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terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2017

Amy Hargreaves

Amy Hargreaves
Nome - Amy Hargreaves
Instagram - @amyhargreavesofficial
Nascimento - 27/01/1970
Cidade Natal - Rockville Center, Long Island, New York, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Dubladora


♀ Untitled 'American Story' - Helen (2024)
♀ Test Screening - DeeDee (2024)
♀ The Hope Chest Has a Secret Drawer - Rue (2023)
♀ Founders Day - Blair Gladwell (2023)
♀ Intermedium - Diane Moseley (2023)
♀ The Warrant: Breaker's Law - Charlotte (2023)
♀ Hayseed - Jane Fulcher (2023)
♀ FBI: Os Mais Procurados - DOJ Agent Liv Whitley (2022)
♀ Hungry Dog Blues - Ronnie Day (2022)
♀ Billions - Majority Leader Jess Barkin (2022)
♀ Linoleum - Linda (2022)
♀ They/Them/Us - Lisa Harper (2021)
♀ Bull - Kathleen Peterson (2021)
♀ Sometime Other Than Now - Maureen (2021)
♀ The Film Crew - Actor (2020)
♀ Paint - Leslie Pierson (2020)
13 Reasons Why - Lainie Jensen (2017-2020)
♀ Homeland - Maggie Mathison (2011-2020)
♀ Lei e Ordem: Unidade de Vítimas Especiais - Dr. Alexis Hanover / Iris Petersen / Jane Wellesley (2003-2020)
♀ Mommy Blogger - Sandra (2019)
♀ A Mulher Milagrosa - Sister Semple (2019)
♀ Buck Run - Karen Templeton (2019)
♀ Unintended - Molly (2018)
♀ Quantum - Mother (2018)
♀ Paint - Leslie (2018)
♀ Sem Fôlego - Aunt Jenny (2017)
♀ Purple Haze (2017)
♀ Tempos Obscuros - Karen (2017)
♀ Ponto Cego - Olivia Delidio (2015-2016)
♀ Prism - Donna (2015)
♀ The Preppie Connection - Ingrid (2015)
♀ Power - Cindy Chambers (2015)
♀ Infiel - Ellen (2015)
♀ Os Mistérios de Laura - Nancy Santamaria (2015)
♀ Elementar - Jill Horowitz (2015)
♀ Prism - Donna (2015)
♀ Guilty - Lisa McCormick (2013)
♀ Lawn Care - Nina (2013)
♀ Lista Negra - Anne Forrester (2013)
♀ Trooper - Mimi Stanhope (2013)
♀ Ruína Azul - Sam (2013)
♀ The Following - DeeDee (2013)
♀ The Carrie Diaries - Gail (2013)
♀ Lei e Ordem: Unidade de Vítimas Especiais - Iris Petersen / Jane Wellesley (2003-2012)
♀ Blue Bloods - Dr. Karen Folson (2012)
♀ Pessoa de Interesse - Leslie Powell (2012)
♀ Alan Smithee - Mrs. Smithee (2011)
♀ Shame - Hotel Lover (2011)
♀ Mercy - Karen (2009)
♀ When the Evening Comes - Katharine (2009)
♀ A Descendência - Amy Halbard (2009)
♀ The Unusuals - Madeline Reed (2009)
♀ Contra Corrente - Sarah Kane (2009)
♀ Just Make Believe - Kristin's Sister (2008)
♀ El camino - Sissy (2008)
♀ Conduta de Risco - Interviewer (2007)
♀ Lei e Ordem - Dana Wechsler (2006)
♀ Delírios - Nikki Blake (2006)
♀ Parceiros da Vida - Haley Sundstrom (2002-2003)
♀ Little Bill - Isabel (2003)
♀ Lei e Ordem: Crimes Premeditados - Karyn Milner (2002)
♀ Growing Down in Brooklyn - Linda (2000)
♀ Family Law - Anita Candella (1999)
♀ Cracker - Cathy (1999)
♀ Bondade na Alma - Adult Daphne (1998)
♀ Somewhere in the City (1998)
♀ Flashback - Patty McIntyre (1997)
♀ Matt Waters - Chloe Drescher (1996)
♀ Ride for Your Life (Video Game) (Voice) (1995)
♀ Tilt-A-Whirl (1995)
♀ Remember Me - Amy Nelson (1995)
♀ ABC Afterschool Specials - Christine (1994)
♀ Brainscan: Jogo Mortal - Kimberly (1994)
♀ Lifestories: Families in Crisis - Cindy (1992)

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