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terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2018

Gabriel Mann

Gabriel Mann
Nome - Gabriel Mann
Instagram - @gabriel_mann
Nascimento - 14/05/1972
Cidade Natal - Middlebury, Vermont, USA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador


♂ Lista Negra - Ilya Koslov (2019-2021)
♂ Batwoman - Tommy Elliot / Hush (2019-2020)
Dilema - Gage Scott (2019)
♂ Havaí Cinco-0 - Lee Berg (2018)
♂ Damnation - Martin Eggers Hyde, PhD (2017-2018)
♂ Ray Donovan - Jacob Waller (2016)
♂ Rush Hour - Reginald Mason (2016)
♂ Os Mistérios de Laura - Shane Allen (2015)
♂ Revenge - Nolan Ross (2011-2015)
♂ Cesar Chavez - Bogdanovich Junior (2014)
♂ Zerosome - Michael 'Lippy' Lippman (2013)
♂ Revenge: The First Chapter - Narrator / Nolan Ross (2012)
♂ Os Vingadores - Os Maiores Heróis da Terra - Bruce Banner (2010-2012)
♂ Fake - Daniel Jakor (2011)
♂ Psych:9 - Cole Hanniger (2010)
♂ Legend of the Seeker - Young Zeddicus Zul Zorander (2009-2010)
♂ The Coverup - Stu Pepper (2008)
♂ Wolverine e os X-Men - Bruce Banner (voice) (2008)
♂ Mad Men: Inventando Verdades - Arthur Case (2008)
♂ The Rainbow Tribe - Mr. Murray (2008)
♂ Dark Streets - Chaz Davenport (2008)
♂ 80 Minutos para Viver ou Morrer - Alex North (2008)
♂ O Sabor de uma Paixão - Ethan (2008)
♂ Demption - Paul (2008)
♂ Love and Mary - Brent / Jake (2007)
♂ Valley of the Heart's Delight - Jack Pacheco (2006)
♂ Mente Perigosa - Michael (2005)
♂ The Big Empty - The Thoughtful Man (2005)
♂ Estrela Solitária - Earl (2005)
♂ De Repente é Amor - Peter (2005)
♂ Domínio: Prequela do Exorcista - Father Francis (2005)
♂ Drum - Jurgen Schadeberg (2004)
♂ A Supremacia Bourne - Danny Zorn (2004)
♂ Carnivale - Harlan Staub (2003)
♂ A Vida de David Gale - Zack Stemmons (2003)
♂ Jeremiah - Andrew Kincaid (2002)
♂ A Identidade Bourne - Zorn (2002)
♂ Sem Pistas - Harrison Hobart(2002)
♂ Planet of the Apes (Video Game) (voice) (2001)
♂ Guerreiros Buffalo - Pfc. Brian Knoll (2001)
♂ New Port South - Wilson (2001)
♂ Jogada de Verão - Auggie Mulligan (2001)
♂ Josie e as Gatinhas - Alan M. (2001)
♂ Things Behind the Sun - Owen (2001)
♂ Sleep Easy, Hutch Rimes - Jesse Proudfit (2000)
♂ Medo Em Cherry Falls - Kenny Ascott (2000)
♂ Time of Your Life - Ethan (2000)
♂ Wasteland - Justin (1999)
♂ Deixa Rolar - Jack Wheeler (1999)
♂ American Virgin - Brian (1999)
♂ Dying to Live - Matthew 'Matt' Jannett (1999)
♂ No Vacancy - Michael (1999)
♂ Fantasy Island - Cybil Hammond (1999)
♂ Beijo De Fogo - Kenneth (1998)
♂ Grandes Esperanças - Owen (1998)
♂ High Art : Retratos Sublimes - James (1998)
♂ How to Make the Cruelest Month - Leonard Crane (1998)
♂ Heart Full of Rain - Jacob Dockett (1997)
♂ Plantão Médico - Carl Twomey (1997)
♂ Harvest of Fire - John Beiler (1996)
♂ Um Tiro para Andy Warhol - Clean Cut Boy (1996)
♂ Stonewall - Rioter (1995)
♂ Parallel Sons - Seth Carlson (1995)

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