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domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2018

Danica McKellar

Danica McKellar
Nome - Danica Mae McKellar
Instagram - @danicamckellar
Nascimento - 03/01/1975
Cidade Natal - La Jolla, California, USA
Profissão - Atriz, Dubladora, Escritora, Produtora


♀ A Cinderella Christmas Ball - Chelsea Jones (2024)
♀ A Royal Christmas Romance - Bella Sparks (2023)
♀ Swing Into Romance - Christine Sims (2023)
♀ Natal no Cine Drive-In - Sadie Walker (2022)
♀ Justiça Jovem - Miss MartianM'gann M'orzzMegan Morse (narração)(2010–2022)
♀ Economia doméstica - Alison (2021–2022)
♀ The Winter Palace - Emily Miller (2022)
♀ You, Me and the Christmas Trees - Olivia (2021)
♀ Mistérios de Amor: Um Romance Fatal - Angie Dove (2019-2021)
♀ Natal por Escrito - Kayleigh King (2020)
♀ Christmas at Dollywood - Rachel (2019)
♀ Verão, Amor and Pets - Ally Craig (2019)
♀ Bongee Bear and the Kingdom of Rhythm - Brittany (voice) (2019)
♀ Natal em Grand Valley - Kelly (2018)
♀ DC Super Hero Girls - Frost / Selfie Teen (voice) (2015-2018)
♀ O Despertar das Tartarugas Ninja - Taylor Martin (voice) (2018)
♀ A Lei de Milo Murphy - Veronica / Additional Voices (voice) (2016-2018)
♀ Arquitetura do Amor - Hannah McElroy (2018)
♀ DC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis - Frost (voice) (2018)
♀ LEGO DC Super Hero Girls: Super-villain High - Frost (voice) (2018)
♀ Very, Very, Valentine - Helen (2018)
♀ Coming Home for Christmas - Lizzie (2017)
♀ Project Mc² - The Quail (2015-2017)
♀ DC Super Girls: Jogos Intergaláticos - Frost (voice) (2017)
♀ Campfire Kiss - Dana (2017)
♀ Os Jetsons e as Super-Estrelas do WWE - Judy Jetson (voice) (2017)
♀ Mommy, I Didn't Do It - Ellen Plainview (2017)
♀ My Christmas Dream - Christina (2016)
♀ DC Super Girls: Heroína do Ano - Frost (voice) (2016)
♀ Wedding Bells - Molly Quinn (2016)
♀ Crown for Christmas - Allie (2015)
♀ Perfect Match - Jessica (2015)
♀ Transformers: Rescue Bots - Hayley (voice) (2014-2015)
♀ Stage Door Divas - Backstage at Grease (2014)
♀ Phineas e Ferb - Additional Voices / Becky (voice) (2008-2014)
♀ De Onde Vem a Esperança - Susan (2014)
♀ The Wrong Woman - Ellen (2013)
♀ Young Justice: Legacy (Video Game) - M'gann M'orzz / Miss Martian / Barbara Gordon (voice) (2013)
♀ Avril Lavigne: Rock N Roll - Winnie Cooperre (2013)
♀ Nerdist: Course of the Force - Princess Leia (2013)
♀ A Vida Secreta de uma Adolescente Americana - Danica McKellar (2013)
♀ Mutante Rex - Claire (voice) (2010-2013)
♀ Demônios da Tasmânia - Alex (2013)
♀ Amor na Mesa de Natal - Kat Patton (2012)
♀ Mancation - Rebecca (2012)
♀ Flatland 2: Sphereland - Aero (2012)
♀ G.I. Joe: Renegades - Sister Leia / Woman (voice) (2011)
♀ DC Showcase: Superman e Shazam!: O Retorno do Adão Negro - Sally (voice) (2010)
♀ DC Showcase Original Shorts Collection - Sally (voice) (2010)
♀ Scooby-Doo Abracadabra-Doo - Madelyn Dinkley (voice) (2010)
♀ Big Bang: A Teoria - Abby (2010)
♀ 21 and a Wake-Up - Jenny Valentine (2009)
♀ Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (Video Game) - Invisible Woman (voice) (2009)
♀ Heatstroke - Caroline (2008)
♀ Como Eu Conheci Sua Mãe - Trudy (2005-2007)
♀ Hack! - Emily (2007)
♀ Inspector Mom: Kidnapped in Ten Easy Steps - Maddie Monroe (2007)
♀ Inspector Mom - Maddie Monroe (2006-2007)
♀ Random! Cartoons - Katerina Metropoulos 'Kat' (voice) (2007)
♀ Cyberchase: A Corrida do Espaço - Wanda (2006)
♀ Inspector Mom - Maddie Monroe (2006)
♀ Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Video Game) - Invisible Woman (voice) (2006)
♀ Shin Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams (Video Game) - Additional Voices (voice) (2006)
♀ Path of Destruction - Katherine Stern (2005)
♀ Strong Medicine - Natalie Pascal (2005)
♀ Nova Iorque Contra o Crime - Rosemary Wyatt (2005)
♀ Jack and Bobby - Keirsten (2005)
♀ NCIS: Investigações Criminais - Erin Kendall (2005)
♀ Alfinetadas - Claudia (2004)
♀ EverQuest II (Video Game) - Lolla Cotgrove / Pona (voice) (2004)
♀ X-Men Legends (Video Game) - Jubilee (voice) (2004)
♀ Quiet Kill - Pet Shop Girl (2004)
♀ Static Shock - Frieda Goren / Talon / Teresa (voice) (2000-2004)
♀ Intermission - Sleepwalker (2004)
♀ Century City - Sally (2004)
♀ Game Over - Elsa (2004)
♀ Raising Genius - Lacy Baldwin (2004)
♀ O Rei do Pedaço - Misty / Sharona (voice) (2004)
♀ West Wing: Nos Bastidores do Poder - Elsie Snuffin (2002-2003)
♀ Black Hole - Rachael (2002)
♀ Naked Movie - Danica McKellar (2002)
♀ Sexo na Adolescência - Debbie (2002)
♀ Liga da Justiça - Sapphire Stagg / Bystander (voice) (2002)
♀ Hip, Edgy, Sexy, Cool - Sissie (2002)
♀ The Year That Trembled - Pam Hatch (2002)
♀ Jane White Is Sick and Twisted - Tiffany (2002)
♀ Reality School - Sexy Sally (2002)
♀ Good Neighbor - Molly Wright (2001)
♀ Mano a Mana - Sandrine (2001)
♀ Speechless... - Dana Woodman (2001)
♀ XCU: Extreme Close Up - Sarah (2001)
♀ The Division - Wendy (2001)
♀ Working - Jolie (1998-1999)
♀ Random Play - Daughter (1999)
♀ Love Boat: The Next Wave - Mary Dutton (1998)
♀ Justice for Annie: A Moment of Truth Movie - Annie Mills Carman (1996)
♀ Sirens - Alison Trent (1994)
♀ Chuck Norris: O Homem da Lei - Laurie Maston (1994)
♀ O Berço da Conspiração - Kristin Guthrie (1994)
♀ Babylon 5 - Aria Tensus (1994)
♀ Anos Incríveis - Winnie Cooper (1988-1993)
♀ Unidos Para Vencer - Lauren (1992)
♀ Capitão Planeta - Lisa (voice) (1992)
♀ Camp Cucamonga - Lindsey Scott (1990)
♀ Super Mario Bros. Super Show - Patty (1989)
♀ Debbie Gibson: No More Rhyme - Girl Playing Cello (1989)
♀ Além da Imaginação - Deidre Dobbs / Nola - Age 10 (1985-1987)

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