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sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2018

Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood
Nome - Elijah Jordan Wood
Instagram -
Nascimento - 28/01/1981
Cidade Natal - Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
Profissão - Ator, Cantor, Dublador, Produtor


♂ Over the Garden Wall: 10th Anniversary Tribute - Wirt (voice)(2024)
♂ Batman: Arkham Shadow - Jonathan Crane (voice)(Video Game)(2024)
♂ Bookworm - Strawn (2024)
♂ The Toxic Avenger - Fritz Garbinger (2023)
♂ Depois da Festa - 'Yasper' (2023)
♂ Yellowjackets - Walter (2023)
♂ Sou de Virgem - Studious Guy (2023)
♂ Psychonauts 2 (Video Game) - Nick Johnsmith (voice)(2021)
♂ No Man of God - Bill Hagmaier (2021)
♂ The Friendship Onion (Podcast Series) (2021)
♂ Acampamento de Verão - Saxophone / Additional Voices (voice)(2018-2020)
♂ Home Movie: The Princess Bride - Prince Humperdinck (2020)
♂ Star Wars: A Resistência - Jace Rucklin (voice)(2018-2020)
♂ Darrylgorn - Elijah (2019)
♂ Drunk History - John Raines / Percy Shelley (2019)
♂ The NoSleep Podcast (Podcast Series) (2019)
♂ Vem Com o Papai- Norval Greenwood (2019)
♂ 11-11: Memories Retold (Video Game) - Harry (2018)
♂ Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - Todd Brotzman (2016-2017)
♂ The Postman Dreams 2 - Postman (2017)
♂ Já Não Me Sinto em Casa Nesse Mundo - Tony (2017)
♂ A Sacada - Waters (2016)
♂ O Último Caçador de Bruxas - Dolan 37th (2015)
♂ Henry - Narrated (2015)
♂ O Segredo Além do Jardim - Wirt / Additional Voices (voice) (2014)
♂ Wilfred - Ryan Newman (2011-2014)
♂ Set Fire to the Stars - John M. Brinnin (2014)
♂ Perseguição Virtual - Nick Chambers (2014)
♂ Broken Age (Video Game) - Shay (voice) (2014)
♂ Cooties: A Epidemia - Clint (2014)
♂ This Must Be the Only Fantasy (2013)
♂ Tome of the Unknown - Wirt (voice) (2013)
♂ Setup, Punch - Reuben Stein (2013)
♂ Toque de Mestre - Tom Selznick (2013)
♂ Vidas ao Vento - Sone (voice) (2013)
♂ Busca Alucinante - Johnny Shaw (2013)
♂ Peter Panzerfaust - Peter (voice) (2013)
♂ TRON: Uprising - Beck (voice) (2012-2013)
♂ The Narrative of Victor Karloch - William Merriwether (voice) (2012)
♂ O Hobbit: Uma Jornada Inesperada - Frodo (2012)
♂ Red vs. Blue - Sigma (voice) (2012)
♂ The Ballad of Danko Jones - Mouse (2012)
♂ Maníaco - Frank (2012)
♂ Revenge for Jolly! - Thomas (2012)
♂ Ilha do Tesouro - Ben Gunn (2012)
♂ Celeste e Jesse Para Sempre - Scott (2012)
♂ The Death and Return of Superman - Cyborg Superman / Hank Henshaw (2011)
Happy Feet 2: O Pinguim - Mumble (voice) (2011)
♂ Frango Robô - Frodo Baggins / Frankenberry / Scarecrow (voice) (2006-2011)
♂ Beastie Boys: Make Some Noise - Ad-Rock (2011)
♂ I Think Bad Thoughts - Mouse (2011)
♂ Boobie - James (2011)
♂ Funny or Die Presents... - James (2011)
♂ Fight for Your Right Revisited - Ad-Rock (2011)
♂ Rotas, Mapas e Dentes - Chester Chislehurst (voice) (2010)
♂ WWII in HD: The Air War - Andy Rooney (voice) (2010)
♂ Full of Regret - Mouse (2010)
♂ Uma Família da Pesada - Elijah Wood (voice) (2010)
♂ God of War III (Video Game) - Kratos' Brother (voice) (uncredited) (2010)
