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sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2018

Gage Munroe

Gage Munroe
Nome - Gage Alexander McIver Munroe
Instagram -
Nascimento - 04/01/1999
Cidade Natal - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador


♂ Law and Order Toronto: Criminal Intent - Kai Powell (2024)
♂ Uma Garota de Muita Sorte - Peyton Powell (2022)
♂ Tales of the Walking Dead - Arnaud (2022)
♂ Oracle 2: The Dreamland Murders - Elliott (2022)
♂ Transplant: Uma Nova Vida - Cory (2022)
♂ Nurses: Plantão Enfermagem - Maddox (2021)
♂ A Bruxa do Bem - Michael (2021)
♂ Anônimo - Blake Mansell (2021)
♂ D.N. Ace (narração)(2020)
♂ Hotel Transilvânia - Hank (voice) (2017-2019)
♂ Brotherhood - Jack Wigington (2019)
♂ Hudson and Rex - Scott Dwyer (2019)
♂ Convidado de Honra - Walter (2019)
♂ Little People - Wayne Whale (2018)
♂ Frontier - Baby-Faced Redcoat (2018)
♂ Sete Minutos na Escuridão - Eric Dragle (2018)
♂ Ransom - Chris (2018)
♂ Designated Survivor - Matthew Jennings (2018)
♂ Epic Studios - Tre Salvation (2017)
♂ The Expanse - Jefferson Errinwright (2017)
A Cabana - Josh Phillips (2017)
♂ Ransom - Chris (2017)
♂ Murdoch Mysteries - Stephen Taylor / Bobby Brackenreid (2010-2016)
♂ Little People - Moby Whale (2016)
♂ Dark Matter - TJ (2015)
♂ The Lizzie Borden Chronicles - Everett Chaswick (2015)
♂ Little Charmers - Prince Ferg (2015)
♂ Pirate's Passage - Jim Hawkins (voice)(2015)
♂ Meu Amigão Zão - Matt (2011-2014)
♂ Emily - Justin (2014)
♂ Lucky, o Patinho de Sorte - Danny (voice)(2014)
♂ Remedy - Kyle West (2014)
♂ Patrulha Canina - Marshall (2013-2014)
♂ Ella - Mikey (2013)
♂ Christmas with Tucker - George McCray (2013)
♂ Skating to New York - Art Bouchard (2013)
♂ Life with Boys - Jimmy (2013)
♂ Mad Ship - Petter Sorenson (2013)
♂ A Bela e a Fera - Milo (2013)
♂ Grojband - Mickey Mallory (voice)(2012)
♂ Alphas - Tyler Hicks (2012)
♂ Babar and the Adventures of Badou - Jake (2011-2012)
♂ I Declare War - P.K. Sullivan (2012)
♂ The Firm - Kyle Hannon (2012)
♂ Imortais - Acamas (2011)
♂ Justin Time - Justin Time (2011)
♂ Falling Skies - Eli Russell (2011)
♂ Sundays at Tiffany's - Young Michael (2011)
♂ Doodlebops Rockin' Road Show - Steve (2010)
♂ The Ron James Show - Thomas (2010)
♂ The Night Before the Night Before Christmas - Toby Fox (2010)
♂ Demônio - Jesse Bowden (uncredited)(2010)
♂ Mr Moon - Mr. Moon (2010)
♂ The Bridge - Eddy (2010)
♂ Break a Leg (2010)
♂ Super Why! - Dragon (voice)(2010)
♂ Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures - Devil Child (2010)
♂ Na Onda - George Ridgemount (2009)
♂ Hotbox (2009)
♂ The Jon Dore Television Show - 1800's Boy (2009)
♂ An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving - Solomon Bassett (2008)
♂ One Week - Young Ben (2008)
♂ Coopers' Camera - Dougie (2008)
♂ ReGenesis - Ryan / kid (2008)

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