Titans - Herry (voice) (2006-2007)
♂ Vida de Casado - Policeman (2007)
♂ Fallen - Hawkins (2007)
♂ The L Word - Jim (2007)
♂ Her Sister's Keeper - Luke Grant (2006)
♂ Um Natal Brilhante - Trucker (2006)
♂ The Perfect Suspect - Bartender (2006)
♂ Her Fatal Flaw - Mason Renfrew (2006)
♂ A História não Autorizada de Minha Família é uma Bagunça - Los Vegas Police officer (2006)
♂ Fogo Mortal - Riley Henson (2006)
♂ Férias no Trailer - Diablo Pass Officer (2006)
♂ Oito dias para viver - Craig (2006)
♂ The Evidence - Billy Evans (2006)
♂ Firewall: Segurança em Risco - Airport Traffic Cop (2006)
♂ Voo 93 - Mark Bingham (2006)
♂ The Accidental Witness - Detective Ed Reigert (2006)
♂ Caos - Damon Richards (2005)
♂ Apenas Amigos - Tim (2005)
♂ The Score - Owen (2005)
♂ Stargate SG-1 - Col. Barnes / Jaffa #1 (1999-2005)
♂ Ark - Lorris (voice) (2005)
♂ Cicatrizes da Guerra - Soldier (2005)
♂ Andromeda - Morehead / Mick (2001-2005)
♂ Historinhas de Dragões - Ord (1999-2005)
♂ Tru Calling - Matt (2005)
♂ Krypto the Superdog - Additional Voices (voice) (2005)
♂ Ladies Night - Mitch Ross (2005)
♂ Elektra - Second Paramedic (2005)
♂ Dead Like Me: A Morte Lhe Cai Bem - Buddy Briggs (2004)
♂ G.I. Joe: Ninja Battles - Storm Shadow (voice) (2004)
♂ G.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom - Stormshadow (voice) (2004)
♂ Transformer: Super Link - Downshift (voice) (2004)
♂ Kingdom Hospital - Danny (2004)
♂ O Rancho do Amor - Other David (2004)
♂ A Batalha de Riddick - Merc (2004)
♂ Com as Próprias Mãos - Deputy (2004)
♂ NTSB: The Crash of Flight 323 - Lars (2004)
♂ Desafio no Gelo - State Trooper (2004)
♂ Traffic - Buddy / Port Cop (2004)
♂ Battlestar Galactica - Capt. Kelly (2003)
♂ The Wonderful World of Disney - Frank Pierce / Demons Fan #2 (1999-2003)
♂ Tarzan - Animal Control Officer (2003)
♂ G.I. Joe: Spy Troops the Movie - Storm Shadow (voice) (2003)
♂ Homeworld 2 (Video Game) - Pilot 3 (voice) (2003)
X-Men 2 - Mitchell Laurio (2003)
♂ A Vingança de Willard - Officer Salmon (2003)
♂ O Agente Teen - Security Guard (2003)
♂ O Apanhador de Sonhos - Army Truck Driver (2003)
♂ Just Cause (2003)
♂ Taken - Superior Fish Tech (2002)
♂ Projeto Nuclear - Jeff (2002)
♂ The Outer Limits - Mike / Franklin (2000-2002)
♂ Jeremiah - Rourke (2002)
♂ O Fogo da Vingança - Nate Goon (2002)
♂ Tom Stone - Eugene (2002)
♂ Lone Hero - Sticky (2002)
♂ Vidas Perdidas - Kurt (2002)
♂ Dead in a Heartbeat - SWAT Sergeant (2002)
♂ The Chris Isaak Show - Policeman (2002)
♂ Dark Angel - Mario / Driver 2000 (2000-2002)
♂ Contagem Regressiva - Conor's Partner (2001)
♂ Visões Noturnas - Bartender / Paramedic #2 (2001)
♂ Águas Profundas - Frank Yarley (2001)
♂ O Dia do Terror - Jock (2001)
♂ Mysterious Ways - George Manheim (2000)
♂ Final Ascent - Colin (2000)
♂ Como Matar o Cão do Vizinho - Cop #6 Detective (2000)
♂ A História de John Denver - Workman (2000)
♂ Harsh Realm - Republican Guard (2000)
♂ Up, Up, and Away! - Barker (2000)
♂ A Storm in Summer - Biker (2000)
♂ Cold Squad - Eric Peter Winslow (1999)
♂ As Time Runs Out - Luke (1999)
♂ The Sheldon Kennedy Story - Mark (1999)
♂ Pânico no Lago - State Trooper (1999)
♂ The Crow: Stairway to Heaven - Funboy / George Jamieson (1998-1999)
♂ O Trem Atômico - Cameraman (1999)
♂ Behind the Mask - Truck Driver (1999)
♂ Querida, Encolhi as Crianças - Second Biker (1999)
♂ Dead Man's Gun - Henry Bollers (1998)
♂ First Wave (1998)
♂ Killers in the House - 2nd Bank Guard (1998)
♂ Cupid - Jerk (1998)
♂ Cartas marcadas para matar - Skell (1998)
♂ The Net - Doug Bender (1998)
♂ The Sentinel - Bo Crockett (1998)
♂ Viper - Ulysses (1998)
♂ Arquivo X - Young Orderly (1998)
♂ Shin kidô senki Gundam W - Additional Voices (voice) (1995)
♂ Kidô senshi Gandamu: Gyakushû no Shâ - Astonaige Medoz (voice) (1988)

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