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sexta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2017

Andrew Jenkins

Andrew Jenkins
Nome - Andrew Jenkins
Instagram -
Nascimento - 28/12/1988
Cidade Natal - Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Profissão - Ator, Escritor, Produtor,


♂ Siren: A Lenda das Sereias - Doug Pownall (2018–2019)
♂ O Predador - Lieutenant (não creditado)(2018)
♂ Freefall - Ivan (2017)
♂ Imposters - Bobby (2017)
♂ The Orchard - Accordion Player (2016)
♂ A Time to Dance - Matt (2016)
♂ Sandra Brown's White Hot - Deputy Scott (2016)
♂ Lost Solace - Spence (2016)
♂ Era Uma Vez - Sir Percival (2015)
♂ Wayward Pines - Ted Laufer (2015)
♂ Saindo do Armário - Country Singer (uncredited)(2014)
♂ Nowhere But Here - Danny (2013)
♂ Sobrenatural - Peter Jenkins (2013)
♂ The Guerilla Picture Show - Jason (2013)
♂ The Killing - Cody (2013)
♂ Locked in a Garage Band - Scott (2012)
♂ The Firm - Nate (2012)
♂ The Trailer Park Holiday - Gunner (2011)
♂ Tower Prep - Jeremy / Odin (2010)
♂ Stormworld - Jason (2009)
♂ Zombie Punch - Infobrat74 (2009)
♂ Raja - Rob (2007)
♂ Saving Grace - Eddie Austin (2007)

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