♂ O Casamento do Meu Ex - Chip Hayes (2010)
♂ Beyond All Boundaries - Corp. Wilfred Hanson / Capt. John C. Chapin (voice) (2009)
♂ Saturday Night Live - Elijah Wood (uncredited) (2009)
♂ 9: A Salvação - #9 (voice) (2009)
♂ The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (Video Game) - Spyro (voice) (2008)
♂ Enigmas de um Crime - Martin (2008)
♂ The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (Video Game) - Spyro (voice) (2007)
♂ Marco Zero - Feller (2007)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II The Rise of the Witch-king (Video Game) - Frodo Baggins (voice) (2006)
♂ American Dad! - Ethan (voice) (2006)
Happy Feet: O Pingüim - Mumble (voice) (2006)
♂ Happy Feet (Video Game) - Mumble (voice) (2006)
♂ Freak Show - Freak Mart Squirrel (voice) (2006)
♂ The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning (Video Game) - Spyro (voice) (2006)
♂ Bobby - William (2006)
♂ Paris, Te Amo - Le garçon (2006)
♂ Uma Vida Iluminada - Jonathan Safran Foer (2005)
♂ I'm Still Here: Real Diaries of Young People Who Lived During the Holocaust -Klaus Langer / Dawid Rubinowicz (voice) (2005)
♂ Sin City: A Cidade do Pecado - Kevin (2005)
♂ Hooligans - Matt Buckner (2005)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth (Video Game) - Frodo Baggins (voice) (2004)
♂ O Rei do Pedaço - Jason (voice) (2004)
♂ Brilho Eterno de uma Mente Sem Lembranças - Patrick (2004)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: O Retorno do Rei - Frodo (2003)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Video Game) - Frodo Baggins (voice) (2003)
♂ Pequenos Espiões 3-D: Game Over - The Guy (2003)
♂ Storyline Online (2003)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: As Duas Torres - Frodo (2002)
♂ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Video Game) - Frodo Baggins (voice) (2002)
♂ Franklin - Coyote (voice) (uncredited) (2002)
♂ Era Tudo Que Eu Queria - Jones (2002)
♂ A Polegarzinha 2 - Tom Thumb (voice) (2002)
♂ Quarta-Feira de Cinzas - Sean Sullivan (2002)
♂ O Senhor dos Anéis: A Sociedade do Anel - Frodo (2001)
♂ Roubos e Trapaças - Mikey (2000)
♂ Preto e Branco - Wren (1999)
♂ Pedaços de uma Vida - Barney Snow (1999)
♂ Prova Final - Casey Connor (1998)
♂ Impacto Profundo - Leo Biederman (1998)
♂ The Wonderful World of Disney - The Artful Dodger (1997)
♂ Tempestade de Gelo - Mikey Carver (1997)
♂ Homicide: Life on the Street - McPhee Broadman (1996)
♂ Adventures from the Book of Virtues - Icarus (voice) (1996)
♂ Flipper - Sandy Ricks (1996)
♂ The Cranberries: Ridiculous Thoughts - Boy with Hearphones (uncredited) (1995)
♂ A Árvore dos Sonhos - Stu Simmons (1994)
♂ O Anjo da Guarda - North (1994)
♂ Frasier - Ethan (voice) (1994)
♂ O Anjo Malvado - Mark (1993)
♂ As Aventuras de Huck Finn - Huck Finn (1993)
♂ Os Olhos do Silêncio - Little Boy (1993)
♂ Eternamente Jovem - Nat Cooper (1992)
♂ Day-O - Dayo (1992)
♂ Radio Flyer - Mike (1992)
♂ Paraíso - Willard Young (1991)
♂ Avalon - Michael Kaye (1990)
♂ Testemunha Silenciosa - Luke (1990)
♂ Justiça Cega - Sean Stretch (1990)
♂ De Volta para o Futuro Parte II - Video Game Boy (1989)

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