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terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2017

Brian d'Arcy James

Brian d'Arcy James
Nome - Brian d'Arcy James
Instagram - @briandarcyjames
Nascimento - 29/06/1968
Cidade Natal - Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador


Evil: Contatos Sobrenaturais - Victor LeConte (2021-2024)
♂ Máfia da Dor - Dr. Lydell (2023)
♂ Capitão Fall - Additional Voices (narração)(2023)
♂ Amor e Morte - Dr. Fred Fason (2023)
♂ Querido Edward - Bruce (2023)
♂ Devil's Peak - Bo (2023)
♂ She Came to Me - Trey (2023)
♂ Let Me Go the Right Way - Dr. Kemp (2022)
♂ O Mundo dos Centauros - The General (voice)(2021)
♂ Amor, Sublime Amor - Officer Krupke (2021)
♂ Gavião Arqueiro - Derek Bishop (2021)
♂ The Cathedral - Richard Damrosch (2021)
♂ The Comey Rule - Mark Giuliano (2020)
♂ Devs - Anton (2020)
♂ O Escândalo - Brian Wilson (uncredited)(2019)
♂ Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Lawyer (2019)
♂ Beneath the Blue Suburban Skies (2019)
♂ Rainhas do Crime - Jimmy Brennan (2019)
X-Men: Fênix Negra - President of the United States (2019)
♂ O Primeiro Homem - Joe Walker (2018)
13 Reasons Why - Andy Baker (2017-2018)
♂ All These Small Moments - Tom Sheffield (2018)
♂ Song of Back and Neck (2018)
♂ 1922 - Sheriff Jones (2017)
♂ A Grande Jogada - Brad (2017)
♂ Mark Felt: O Homem que Derrubou a Casa Branca - Robert Kunkel (2017)
♂ Manhunt: Unabomber - Dr. Henry A. Murray (2017)
♂ Trouble - Logan (2017)
♂ Rebel in the Rye - Giroux (2017)
♂ Civil - Graham Beller (2017)
♂ Mozart in the Jungle - Beethoven (2016)
♂ Irmãs - Jerry (2015)
♂ Spotlight: Segredos Revelados - Matt Carroll (2015)
♂ Hoke - Henry Hickey (2014)
♂ The Funtastix - Andrew (2014)
♂ Lei e Ordem: Unidade de Vítimas Especiais - Adam Brubeck (2014)
♂ O Encontro - Mark (2014)
♂ Submissions Only - Read Whatley (2014)
♂ Ironside - Bill Broughton (2013)
♂ Shrek, o Musical - Shrek (2013)
♂ Smash - Frank Houston (2012-2013)
♂ The Good Wife - Detective Nolan (2013)
♂ It Could Be Worse - Happy (2013)
♂ A Seleção - Christopher Flynn (2013)
♂ Bird in a Box - Walter (2012)
♂ The Fitzgerald Family Christmas - Skippy (2012)
♂ The Big C - Tim (2012)
♂ Virada no Jogo - Ted Frank (2012)
♂ Pessoa de Interesse - Wheeler (2011)
♂ Solteiros Com Filhos - Husband in Restaurant (2011)
♂ Ghost Town: Um Espírito Atrás de Mim - Irish Eddie (2008)
♂ Esquadrão Resgate - Veterinarian (2006)
♂ Neurotica - Andrew (2004)
♂ Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (Video Game) - Davis / Pvt. Brooks (voice) (2003)
♂ G: Triângulo Amoroso - Lloyd (2002)
♂ Abrindo o Jogo - Al Michaels (uncredited) (2002)
♂ The Education of Max Bickford - Bary Sheppard / Gary (2001)
♂ Exiled - Brinkley (1999)
♂ Sax and Violins (1997)
♂ The City - Mark / Ned Ashton (1995)

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